dr hab. Maciej Kozłowski
1. prowadzę wykłady, ćwiczenia z wybranych przedmiotów (pol., hiszp., ang.), ostatnio głównie dla studentów z programu Erasmus; prowadzę seminaria lic. i mag. (pol. i ang.) (wykłady z takich przedmiotów jak: mikro- i makroekonomia na poziomie podstawowym i średnio zaawansowanym (po polsku, angielsku i hiszpańsku), ekonomia matematyczna, polityka gospodarcza, metody oceny projektów inwestycyjnych (pol. i ang.), kreowanie nowych przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych, proces inwestycyjny (pol. i ang.), ekonomia menedżerska (pol. i ang.), zarządzanie projektami (pol. i ang.), rachunek efektywności inwestycji, strategie finansowania inwestycji (pol. i ang.), nowoczesne metody kierowania firmą, zarządzanie strategiczne (pol. i ang.), STREFA EURO – europejska integracja gospodarczo-walutowa, a także wykłady i konwersatoria z zarządzania finansami przedsiębiorstw po polsku i angielsku. Prowadzę także wykłady w języku angielskim dla studentów programu Erasmus: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Strategic Management, Project Management, Investment Decisions and Company’s Financial Strategies – selected aspects; prowadzę seminaria licencjackie i magisterskie (pol. i ang.) na dziennych i zaocznych studiach uzupełniających na kierunku FiB, Ekonomia, Economics; zakres tematyczny: inwestycje, MSP, finanse i bankowość, jednostki samorządowe i ich działalność, własność pracownicza; tematyka makroekonomiczna itp.; prowadzę także konwersatorium z mikroekonomii na studiach doktoranckich.)
2. opiekuję się specjalnością międzykierunkową na studiach stacjonarnych I stopnia „Kreowanie kompetencji menedżerskich”
3. uczestniczę jako członek w pracach Wydziałowej III Komisji ds. Przewodów Doktorskich
4. jestem stałym egzaminatorem z ekonomii jako dyscypliny dodatkowej w egzaminach doktorskich.
5. jestem członkiem Wydziałowej Komisji Stypendialnej dla doktorantów
6. uczestniczę w pracach Uniwersyteckiej Komisji ds. studiów doktoranckich
7. uczestniczę w posiedzeniach Rady Szkoły Doktorskiej Nauk Społecznych UŁ
8. recenzuję artykuły w międzynarodowych czasopismach (70-140 punktów)
Kozłowski Maciej, ORCID: 0000-0002-7749-6118
Maciej Kozłowski is an associate professor at the Lodz University. His interests are focused on tourism, management and economics, which results from graduating from marketing studies, lectures on strategic management and methods of financing enterprise development.
TEACHING ACTIVITY: Lectures on subjects such as: Economics, Mathematical economics, Economic policy, Investment process, Managerial Economics, Project Management, Modern methods of company management, Strategic Management, European economic and monetary integration; lectures for Erasmus students in English, Spanish: Investment Decisions and Company's Financial Strategies, Entrepreneurship and an Own Company. He conducts seminars BA, MA and on Ph.D. studies. EXPERIENCE: Permanent research activity from the beginning, participation in activity of Foundation of Industrial Democracy and in improving situation in Polish enterprises and safe workplaces, preparing and using program TQM in companies, participating in Action Research in Sweden as member of groups preparing case study for companies, cooperation with Work Research Institute in Oslo and Cornell Institute in New York and doing research in Spanish cooperatives.
Zainteresowania naukowo-badawcze:
własność pracownicza, spółdzielczość, metody oceny projektów inwestycyjnych, prywatyzacja, ekonomia społeczna, demokracja przemysłowa; inne: tematyka mikro i makroekonomiczna
1. BronzeMedalforlong service, 26 May 2008
2. A congratulatory letter of Polish Economic Society for the care of the scientific master's theses, which took first and third place in the competition for the best master's thesis in the field of economic sciences in the year 2013/2014 organized by the PTE in Lodz, 11 III 2015
3. Medal for long service for Higher Vocational School in Skierniewice, 26 V 2015
4. Gold Badge of University of Lodz, 13 X 2017
5. Rector’s Prize for book “The Consequences of the Privatization for Employee-Owned Companies. Polish case in comparison to other EU countries” (2018)
6. GoldMedalforlong service, 14th October 2022
1.IELTS (English), 1991
2.Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Nivel II (Basico), 1994
3.Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Ciclo Elemental del Primer Nivel, 1994
4.Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Ciclo Superior del Primer Nivel en el Idioma Castellano, 1995
5.Certificate of Participation in the Expert Panel on Delphi Analysis of the National Foresight Program Poland 2020 (October 2008).
6.Certificate of Participation in Summer Analytical Workshops under the ARIADNA project, „Basics of data analysis in scientific research”, Predictive Solutions, SPSS, Cracow 6-7 IX 2010
7.Certificate of completion of the training „Surveys, research methodology, tabular reports and charts”, Training Center SPPS Poland, Cracow 18-19 X 2010
8.Certificate of completion of the training “Commercialization of research and development results” under the project “Professional R & D staff”, co-financed by the EU within the framework of the ESF (July 2013).
9.Certificate of completion and examination of the basics of project management methodology PRINCE2, within the project “Professional R & D staff” co-financed by the EU under the ESF (6-8 VIII 2013).
10.Certificate of completion of the course "The use of MS Teams in education", with a very good result, Kraśnik 21 VII 2020
11.Certificate of participation in the training "Multicultural management", as part of the project "Building the competences of academic and administrative staff and increasing institutional capacity in the field of internationalization of the University of Lodz", February 18, 2021, Zoom platform
12.Certificate of completion of the training “Risk Management of participation in the network environment - lecturer - student”, PTE, for State Higher Vocational School under the name of Stefan Batory in Skierniewice as part of the project “Initiative to support the pursuit of excellence”, contract no. MEiN/DIR/IWDD/155/PZU/2021/13; Łódź, October 28, 2021
13.Certificate of participating in the training “Your author’s profile on Scopus”, Lodz 16 III 2022
14.Certificate of completion of training raising the competences and awareness of disability of the staff of the Stefan Batory Academy of Applied Sciences, entitled “Techniques of coping with student's aggression and own emotions in difficult situations, training in stress control and relaxation”, 16 hours (2 training days) organized as part of the project “Apertus university available to everyone”, Skierniewice 08-09.11.2022
15.Certificate of completion of training raising the competences and awareness of disability of the staff of the Stefan Batory Academy of Applied Sciences, entitled “University in the face of mental disorders. Communication and forms of educational support for students and candidates for studies with mental disorders, including the Autism spectrum”, 16 hours (2 training days) organized as part of the project “Apertus university available to all”, Skierniewice 30.11.-01.12.2022
16.Certificate of completion of training raising the competences and awareness of disability of the staff of the Stefan Batory Academy of Applied Sciences, entitled "Diagnosis of the needs and functioning of students with disabilities in the academic environment", 16 hours (2 training days) organized as part of the project “Apertus university available to everyone”, Skierniewice, 15-16.12.2022
Recipient: October 1993 - June 1994: Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Spain.
Recipient: Individual Mobility Grant - Tempus Phare; Spain V - VIII 1996.
„Innovativeness of railway transport in the context of the development of tourism in Poland”, współautor, Quality & Quantity 54(5), 2020,
„Development of tourism in Polish poviats in the years 2010–2017”, współautor, Quality & Quantity 54(5), 2020
„Unconventional incentive schemes in tourism enterprises, does it make sense?”, Quality & Quantity 54(5), 2020, p. 1613-1632
„The Third Stream as a New Model of Generating Revenue for Higher Education Institutions in Poland”, współautor A. Piotrowska-Piątek, European Research Studies Journal, volume XXIII, issue 2, 2020, s. 260-270
"Information and Communication Technologies in food and accommodation sector in EU countries: Sticker or challenge for tourism development?, co-authors: A. Piotrowska-Piątek, K. Brzozowska-Rup, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 171, October 2021, 120941
a) Participation in 27th Costa Rica Global Conference on Business and Finance (GCBF), paper: „Unconventional motivation tools in human resource management in transnational companies – model approach”, Institute for Business and Finance Research, LLC (IBFR), San Jose, Costa Rica, May 28-31, 2019.
a) Participation in webinar of David B. Audretsch on „The Threat Posed by the Covid-19 Pandemic to Democracy & Entrepreneurship”, 13 XI 2020, starting time 15.00, organized by EBES and GLO
b) Participation in the 3rd Scientific Conference “Analytical Challenges 2021”, Predictive Solutions, Krakow, 13 January 2021, online
c) Participation in webinar “How to effectively prepare your Erasmus+ project proposal”, January 27th from 10:00 to 11:30 CET, online
d) Participation in webinar „How to improve article acceptance rate and publish quicker: a guide to getting published”, April 9, 2021, CET 15.00-16.00, online (Certificate)
e) Participation in webinar “Your author profile on Scopus” by Paula Milewska, 16 III 2022 (online)
f) Participation in webinar “Writefull for Institutions: The New Generation of Academic Writing Help”, 24 III 2022, online
g) Participation in 39th EBES (Eurasia Business and Economics Society) 2022 Conference – Rome, paper: “Factors Influencing An Implementation Of Financial Participation Programmes In Polish Companies - Some Relationships”, Rome, Italy, April 6-8, 2022
tel: 42-635-55-13
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