Dydaktyka w zakresie: finanse behawioralne, fundamentalne uwarunkowania zmienności cen akcji, koniunktura giełdowa a koniunktura gospodarcza, modelowanie stóp zwrotu na rynkach finansowych, finanse korporacyjne, rynki finansowe Emerging Markets.

Badania naukowe w zakresie: rynki finansowe, ekonometryczne modelowanie rynków finansowych, finanse behawioralne, fundamentalne uwarunkowania zmienności cen akcji, koniunktura giełdowa a koniunktura gospodarcza, modelowanie stóp zwrotu na rynkach finansowych, finanse korporacyjne, rynki finansowe Emerging Markets, sustainability, etyka w finansach.


Selected publications:

Schabek T. (2020). The financial performance of sustainable power producers in emerging markets, Renewable Energy 160, 1408-1419

Schabek T., Olgić Draženović B., Mance D., (2019), Reaction of Zagreb Stock ExchangeCROBEX Index to macroeconomic announcements within a high frequency time interval,“Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics and Business”, 37(2), pp.741-758

Zaremba A., Schabek T. (2017). Seasonality in government bond returns and factor premia, Research in International Business and Finance, 41, 292-302

Schabek T. „Czynniki behawioralne i fundamentalne a stopy zwrotu z akcji rynków wschodzących. Polska i Brazylia”, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016


Financial markets. Income&wealth distribution. Ethics. Constructions. Physics. Medicine. Travelling


• National Bank of Poland – Laureate of the President’s of National Bank of Poland Contest for Best Doctoral Thesis, 2016
• National Centre of Science (Polish: NCN): ETIUDA II grant, research stay at University of Sao Paulo, 2014
• University of Lodz Rector’s prize for the best academic articles in the field of finance and investing, 2012
• Passed international exam CFA Level II, June 2012, Warsaw
• CFA Society of Poland Scholarship ‘2012
• Passed international exam CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Level I, December 2010, London
• Finalist of “Young Economist” Contest organized by TEP and FOR, Warsaw
• Laureate of the 3rd edition of Academy of the Capital Market Leaders organized by Leslaw A. Paga Foundation, 2008, Warsaw
• Finalist Primus Inter Pares – Student of Year 2008, Lodz
• National Finalist – international contest Global Management Challenge 2007, Warsaw


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