PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Sławomir Pasikowski



Stanowisko naukowo-dydaktyczne. Obowiązki: prowadzenie badań naukowych i ich publikacja, prowadzenie dydaktyki w zakresie metodologii badań edukacyjnych oraz statystyki.

Research and teaching position. Responsibilities: research and publication, teaching in the field of educational research methodology and statistics.


Habilitation in Education Sciences, specializations: methodology of scientific research in education,

2020 – University of Lodz. Scientific accomplishment: Individual methodological orientations. Modeling

and measurement,

Doctor of Philosophy in Education Sciences, 2010 – University of Gdańsk. Dissertation: Ambivalence of

attitudes and manifestation of resistance to an educational institution,

Master of Psychology, 2006 – University of Gdańsk,

Master of Resocialization Pedagogics, 2004 – University of Gdańsk,

Post-diploma studies in the field of statistical data analysis, 2013 – Poznań University Economic and


Post-diploma studies in clinical psychology, 2009 – Medical University of Gdańsk.

Section of Pedagogical Research Methodology at the Committee on Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish

Academy of Sciences, Vice-chair, 2020 – 2024,

European Association of Methodology, 2018 – until now


Social science methodology, logic foundations of research methods, measurement in education,

designing research tools, statistics, education in scientific research methodology.


Selected publication:

Zajda, K.K., Pasikowski, S., Kretek-Kamińska, A. (2020). The implementation of grassroots product-oriented social innovations by non-governmental organisations: proposal of a measurement tool. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research,

Pasikowski, S. (2019). Individual Methodological Orientations – Theoretical Background and a Model of the Phenomenon. Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych/Educational Studies Review, 28(1), 111-147.

Pasikowski, S. (2019). Pomiar pośredni cech modelowanych w strukturze opozycji. Formuły integracji danych/Indirect measurement of the quantities modelled in the opposition structure. Data integration formulas. Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych/Educational Studies Review, 28a, pp. 66. ISBN 978-83-231-4192-1.


pok. 104, budynek B, ul. Pomorska 46/48: 42-665-50-65

Pomorska 46/48 pokój: 104 91-408 Łódź