PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Maria Inmaculada Frutos Parralejo



I am involved in research on:

- Biodiversity and ecology of suprabenthic communities from coastal to deep-sea waters

- Taxonomy, Systematics and Biogeography of Peracarida (Crustacea: Malacostraca)

- Diversity and Connectivity of deep-sea Peracarida

I am Polish coordinator of NAWA PHC-Polonium project in collaboration with MNHN Paris (France) assessing the biodiversity in New Caledonia waters


Education and Professional experience

Since 2018 Adjunct, University of Lodz, Department of Invertebrate Zoology & Hydrobiology

2014 – 2018 Post-doc, Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg (Germany)

2008 – 2013 Researcher, Spanish Institute of Oceanography. La Coruña & Santander (Spain)

2007 – 2008 Post-doc, Marine Station of Arcachon, University of Bordeaux (France)

2004 – 2007 Researcher, Spanish Institute of Oceanography. La Coruña (Spain)

1999 – 2000 Invertebrate Collection. National Museum of Natural Sciences, Madrid (Spain)

2006 PhD – Marine Biology. University of Alcalá (Spain)

Dissertation: The subtidal suprabenthic communities of the Ría de La Coruña and adjacent shelf (NW Iberian Peninsula).

Research projects (last 5 years):

- 2020–2021 «BIOAKA: Biodiversity of Amphipods from Kanaky (New Caledonia)» PHC-Polonium - Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. Polish coordinator.

- 2019–2022 «Biodiversity patterns and scale: the case of peracarid crustacea from south-eastern Australia (BIOPASS). Polish National Science Centre. Researcher.

- 2018–2019 «The suprabenthic diversity yielded in the TAG site: is there connectivity along the ridge?» InterRidge Consortium Grant. Project manager.

- 2017 «Abyssal Peracarida diversity in the North Atlantic Ocean: What’s about the Demerara plain?» EU SHYNTESYS Grant

- 2014–2018 «Bathymetry of the Vema-Fracture Zone and Puerto Rico TRench and Abyssal AtlaNtic BiodiverSITy Study». Post-doc. (German Ministry for Science & Education; PI: Angelika Brandt).

Last research expeditions (in total: 644 working days at sea)

- KANADEEP2. R/V L'Atalante. New Caledonia deep waters. September‒October 2019

- IceAGE_RR. R/V Maria S. Merian. Steinahóll vent field and Reykjanes Ridge. June‒August 2018

- BICOSE2. R/V Pourquoi pas? TAG and Snake Pit sites (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). January–March 2018

- SokhoBio. R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev. Sea of Okhotsk (NW Pacific). July–August 2015

- Vema-TRANSIT. R/V Sonne. Vema Fracture Zone & Puerto Rico Trench. December 2014–January 2015


My research interests are peracarid crustaceans: their biodiversity and ecology and their role in the suprabenthic communities from coastal to deep-sea waters.

Their taxonomy and systematics supplemented with biogeography allow me to assess their biodiversity and connectivity in the deep sea.


tel: 42-635-42-94

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