mgr Mark Tardi
Mark Tardi is the author of the three books and numerous other publications. A former Fulbright scholar, he earned his MFA from Brown University. His most recent book, The Circus of Trust, was published by Dalkey Archive Press in August 2017. His English translations of The Squatters’ Gift by Robert Rybicki (Dalkey Archive Press) and Faith in Strangers by Katarzyna Szaulińska (Toad Press/Veliz Books) were published in 2021. His translation of Dogs of Smaller Breeds by Olga Hund is forthcoming from Astra House.
Orcid/PBN profile
His research interests include contemporary literature, translation, media, and theatre.
Scholarships and academic collaboration
- Research Fellow, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas–Austin, 2022
- Fulbright Scholar, Senior Lecturer in American Literature & Culture, 2008–2009
- Peter Kaplan Memorial Fellowship, Brown University
Honors & Awards:
- PEN/Heim Translation Grant, PEN America, 2023
- National Endowment for the Arts, Literary Translation Fellowship, 2022
- Massachusetts Museum of Modern Art, Artist-in-Residence, January 2020
- Vermont Studio Center, Fellowship, July 2014
- Norman Millay Foundation Fellowship, Millay Colony for the Arts, 2011
- Djerassi Artist Residency Program, Fellowship, 2004
Invited Lectures:
- Nicolaus Copernicus University, “Mending Walls: On Robert Frost and the Contemporary Moment,” Toruń, Poland: December 2019
- University of Oklahoma, “Lies that Cleave: On Truth in Art,” Oklahoma: February 2019
- Nicolaus Copernicus University, “The Genre-Bending of E.E. Cummings, Lisa Jarnot, and Michael Palmer,” Toruń, Poland: December 2018
- Minsk State Linguistic University, “On Literature & Mathematics,” Minsk, Belarus, November 2018. Plenary speaker (with five additional lectures given)
- Nicolaus Copernicus University, “The I of Each,” Toruń, Poland: December 2018
- Carthage College, “The Only Avant-Garde Remaining: On Literature & Mathematics,” and invited reading. Kenosha, Wisconsin, October 2017
- Millersville University, “Don DeLillo, David Foster Wallace, and the Calculus of Literature,” and invited reading & book signing. Millersville, Pennsylvania, September 2017
- University of Maine–Orono, New Writing Series: Invited reading & discussion; and class visit. Orono, Maine, September 2017
- North Park University, “The Calculus of the Sublime: On Literature, Mathematics, and Beauty,” What is Beauty? Lecture Series, Chicago, Illinois, September 2016
- University of Łódź, “Breaking the Bad: the Power of Cable in the 21st Century,” Young Researchers Conference on British and American Television, Plenary Lecture, Łódż, Poland, February 2012
Other (poetry & translations)
Published books:
- Odmiany Łapania Tchu (Variants of Catching Breath) (editor & introduction), Łódź: Dom Literatury, 2022
- The Squatters' Gift by Robert Rybicki (trans.), Dallas, Texas: Dalkey Archive Press, 2021
- Faith in Strangers by Katarzyna Szaulińska (trans.), Toad Press/Veliz Books, 2021
- The Circus of Trust, Victoria, Texas: Dalkey Archive Press, 2017
- Airport music, Providence, Rhode Island: Burning Deck, 2013 (SPD Bestseller)
- Euclid Shudders, Brooklyn, New York: Litmus Press––December, 2003 (Finalist for the 2002 National Poetry Series)