Assistant professor at the Department of Local Government Economics. Academic teacher and researcher.

Adiunkt w Katedrze Gospodarki Samorządu Terytorialnego. Pracownik naukowo - dydaktyczny

Członek Wydziałowej Komisji Oceniającej w kadencji 2020-2024 – Przedstawiciel ZNP

Legal Counsel; Mediator

Radca prawny; Mediator


Ph. D at Law; Legal Counsel.

Since 2004 the researcher at the Institute of Finance of the University of Łódź, since 2020 the researcher at the Institute of Spatial Economy.

Member of the Board of the Revitalization Forum Association.

Member of The Polish Association of Banking and Finance.

Participant of the ministerial research project: The transfer income of local self-government units and the ability to ensure sustainable regional and local development and increasing the level of absorption of EU funds (2010-12).

Expert in the international (norwegian-island-polish), governmental project DiverCITY – city for all, concerning the methods of involving private actors (2015-16);

Price Waterhouse Coopers expert in the consultataion of Łódź revitalization program (2015-16)

Expert of the Polish delegation during the Deuxieme Edition de la Semaine de Formation Internationale. Interpretation et Valorisation du Patrimoine, Bordeaux (France) organized by the French national association ANVPAH & VSSP and the French Embassy(2016);

Expert of the Polish delegation during Du Patrimoine au Paysage urbain regards croises, Ukraine / France / Pologne, Lviv (Ukraine) organized by the French Embassy in Ukraine (2017)


Main area of research interest includes energy policy in international and EU (financial) policy guidelines.


The latest publications:

Aneta Tylman, Witold Marańda, Paweł Marciniak, Rafał Kotas, Bartosz Sakowicz, Przemysław Sztoch, Michał Droz (2019) Forecasting Interruptions in Power Supply Using Photovoltaics in Poland – Case Study of Safe Pedestrian Crossing, "2019 MIXDES - 26th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems"", ss: 113-118;

Aneta Tylman, Monika Cysek-Pawlak (2019) CONTEMPORARY UNDERSTANDING OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND NEW TRENDS OF NEW URBANISM, "Economic and Social Development, 39th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development –"Sustainability from an Economic and Social Perspective", 1, ss: 35-42;

3.Aneta Tylman, Sylwia Krzysztofik (2019): Integrated urban revitalization and the new legal conditions for the development of housing policy in Poland on the example of the city of Łódź, 47th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development –"Sustainability from an Economic and Social Perspective”; ss. 42-50.


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