It was already in 2017 that the University of Lodz obtained the title of HR Excellence in Research. This prestigious award is one of the activities of the European Commission as part of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, aimed at increasing attractiveness of working conditions and career development in the EU. The logo is awarded to the European institutions that provide researchers with the best working conditions and transparent recruitment processes in line with the principles of the Researcher's Charter and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in the EU.

In practical terms, the awarded distinction gives the opportunity to reward universities in grant competitions - both national and international.

The European Commission has appreciated efforts of the University of Lodz, among others, in terms of providing researchers with: a transparent recruitment process, opportunities for scientific career development, programmes supporting young scientists, stability of employment, substantive and financial assistance in the case of submitting and settling research projects.

The process of implementing the HR Excellence in Research standard at the University of Lodz became an impulse to review internal regulations being in force at the University, in particular: rules, the Senate resolutions, Rector's regulations in terms of consistency with the guidelines set out in the Charter and the Code. As a result of this review, the University authorities have decided to implement the solutions resulting from the programme. 

University of Lodz is currently focusing its strategic activities on:  

  • Preparation of a HR strategy corresponding to the changing university reality and expectations of the employees.
  • Implementation of solutions supporting employment of the best candidates for work.
  • Creating attractive conditions that guarantee stability of employment inter alia via the social system, conditions created for young employees in terms of parenthood, anti-mobbing and anti-discrimination activities.
  • The use of effective and properly selected mechanisms that motivate employees to work and to develop professionally.
  • Systematic monitoring of the effects of work and professional development.
  • Providing effective, professional administrative support for the development of science and didactics, particularly in the area of obtaining grants and funding research project.
  • Active recruitment of research, teaching and administrative staff with the highest competences and qualifications.

The tasks resulting from the HR Excellence in Research programme focus on:

  • Implementation of the adopted HR policy solutions.
  • Preparation and implementation of solutions preventing all kinds of discrimination and other forms of mobbing inter alia by appointing a team and, consequently, the Rector's Representative for counteracting discrimination.
  • Increasing mechanisms of competitiveness in competitions and clear recruitment criteria for candidates applying for employment at the University of Lodz, among others by introduction of the recruitment policy of the University of Lodz.
  • Publishing information on job offers in places that guarantee acquisition of the best candidates and make the message and information about vacant positions more attractive.
  • Removal of barriers to employing foreigners.
  • Inviting the best candidates for interviews, ensuring effective feedback for candidates during and after the recruitment process.
  • Creating conditions conducive to staff mobility.
  • Activisation of actions of the University in the area of attracting and employing visiting professors so as to expand international cooperation.



  • HR Excellence in Research 
  • ‘University Diversity’ Project 
  • Declaration of Social Responsibility


  • Diversity Charter 
  • The Rector's Representative for social responsibility of the University  
  • The Rector’s HR advisor


  • The first social responsibility report of a higher education institution at the University of Lodz 
  • Team for discrimination counteracting 

The process of applying for the HR Excellence in Research logo was long and the conditions that the University had to meet were very demanding. In 2015, by sending an official letter, the University of Lodz declared the European Commission to implement the principles described in two documents - the European Researcher’s Charter and the Code of Conduct. Over the following months, a specially appointed team analysed internal recruitment regulations of the University's for compliance with The European Charter and Code for Researchers.

After obtaining the results from the surveys on the working conditions of scientists at the University of Lodz, the team elaborated the HR Strategy and Action Plan.

University of Lodz is one of the 7 universities in Poland that can use the "HR Excellence in Research" logo. In total, the list includes 31 Polish institutions. 

The University of Lodz has received the HR logo in recognition of the consistent support for science and research at our University.