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"Wielki słownik języka polskiego" [The Great Dictionary of Polish] defines an exhibition as "a collection of specific objects presented for viewing in a specially designated place". And although the exhibitions that are prepared or co-organised by the University of Lodz usually engage the sense of sight and appear in a specific place (often in one of the two galleries of the University of Lodz), their objective is to induce reflection in the viewers – a critical assessment of the phenomenon that is outlined as broadly as possible.


That is why exhibitions are usually accompanied by a programme of events, including discussions, workshops or film screenings, which allow their attendees to look at a given issue in different ways. Openness is one of the values that guide us in our actions, which is why we enthusiastically listen to the polyphony of the audience and follow various meanings that viewers give to what they experience when participating in university art&science events.


time and place of the exhibition: 9 November (opening at 6:00 p.m.) – 30 December 2023, Wozownia 1/5 Gallery (Franciszkańska 1/5)

artist: Maciej Rawluk (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

curator: Marek Domański (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

description: The exhibition consists of photographs by Maciej Rawluk from the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, who has made nearly twenty trips to the suburbs of Warsaw. During his escapades, he documented suburbia and got to know an area that ceases to be a village and turns into a city, although most often it is yet something else – a separate form of space. Marek Domański (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz) is the curator of the project. The exhibition of Maciej Rawluk's photographs is another face of the theme of suburbia – this time in the capital city. 

the project websitevisit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 27 October (opening at 7:00 p.m.) – 15 December 2023, Wozownia 11 Gallery (M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 11)

artist: Aleksandra Wysokińska (Lodz University of Technology)

curatorTomasz Ferenc (University of Lodz)

design of zinesMaciej Andrzejewski (University of Lodz)

field recordings: Aleksandra Wysokińska, Artur Piotrowski

description: The initiative is a result of Aleksandra Wysokińska's work with her photographic archive, which consists of several thousand frames. The author has decided to take advantage of the fact that she has been documenting the city since 2013, which means that many of the photographs have already acquired historical value, as they were taken during the period of extremely dynamic development of the city. Importantly, this progress is uneven – not all areas that require it are modernised. Moreover, little is known about the opinions of those directly affected by the changes. Therefore, by combining the two fields in which she specialises – photography and sociology, the author wanted to capture the observed changes along with their social perception.

accompanying events: A contextual debate that will be held on 7 December. It will be attended by Prof. Marek Krajewski (Adam Mickiewicz University), Prof. Mariusz Sokołowicz, Kosma Nykiel who is an urban planner and an activist (he will also be a moderator) and Dr Aleksandra Wysokińska

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 28 July – 31 August 2023, Wozownia 11 Gallery

artist: Maria Nowakowska (University of Lodz)

curator: Maciej Ryszka (Film School in Lodz)

description: The exhibition is the first individual photo show in the portfolio of Maria Nowakowska (the owner of the Maria od detalu and Łódzki detal brands). The photographs are not a continuation of the previous activity of the well-known promoter of architectural heritage – they do not show architectural details. The focus is on colour, geometry and the play of forms, alluding to the ideas of abstract art close to the Lodz DNA. 

accompanying events:

  • A meeting with the artist and the curator on the opening day of the exhibition (Friday, 28 July) at 6:00 p.m., moderated by: Jakub Szczapiński
  • The closing ceremony combined with the premiere lecture by M. Nowakowska on the humanisation of architecture is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday (31 August).

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 17 June – 1 September 2023, Wozownia 1/5 Gallery

artist: Marek Domański (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

curator: Tomasz Ferenc (University of Lodz)

description: The exhibition consists of black-and-white photographs of the old riverbeds that once flowed through Lodz. The project is a part of the so-called  "blue humanities" trend, which draws attention to the need for a material and discursive experience of water. The artist's intention is to create a collective sensitivity that will allow to include a 'non-human' perspective in our ecological approach to the world. The event was organised as part of Fotofestiwal 2023.

accompanying events:

  • The RIVERSCAPE workshop. Revealing the river; Thursday (24 June) 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 12 May – 25 June 2023, Wozownia 11 Gallery

artist: Anita Osuch (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

curator: Marek Domański (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

description: The exhibition represents the post-photography trend. In her works, the artist undertakes a synthetic analysis and visualisation of the process of image migration and the accompanying process of meanings and emotions generation. The SANDBOX art installation is a project that is a part of Anita Osuch's doctoral dissertation entitled: "Real images of hyperreality". The event was organised as part of Fotofestiwal 2023.

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 13 April 2023 – 30 May 2023, Wozownia 1/5 Gallery

artist: Jan Zieliński (1946–2018)

curator: Wioletta Kazimierska-Jerzyk (University of Lodz)

description: The exhibition "Estetyka na zawsze, sztuka na co dzień. Plakaty Jana Zielińskiego" [Aesthetics Forever, Art Every Day. Jan Zieliński's Posters] consists of original, hand-made, previously unprinted posters by the cartoonist from Lodz. The artist created works for the Polesie Art Centre in the years 1991–2012. Currently, they are mostly in the archives of the Municipal Culture Zone in Lodz and in private collections. The works were made available by IF Kolekcja. Polski plakat.

accompanying events:

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 5 April 2023 – 30 April 2023, University of Lodz Library

authors: various authors

selection of works: Embassy of the Republic of Panama in Poland and the Communications and PR Centre of the University of Lodz

description: The exhibition presents, among other things, the biological, ethnic and cultural diversity that Panama has maintained and developed over more than two centuries. Images full of vivid colours and expressive structures are complemented by photographs and information boards that present the country's development path (including one of the most important investments – the Panama Canal), as well as its tourist and economic potential.  The exhibition also includes 10 original "molas", i.e. traditional textile products made of many layers of fabric. 

accompanying events

  • A speech by the Ambassador of the Republic of Panama to Poland, Javier Bonagas de Gracia, on ethnic diversity and related to it migrations during the opening of the exhibition (5 April 2023)
  • An interview with Dr Izabela Stachowicz "Cocoa: a sweet solution to maintain biodiversity or another expansive crop?" (12 April 2023)

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 20 February 2023 – 23 March 2023, University of Lodz Library

artist: Zofia Bisiak

substantive supervision: Ewa Latkowska-Żychska

description: An exhibition of handmade papers by Zofia Bisiak "Całe stado dmuchawców oczekuje wiatru" [A whole group of dandelion clocks awaits the wind] together with an accompanying programme (carried out as a whole under the name "Materia. Medium. Wymiana. Sztuka papieru, sztuka komunikacji" [Matter. Medium, Exchange.The Art of Paper, the Art of Communication]) was a starting point to demonstrate the wide scope of communication possibilities that paper offers on many levels. When preparing the exhibition and the accompanying programme, the authors wanted to focus on showing the multidisciplinary academic activity related to the three faces of paper mentioned in the title.

accompanying events:

  • Eko pocztówka [Eco Postcard], a workshop introducing a forgotten form of analogue correspondence – an occasional postcard; moderator: Ada Rybka (Up-Life Foundation), 23 February 2023
  • Na papierze, tekturze i bibułce...[On paper, cardboard and tissue paper...], an open lecture, moderator: Katarzyna Spórna (Iconography Section), Maria Strzelecka (Manuscripts Section) from the Special Collections of the University of Lodz Library, 28 February 2023
  • Język komunikatów wizualnych w praktyce [The Language of Visual Messages in Practice], a meeting with the author, moderators: Dr Zofia Władyka-Łuczak, Karolina Dobrosz (Department of Journalism and Social Communication at the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz), 15 March 2023

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 16 February 2023 – 31 March 2023, Wozownia 1/5 Gallery

artist: Artur Urbański

curators: Marek Domański, Ewa Ciechanowska (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

description: "Koniec Miasta" is an exhibition of photographs by Artur Urbański, who proposes a kind of photo-essay on the borderline of the sociology of the city. It is about the outskirts of Lodz – about the "spilling" of the metropolis and how our desire to live in Arcadia contributes to its destruction. The photos are accompanied by fragments of interviews conducted among the inhabitants of one of the suburban areas.

accopanying event:

  • "Koniec miasta? Opowieść o Arkadii"[The End of the City? The Tale of Arcadia] a panel discussion on Artur Urbański's exhibition, participants: Marek Domański, Artur Urbański, Marek Janiak, Jakub Kronenberg, moderator: Bartosz Kałużny; 25 March 2023

the project website: visit the website project (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 15 December 2022 – 31 January 2023, Wozownia 11 Gallery

artist: Magdalena Skrzypczak (University of Lodz / The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

curator: Milena Rosiak

description: The exhibition of the literary and painting/literary and itinerant project "Skóra miasta: wielowarstwie" [Skin of the City: Multilayering] combines literature inspired by hiking with painting. A record of experiencing the space of the city of Lodz with a visual commentary in the form of paintings and works on paper (maintained in the poetics of abstract expressionism and lyrical abstraction) is the result of a project carried out by Dr Magdalena Skrzypczak for several years. The assumption was to record sensory experiences from wanderings in the form of stories, notes, rough drafts or artistic and verbal miniatures.

accompanying events:

  • The opening of the exhibition and a meeting with the author about the book "Wielowarstwie.Donosy (z) ciała miasta" [Multilayers. Denunciations (from) the body of the city]; moderator: Przemysław Owczarek; 15 December 2022
  • A discussion meeting "Czy miastu potrzebna jest literatura? Między badaczami a pisarzami" [Does the city need literature? Between Researchers and Writers], 11 January 2023.

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)


A photo from the exhibition

time and place of the exhibition: 24 November 2022 – 27 January 2023, Wozownia 1/5 Gallery

artist: Marek Domański (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

curator: Tomasz Ferenc (University of Lodz)

description: The exhibition consists of 24 photographs constituting the visual documentation of a research project aimed at identifying and assessing the losses suffered by Ukrainian cultural institutions as a result of the conflict. The exhibition is complemented by an 11-minute video showing a day in the life of Lviv, as well as excerpts from conversations with representatives of cultural institutions.

accomanying event:

  • A studio conversation around the exhibition; Marek Domański, Tomasz Ferenc, Łukasz Kutyło (University of Lodz); Recording posted on 23 February 2023.

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 21 October – 18 November 2022, Wozownia 11 Gallery

artist: Sergey Belinsky (28th Mechanized Brigade of the Knights of the First Winter Campaign)

curators: Julia Iwaszko (Faculty of Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture/University of Lodz), Aneta Pawłowska (University of Lodz)

description: The exhibition is a part of an artistic and scientific project on the reconstruction and adaptation of industrial facilities that have been destroyed in Ukraine, as well as artistic expression in times of military conflict. The exhibition consists of frontline photographs taken in the south of Ukraine. The photographic exhibition is complemented by a catalogue of poetic texts entitled "Kwiaty południa" [Flowers of the South], which metaphorically describe the feelings of the authors of the exhibition, i.e. Prof. Julia Iwaszko and Sergey Belinsky. One will be able to listen to the recordings of selected texts, in Ukrainian, during the exhibition opening. The whole is the result of cooperation between Prof. Julia Iwaszko and press officer Sergey Belinsky.

accompanying events:

A discussion, which was induced by three short thematic introductions: 

Old – New Cities. A report from an international group exhibition organised at the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology

  • Prof. Dr hab. inż. arch. Justyna Kobylarczyk (Prof. Dr hab. inż. arch. Justyna Kobylarczyk, Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology) 
  • Prof. Dr hab. inż. arch. Dominika Kuśnierz-Krupa (Institute of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology) 
  • mgr inż. arch. Justyna Olesiak

The Importance of Architectural Heritage Adaptation for Contemporary Societies

The study of the experience of Polish revitalisation for the reconstruction of Ukrainian industrial enterprises 

  • Prof. Dr hab. inż. arch. Julia Iwaszko 

The discussion after the poster session will be moderated by Prof. Aneta Pawłowska.

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 30 September 2022 – 30 October 2022, Wozownia 11 Gallery

artist: Dr hab. inż. arch. Bartosz Hunger (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

curator: Aneta Pawłowska (University of Lodz)

description: The exhibition consists of architectural works by Bartosz Hunger prepared for the Uniejów municipality in the years 2006–2022. Among the works presented at the exhibition, we will find visualisations of concepts, projects and finished projects. All of them are the result of many years of activity, which illustrates the process of transformation of the city. 

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 21 October – 18 November 2022, Wozownia 11 Gallery

artists: Xavery Deskur, Radek Husak, Cecylia Malik, Martyna Miller, Anna Konik, Zygmunt Rytka, Piotr Trojanowski, Zuzanna Wołejko, Piotr Wyrzykowski

curators: Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, Ada Florentyna Pawlak (University of Lodz)

description: The exhibition consists of photographic and video works. It takes up issues related to contemporary transformations of the concept of community, to which artists refer more and more often.

accompanying events:

An introductory discussion on the concept of community

  • Prof. Ryszard Kluszczyński (curator, Head of the Department of New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Lodz)
  • Dr Marcin Maria Bogusławski (Assistant Professor at the Department of Modern Philosophy, University of Lodz)
  • Dr Joanna Miksa (Assistant Professor at the Department of Ethics, University of Lodz)
  • Ada Florentyna Pawlak (curator, lecturer at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Lodz and Trendwatching&Future Studies AGH University, speaker at Digital University)
  • Dr Artur Modliński (Assistant Professor at the Department of Management, University of Lodz)

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 14 June – 26 June 2022, Wozownia 11 Gallery

artist: Dorota Stolarska-Kultys (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

curator: Marek Domański (The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

description: The exhibition consists of three elements: 1. photographic works that are inspired by anthropometric measurements taken by the Nazis on Jews. 2. films depicting the landscape of Rajsko – a small village located near Oświęcim, where in the years 1941–1945 there was a sub-camp where plants were grown, including the experimental cultivation of the gum-bearing Kazakh dandelion; 3. Exhibit – a tool that was used for eugenic practices on plants.

accompanying events:

A conversation around the exhibition recorded in the form of a video recording, interlocutors: the artist and the curator; moderator: Adam Sitarek (Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Lodz)

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 14 June – 26 June 2022, Wozownia 11 Gallery

artist: Grzegorz Sztabiński (1946-2020; University of Lodz / The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz)

curator: Paulina Sztabińska-Kałowska, Aneta Pawłowska (University of Lodz)

description: The exhibition is an attempt to show Sztabiński's works in a way that refers to his concept of exhibitions-installations. We do not treat the gallery as a minimalist white cube, a neutral background for presenting paintings, but as a specific, individual space, creating a space for dialogue with the works. Objects presented during the exhibition Hommage à Grzegorz Sztabiński – "Ciąg dalszy..." [Continued...] come from three cycles: Cięcia, Między-rzeczy [Cuts, Between-things] as well as Pismo natury [Scripture of Nature].

accompanying events:

A conversation around the exhibition recorded in the form of a video recording, interlocutors: the artist and the curator; moderator: Adam Sitarek (Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Lodz)..

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 6 May 2022 – 3 June 2022, Wozownia 1/5 Gallery

artist: Marzena Mirewicz-Czumaczenko

description: The inspiration to create the sculptures, which depict the ancient history of women, was the artist's cooperation with the scientific unit of the University of Lodz – Biobank Laboratory. The Biobank Laboratory deals with issues of molecular biology and genetics. The exhibition is complemented by exhibits from the La Que Sabe project, i.e. petticoats and nightgowns from previous generations from the artist's family home.

accompanying events:

  • Night of Museums – a walk through the exhibition, 14 May 2022
  • Genetics for the youngest – the University of Lodz workshops for schools, 11–25 May 2022
  • Genetics for the youngest – workshop for children and parents, 28 May 2022
  • The official closing of the exhibition – a meeting and a conversation with the sculptor Marzena Mirewicz-Czumaczenko, Marta Sobalska-Kwapis and Błażej Marciniak from the Biobank Laboratory of the University of Lodz. Moderator: Bartosz Kałużny, 3 June 2022

the project website: visit the project website (in Polish)

time and place of the exhibition: 5 November 2021 – 4 December 2022, Wozownia 1/5 Gallery

artist: Andrzej Jocz (1941–2019)

curator: Aneta Pawłowska (University of Lodz)

description: The objects gathered at the exhibition include the artist's sculptures, his youthful pieces of relief and his own photographs of outdoor sculptures from Lodz.

the project website: vists the project website (in Polish)