University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences awards a PhD degree in the following disciplines: 

  • Sociological Sciences  
  • Economics and Finance  
  • Legal Sciences  
  • Pedagogy  
  • Psychology  
  • Socio-economic Geography and Spatial Management  
  • Management and Quality Studies 
  • Political and Administrative Sciences 

University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences provides its doctoral students with Doctoral Supervisor’s care and help to obtain knowledge necessary to obtain a PhD degree. The study curriculum makes it possible for a doctoral student to gain advanced level qualifications pertaining not only to the process of doctoral dissertation realization but also including professional development (improvement of research workshop and improvement of teaching qualifications) as well as personal development (soft skills). 

Education at the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences 

The studies last 8 semesters. They are full-time studies (the classes are held during working days) and they are free of charge. 

The first year is of an interdisciplinary nature and it is addressed to the doctoral students of all disciplines. It is a year of joint scientific discussions, posing questions and looking for multi-faceted answers. The following years are dedicated to the development in the selected discipline and expanding knowledge during classes of doctoral student’s interest area. The entire period of studies is intensive work in cooperation with a Doctoral Supervisor in a master-student relationship. 

The study curriculum takes into consideration current theoretical concepts in social sciences as well as trends concerning application of the research results in practice, providing doctoral students with a chance to continue their scientific development, to participate in international and inter-university exchange. 


Dr Przemysław Kubiak (from UL Faculty of Law and Administration) has been appointed as the Doctoral Student Ombudsman of the University of Lodz. The researcher is a doctor of jurisprudence, assistant professor at the Department of Roman Law. He has been passionate about Roman criminal law for many years, exploring ancient legal thought as expressed in the writings of philosophers and rhetoricians. He is currently writing his habilitation thesis on the legal qualification of acts committed in a state of agitation and intoxication.

For years, Dr Przemysław Kubiak has been conducting psychological workshops for students, as well as for employees of the University of Łódź and lawyers in Poland and abroad. Every year, he also organises classes for doctoral students on the psychology of teaching, in particular on interactive and modern teaching methods. As part of the Law Clinic at the Faculty of Law and Administration, he introduces students to mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution.

Anyone interested is invited to contact the Ombudsman:




Room 114
Matejki 21/23  
90-237 Lodz

(Floor 1 of UL Dormitory No. 14 – XIV DS)


T. 42 635 62 42, 601 083 029


Office Hours: Tue, Fri 9am - 3pm


Dr hab. Ilona Świątek-Barylska, prof. UL

Faculty of Management, UL 

ul. Matejki 22/26  
90-237 Lodz  
room 329  

T. +48 42 635 52 37  



Meetings to be arranged via email:


Head of the board


dr hab. Ilona Świątek-Barylska, prof. UŁ


Legal Sciences

dr hab. Sylwia Wojtczak, prof. UŁ

dr hab. Mirosław Włodarczyk, prof. UŁ


Sociological Sciences  

dr hab. Alicja Łaska-Formejster, prof. UŁ

dr hab. Tomasz Ferenc, prof. UŁ


Economics and Finance

dr hab. Ewa Kusideł, prof. UŁ

dr hab. Maciej Kozłowski, prof. UŁ


Political and Administrative Sciences

prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Pietrasiak

dr hab. Andrzej Dubicki, prof. UŁ


Socio-economic Geography and Spatial Management

dr hab. Ewa Szafrańska, prof. UŁ

dr hab. Marcin Wójcik, prof. UŁ


Management and Quality Studies 

prof. dr hab. Jan Jeżak

dr hab. Tomasz Czapla, prof. UŁ



prof. dr hab. Danuta Urbaniak-Zając

dr hab. Mariusz Granosik, prof. UŁ



prof. dr hab. Eleonora Bielawska-Batorowicz

dr hab. Agnieszka Lipińska-Grobelny, prof. UŁ


Representatives of the Doctoral Students

mgr Sebastian Czechowicz

mgr Marcin Jaworski

mgr Monika Wilanowska


International office

ul. Matejki 21/23  
90-237 Lodz 
room 114

P. +48 42 635 62 42  / tel. +48 601 083 029


PhD students of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of the University of Łódź receive a scholarship of at least 3010 PLN (approx. 640 EURO) gross per month (first and second year of study - before mid-term evaluation) and 4109.70 PLN (approx. 870 EURO) gross per month (third and fourth year of study - after mid-term evaluation).


Recruitment to the Doctoral School of Social Sciences is a multi-stage process and we have provided steps to facilitate it. Please familiarise yourself with them to complete all the associated paperwork.

PhD students of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of the University of Łódź receive a scholarship of at least 3010 PLN (approx. 640 EURO) gross per month (first and second year of study - before mid-term evaluation) and 4109.70 PLN (approx. 870 EURO) gross per month (third and fourth year of study - after mid-term evaluation).



Files to download

Under the guidance of your potential supervisor, prepare a concept for your doctoral dissertation, which is one of the required documents in the recruitment process.

If the candidate has obtained from the supervisor (an academic employee of the University of Lodz) a consent to take him/her under supervision, he/she submits a statement of the potential supervisor on his/her willingness to take on the supervision (sample available at step 4).

If the candidate has not obtained such a consent, he/she submits an application for appointing a selected person who has the right to act as a supervisor as a supervisor of his/her doctoral dissertation (template available at step 4).

Information about competitions for doctoral students within NCN grants (together with the research topics) is available at


List of supervisors and topics of PhD seminars in the academic year 2023/2024 for each discipline:


Files to download

Enrollment/Registration - Electronic registration for studies is possible between 16 August - 23 August 2023

Remember to print out the application form from the Electronic Recruitment System!


Go to the Electronic Recruitment System


Files to download

Prepare legible scans or photos of all the paper documentation you are to submit as part of the admission process, and attach them by uploading them to the IRK system within the time frame allowed in the Admission Timetable for submission of your documents. Each scan file should include the applicant's full name and an indication of the kind of the document that was scanned, according to the following scheme: Forename_Surname_Heading of scanned document

For an applicant who has completed his/her Master's degree studies abroad, the degree document must be legalised or apostilled, and it should state the right to apply for the award of a doctoral degree in the country whose higher education system includes the institution which has awarded it. In the case of a diploma issued in a language other than Polish or English, a translation into one of these languages must also be submitted. You are to submit a statement with obligation to provide a sworn translation of the aforementioned diploma into Polish which must be ready within the time limit specified in the statement (Annex 2 to the Recruitment Rules).

During the deadline period for delivery of original documents (16 August - 25 August 2023), the international applicant should send to: an application for delivery of original documents upon arrival in Poland, before the day of signing the oath (sample application below)

Please remember to sign all your documents (incl. your application, dissertation concept, questionnaire)


Files to download

English language test date: 4 September 2023

If you are interested in sample language tests, please send an email requesting the tests through the public information mode to



Files to download

During the interview the following are assessed:

a) Presentation of the dissertation concept, including:

1) demonstrating the originality of the scientific problem presented in the concept

2) demonstration of the research contribution to the development of the lead and additional discipline(s), in the case of an Industrial PhD programme the practical utility of the solutions

3) clarity of concept presentation

4) ability to justify the chosen methodology

b) knowledge of research methods used in scienificwork in the discipline

c) knowledge of the literature on the subjects to be dealt with in the candidate's research

d) knowledge of specialist terminology, ability to compose a speech, communicativeness, interaction during discussion

Total: 25 points

Each member of the recruitment committee will assess independently with 25 points. The final amount of points awarded to a candidate shall be the arithmetic mean of the points awarded by the members of the committee. Presentation of the concept in the form of a multimedia presentation is not accepted.



Interviews will be held from 11 September 2023 to 15 September 2023.

The candidate will be informed of the interview date via email.

Information on acceptance to the studies is visible in the Electronic Registration System on the candidate's account, and the Recruitment Committee's decision on non-acceptance is sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.