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The main tasks of the Young Scientists Development Council, which was established in 2020 by the Rector of the University of Lodz - Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska, are to take care of the conditions under which researchers begin their scientific careers and to help them conduct research. 

In addition, the Council focuses on, among others, developing strategies for retaining the most talented doctoral students at the University of Lodz, promoting grant activity and encouraging professors to involve young researchers in larger project teams. 

In the first year of the Council's tenure, its activities covered mobility of young scientists and promotion of their achievements on the national and international arena, grant activity, as well as quality of education and employee issues. Activities in this regard shall be undertaken within the framework of work of teams within the Council. The teams consist of the Council members. 


  • dr Aneta Tyc – Chairperson
  • dr Aleksandra Gawlik-Ramięga 
  • dr Michał Gorzkiewicz  
  • dr Łukasz Półtorak 
  • dr Małgorzata Frydrych 

The aim of the Team is to support young scientists of the University of Lodz in terms of mobility that contributes to achieving research excellence. 

Areas of the team activities: 

  1. Cooperation with the UL International Hub, including co-creation of this entity's website regarding information related to: 
    • financing of mobility initiatives by international universities or other external entities, 
    • international university networks, 
    • international conferences databases; 
  2. Providing assistance to young scientists with regard to efforts to obtain sources of mobility funding; 
  3. Informing young scientists about the latest programmes, grants and mobility grants; 
  4. Organising group and individual consultations with the Team members; 
  5. Developing activities aimed at internationalisation of young scientists;  
  6. Promoting mobility activities among young scientists; 
  7. Initiating meetings with the winners of the most prestigious mobility grants and residency grants at international universities; 
  8. Giving opinions of internal acts of the University of Lodz in the field of young scientists mobility; 
  9. Representing the Young Scientists Development Council with respect to the issues covered by the activity scope of the Team; 
  10. Accession to programmes, projects and international networks aimed at encouraging young scientists to take mobility activities; 
  11. Monitoring the results of the carried out activities and developing indicators of their effectiveness; 
  12. Preparing reports on the implementation of tasks and submitting them to the authorities of the University of Lodz.

  • Dr Łukasz Półtorak – Chairperson
  • Dr Aneta Tyc 
  • Dr Michał Gorzkiewicz 
  • Dr Zofia Brzozowska 

The aim of the team is to prepare solutions that will allow for increasing the activity and effectiveness of young scientists working at the University of Lodz in obtaining financial resources for the implementation of research projects. 

Below you can find an information folder with a summary of the available grant competitions addressed to scientists representing various stages of scientific careers: 

  • students at the level of bachelor's and master's degrees,
  • students at the level of doctoral studies,
  • employees holding a doctoral degree up to 7 years after completing their doctorate,
  • employees holding a master's degree until 35 years of age. 

Grants for young scientists - introductory information

  • dr Paulina Szymańska – Chairperson
  • dr Małgorzata Frydrych 
  • dr Jakub Zasina 
  • mgr Marcel Bartczak 

The aim of the team is to promote high quality education among young scientists and to support undertakings and regulations that allow for combining research and teaching work effectively. 

Areas of the team's activities: 

  1. Taking measures to balance the teaching burden in the initial years of employment and thus, facilitating scientific work, inter alia by recommending good practice in terms of organisation of classes run by young scientists and promoting pro-quality teaching materials and forms of work with students. 
  2. Giving advice on methods of evaluation of scientific and teaching activity of young scientists conducive to their comprehensive development. 
  3. Proposing, in the case of doctoral students and students, solutions that integrate scientific activities with participation in teaching classes. 
  4. Supporting research activity of student science clubs and student groups. 
  5. Dissemination of information on trainings that enhance research and teaching competence of young scientists.

  • dr Jakub Zasina – przewodniczący 
  • dr Aleksandra Gawlik-Ramięga 
  • dr Artur Modliński 
  • mgr Marcel Bartczak 

The aim of the team is to promote the achievements of young scientists of the University of Lodz and help popularize their activities in the first years of activity. 

 Areas of the team activities: 

  1. Initiating and co-implementing activities to increase the visibility of young scientists nationally and internationally. 
  2. Activity in terms of the promotion of research achievements of young scientists, including dissemination of their research results. 
  3. Establishing and maintaining relationships between young scientists. 
  4. Cooperation with the Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz, including participation in the elaboration of a guide for students, doctoral students and young employees. 
  5. Developing methods to help achieve the intended objectives.

  • dr Paweł Stępień – przewodniczący 
  • dr Paulina Szymańska 
  • dr Tomasz Zawadzki  

The aim of the works undertaken by the team is to review and implement changes concerning issues related to the functioning of young scientists as employees of the University. In this context, the most important activity of the team is ongoing monitoring of changes occurring at the University of Lodz,giving opinions on internal normative acts that govern the place of a young researcher at our University, as well as developing and submitting their own recommendations to the UL authorities. 

Among the most important areas that the team deals with, the following should be mentioned: 

  1. employment policy of young scientists at the University of Lodz; 
  2. conditions of professional promotion of young scientists;
  3. opportunities to improve professional qualifications;
  4. conditions for applying and obtaining scholarships by doctoral students;
  5. conditions for granting awards, incentive allowances for scientific, teaching and organisational activities;
  6. terms and conditions for the performance of evaluation of young scientists.


Young Scientists Development Council for the term of office of the authorities of the University of Lodz 2020-2024: 


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