mgr Mark Tardi
Mark Tardi jest autorem trzech książek i licznych publikacji. Swój stopień MFA uzyskał na Brown University. Był stypendystą Fulbrighta w roku akademickim 2008/2009. Jego najnowsza książka, The Circus of Trust, została wydana przez Dalkey Archive w sierpniu 2017r., a jego przekład Daru meneli Roberta Rybickiego ukazał się w 2021 r. również nakładem Dalkey Archive.
Zainteresowania badawcze: współczesna literatura, media i teatr
Orcid/profil w PBN
Zainteresowania badawcze: współczesna literatura, tłumaczenie, media i teatr
Stypendia i współpraca akademicka
- Research Fellow, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas–Austin, 2022
- Fulbright Scholar, Senior Lecturer in American Literature & Culture, 2008–2009
- Peter Kaplan Memorial Fellowship, Brown University
- PEN/Heim Translation Grant, 2023
- National Endowment for the Arts, Literary Translation Fellowship, 2022
- Massachusetts Museum of Modern Art, Artist-in-Residence, January 2020
- Vermont Studio Center, Fellowship, July 2014
- Norman Millay Foundation Fellowship, Millay Colony for the Arts, 2011
- Djerassi Artist Residency Program, Fellowship, 2004
Wykłady gościnne:
- Nicolaus Copernicus University, “Mending Walls: On Robert Frost and the Contemporary Moment,” Toruń, Poland: December 2019
- University of Oklahoma, “Lies that Cleave: On Truth in Art,” Oklahoma:February 2019
- Nicolaus Copernicus University, “The Genre Bending of E.E. Cummings, Lisa Jarnot, and Michael Palmer,” Toruń, Poland: December 2018
- Minsk State Linguistic University, “On Literature & Mathematics,” Minsk, Belarus, November 2018. Plenary speaker (with five additional lectures given)
- Nicolaus Copernicus University, “The I of Each,” Toruń, Poland: December 2018
- Carthage College, “The Only Avant-Garde Remaining: On Literature & Mathematics,” and invited reading. Kenosha, Wisconsin, October 2017
- Millersville University, “Don DeLillo, David Foster Wallace, and the Calculus of Literature,” and invited reading & book signing. Millersville, Pennsylvania, September 2017
- University of Maine–Orono, New Writing Series: Invited reading & discussion; and class visit. Orono, Maine, September 2017
- North Park University, “The Calculus of the Sublime: On Literature, Mathematics and Beauty,” What is Beauty? Lecture Series, Chicago, Illinois, September 2016
- University of Łódź, “Breaking the Bad: the Power of Cable in the 21st Century,”Young Researchers Conference on British and American Television, Plenary Lecture, Łódż,Poland, February 2012
Poezja (wydane książki):
- Odmiany Łapania Tchu (Variants of Catching Breath) (wstęp i red.), Łódź: Dom Literatury, 2022
- Robert Rybicki, The Squatters' Gift (tłum.), Dallas, Texas: Dalkey Archive Press, 2021
- The Circus of Trust, Victoria, Texas: Dalkey Archive Press, 2017
- Airport music, Providence, Rhode Island: Burning Deck, 2013 (SPD Bestseller)
- Euclid Shudders, Brooklyn, New York: Litmus Press––December, 2003 (Finalista National Poetry Series 2002)