List of portals


EPraca application (App Store, GooglePlay) 

  • the possibility of finding available job offers in the application prepared by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy
  • the possibility of using all information on job offers and events published in the Central Database of Job Offers by the voivodeship and poviat labour offices and the Voluntary Labour Corps

Helpline of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy

Phone: 19524 – all information on employment and conditions for job offers that are available to Ukrainian nationals

City Hall in Lodz  
Piotrkowska 153, Łódź


  • provides information about job offers for the citizens of Ukraine
  • offers support and assistance in Ukrainian
  • provides an Internet café for the citizens of Ukraine who do not have a computer with them and need to use it - e.g. to write a CV,
  • apply for a job advertisement or submit an application
  • provides free legal assistance with a large selection of trusted lawyers
  • provides an up-to-date database of job offers (information about the offer, contact person, telephone number)
  • gives you access to proven portals where you can look for a job

Poviat Office

The Poviat Office in Lodz has launched an additional employment centre for Ukrainian citizens, which can be found in:   

  • Secondary School no 23, Aleja Piłdsudskiego 159 – coordination centre
  • Primary School No. 170, Miedziania 1/3
  • Primary School No. 40, Praussa 2
  • Primary School No. 175, Pomorska 27
  • Primary School No. 138, Dubois 7/9
  • Primary School No. 84, Wici 16

The centre offers:

The ability to contact the office without the need for registration. Citizens of Ukraine can contact the office by phone or go to the labour office, where a customer advisor (career counsellor or employment agent) will conduct an interview and will try to determine the client's situation (their qualifications, work experience, possibility of taking up work, expectations for work, etc.) in order to provide further assistance.

Through the county labour offices, the citizens of Ukraine can receive support pertaining to:

  • choosing the right profession
  • retraining
  • taking up a job
  • examining their competences, interests and professional talents
  • career development planning

Labour Offices

Voivodship Labour Office
Voivodship Labour Office
Wólczańska 49, Łódź

Entrepreneurs who want to employ Ukrainian citizens can submit job offers via e-mail to the additionally launched e-mail address:

Poviat Labour Offices
Citizens of Ukraine will be able to register in the poviat labour offices. The status of an unemployed person will make it possible for them to apply for the full catalogue of assistance forms specified in the Act on Promotion of Employment and Labour Market Institutions.

This catalogue includes, among others:

  • vocational training,
  • setting up a business co-financing,
  • reimbursement of employment (intervention work, public works, etc.),
  • reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs to and from the place of work,
  • reimbursement of the costs of healthcare of a child up to 7 years of age or a dependent person, etc. 

Poviat Labour Office in Bełchatów
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Bawełniana 3, Bełchatów

Poviat Labour Office in Brzeziny
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Sienkiewicza 11, Brzeziny

Poviat Labour Office in Kutno
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 11, Kutno

Poviat Labour Office in Łask
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Objazdowa 4, Łask

Poviat Labour Office in Łęczyca
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Henryka Sienkiewicza 31, Łęczyca

Poviat Labour Office in Łódź
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Milionowa 91, Łódź

Poviat Labour Office  Łódź-Wschód
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Częstochowska 40/52, Łódź

Poviat Labour Office in Łowicz
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Stanisława Stanisławskiego 28, Łowicz

Poviat Labour Office in Opoczno
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Rolna 6, Opoczno

Poviat Labour Office in Pabianice
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
ul. Waryńskiego 11,Pabianice

Poviat Labour Office in Pajęczno
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
1 Maja 65, Pajęczno

Poviat Labour Office in Piotrków Trybunalski
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Dmowskiego 2,  Piotrków Trybunalski

Poviat Labour Office in Poddębice
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Polna 9, Poddębice

Poviat Labour Office in Radomsko
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Tysiąclecia 2, Radomsko

Poviat Labour Office in Rawa Mazowiecka
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
1-go Maja 1A, Rawa Mazowiecka

Poviat Labour Office in Sieradz
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Plac Wojewódzki 3, Sieradz

Poviat Labour Office in Skierniewice
Information for the citizens of Ukraine: 
Aleja Niepodległości 7, Skierniewice

Poviat Labour Office in Tomaszów Mazowiecki
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Świętego Antoniego 41, Tomaszów Mazowiecki

Poviat Labour Office in Wieluń 
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Sieradzka 56a, Wieluń

Poviat Labour Office in Wieruszów 
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Waryńskiego 15, Wieruszów

Poviat Labour Office in Zduńska Wola
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Getta Żydowskiego 4, Zduńska Wola

Poviat Labour Office in Zgierz
Information for the citizens of Ukraine:
Barona 10, Zgierz

In Poland, employment agencies must be registered in the Register of Employment Agencies (KRAZ). Note!!! In Poland, those who are looking for a job do not pay for job placement. 


The employment contract creates a permanent legal relationship between an employer and employee. This relationship is called the employment relationship. The employment contract should be made in writing.

Contracts of mandate are very popular in Poland. The contract of mandate, as a rule, is concluded for the performance of an ad hoc activity or service. The contract of mandate does not guarantee the protection that is guaranteed by the employment contract. For example, unlike the employment contract, mandate contract does not give you the right to a leave and does not protect you from dismissal. When you are offered a contract of mandate at work, always ask whether it is possible to work under an employment contract.

The employment relationship occurs if the scope of performed activities indicates that the following conditions are met:

  • performing activities under the supervision and management of the employer,
  • specified working time and place of work (contracted activities),
  • recording working time,
  • obligation to comply with the company regulations,
  • constant availability within the agreed working time,
  • the right to use a paid holiday leave,
  • the need to justify absence from work.

It is then necessary to conclude the employment contract. It is customary for the employer to decide whether it will be:

  • a contract for a trial period (as a rule, for a maximum of 3 months),
  • a fixed-term contract (as a rule, it cannot exceed 33 months),
  • a contract for an indefinite period.

The content of the employment contract

Despite the freedom to conclude contracts, it is important to remember that the provisions of employment contracts and other acts on the basis of which the employment relationship is established may not be less favourable to the employee than indicated by the provisions of the labour law. When the arrangements are unfavourable to the employee, they are considered invalid and the relevant labour law provisions are applicable instead.

The employment contract specifies the parties to the contract, the type of contract, the date of its conclusion and the terms of work and pay, in particular:

  • the type of the performed work,
  • the place of its performance
  • remuneration corresponding to the type of work, with an indication of the remuneration components,
  • working hours,
  • the date of the commencement of work.

In addition, the employer is obliged to inform the employee in writing, no later than within 7 days from the date of concluding the employment contract, about the following:

  • the daily and weekly working time standard applicable to the employee,
  • the frequency of remuneration payment,
  • the amount of the holiday leave to which the employee is entitled,
  • the length of the notice period for the employment contract applicable to the employee,
  • collective labour agreement by which the employee is covered,

Remember that the employment contract must be written in a language that you understand.

Ways of terminating the employment relationship: If you want to end the employment relationship between the employer and the employee, we have several options to do so.

These options can be divided according to the method of termination of the contract into:

  • termination of the contract with notice,
  • termination of the employment contract without notice,
  • termination of the employment contract by mutual consent,
  • termination of the employment contract after the period for which the contract was concluded.

Termination of the contract with notice

When the contract is terminated with notice, it means that a certain period of time elapses between the termination, i.e. the transmission of information that one of the parties wants to terminate the contract, and its completion.

The notice of termination may be submitted by both the employee and the employer, and any contract may be terminated, regardless of the period for which it was concluded. Please note that the type of contract and duration of employment affect the length of the notice period.

The length of the notice period

If the contract was concluded for a trial period, the notice period will be:

  • 3 working days (if the trial period does not exceed 2 weeks),
  • 1 week (if the trial period is longer than 2 weeks),
  • 2 weeks (if the trial period is 3 months).

In the case of contracts concluded for a definite period and for an indefinite period, the notice periods have been unified and in both cases they are as follows:

  • 2 weeks – if the employee has been employed for less than 6 months,
  • 1 month – if the employee has been employed for at least 6 months,
  • 3 months – if the employee has been employed for at least 3 years.

 How to calculate the length of the notice period

The notice period begins with an appropriately submitted declaration of intent by the employer or employee, but it should be noted that the manner of submitting the declaration should enable the user to read its content.

In the case of submitting the notice of 3 working days, the day following the date of submitting the declaration of will, excluding Sundays and public holidays, is included in the days counted towards the duration of the termination. The day of submitting the notice of termination is not included in the notice period.

The notice period expressed in week/(s) is counted from the Sunday following the day of giving the notice, and it always ends on Saturday (here, the day of notice is not included in the notice period as well).

If, on the other hand, the notice period is one month or three months, the notice period is counted from the first day of the next month to the last day of the month.

Example 1

An employee employed for a trial period (2 weeks) resigned on 3 October 2022 (Monday)

Their notice period will expire on Saturday, 23 October 2022.

Example 2

A fixed-term employee employed from 1 July 2022, resigned on 3 October 2022 (Monday). Such an employee is entitled to a two-week notice period.

Their notice period will expire on Saturday, 23 October 2022.

Example 3

A fixed-term employee from 1 January 2022 filed a notice of termination on 3 October 2022.

The notice period will expire on 30 November 2022.


Termination of the employment contract without notice

Termination of the employment contract by the employer without notice due to the fault of the employee

The employer may terminate the employment contract without notice (immediately) due to the employee's fault in the event of:

  • serious breach of basic employee duties by the employee;
  • the employee committing a crime during the term of the employment contract which prevents them from being employed in the
  • position he holds, if the crime is obvious or has been confirmed by a final judgment;
    the loss of rights necessary for the performance of work in the position held by the employee at fault.

Termination of the employment contract without notice due to the employee's fault should take place within 1 month of the employer obtaining information justifying such a termination. If the decision is not issued within the prescribed period, the employer loses the right to take this action.

Termination of the contract without notice by an employee

The employee may terminate the employment contract without notice, i.e. immediately, if:

  • a medical certificate will be issued stating the harmful effect of the work performed on the employee's health, and the employer will not transfer the employee to another job appropriate due to his health condition and professional qualifications, within the period specified in the medical certificate,
  • when the employer has committed a serious breach of basic obligations towards the employee (e.g. does not pay his salary).

In the event of a breach of basic obligations by the employer, the employee is entitled to compensation. A declaration of termination of the employment contract without notice should be made in writing, stating the reasons justifying the termination of the contract (both in the event of termination by the employer and the employee).

Termination of the employment contract by mutual consent

Termination of employment by mutual consent of the parties is often the quickest and most advantageous way to terminate an employment contract. The agreement of the parties allows for the termination of any employment contract, also with the employees subject to special legal protection.

Termination of the employment contract due to expiration for which for it was concluded

This method of termination applies to fixed-term contracts (also for a trial period and for replacement). The employment contract expires on the date for which it was concluded – the employer is not obliged to extend the contract with the employee. Termination of the contract does not require the employer to take any additional actions. However, it should be noted that admitting an employee to work after the expiry of the contract period results in its automatic transformation into a contract for an indefinite period.

Employee rights


  • You have the right to freely choose a job – every person employed in Poland can choose a profession in which they want to work. Exceptions apply only when the prohibition of performing a given job is specified by way of legislation (e.g. when a certificate of clean criminal record is required to perform the job and the employee does not have one).
  • You are entitled to a fair wage – no work can be done for free and minimum wages are set by the state. Currently, it is PLN 3010 gross (PLN 2363 net) for a full-time employment contract.
  • You have equal rights to perform the same duties, including equal pay for equal work.
  • You have the right to leave and rest – the Labour Code clearly defines the amount of leave that employees are entitled to and depends on the length of service (20 days if you work for less than 10 years, 26 days if you work longer in total).
  • You have the right to dignity – Polish law prohibits discrimination in the workplace.
  • You have the right to work safely – the employer must provide the employee with safe and sanitary working conditions. If you are at risk while performing your job, you have the right to stop working.
  • You are entitled to remuneration for the entire duration of the contract – also during the notice period (after informing you that the employer no longer wants to hire you, until the end of the contract) you are entitled to remuneration.
  • You are entitled to a break from work which is included in your working time – if you work for at least 6 hours a day, you are entitled to a break of at least 15 minutes which is included in your working time.

Employee responsibilities

  • You must comply with the workplace regulations.
  • You must do your job carefully and conscientiously.
  • You must respect working hours and you should report and justify your absences.
  • You must comply with occupational health and safety and fire safety rules.
  • You must take care of the good image of the workplace, e.g. not disclose information of key importance to the company.
  • You must abide by the employment contract and keep its secrets.
  • You must obey the rules of social coexistence (social, moral and ethical standards).

Basic rights of the employer

The employer has the right to:

  • dismiss employees,
  • impose order penalties,
  • reward employees,
  • enforce obligations from employees,
  • make deductions from the employee's remuneration within the limits specified by law,
  • seek compensation from the employee for the damage suffered by the employer as a result of the employee's failure to perform or
  • breach of his duties,
  • determine working and pay conditions,
  • request personal data,
  • control business mail.

Access to personal and other employee data

The employer also has the right to request personal data. It should be noted, however, that it applies not only to employees, but also to people who are just applying for a specific job. The basic personal data requested by the employer from the job applicant are:

  • first name or names and surname;
  • date of birth;
  • contact details;
  • information about education and professional qualifications;
  • information on the current employment history of a potential employee.

It should be remembered that the employer has the right to request information about the education and professional qualifications as well as the current employment from a potential employee only if it is necessary to perform a specific job or employment in a specific position.

Additionally, the employer requires the employee to provide the following data:

  • home address;
  • PESEL number or information about the type and number of a document confirming the identity if the employee does not have a PESEL number;
  • other personal data of the employee, personal data of the employee's children and members of his immediate family, if it is necessary due to the use of special rights provided for in the labour law;
  • information about education and the course of previous employment, if there was no basis for requesting them at the stage of applying for a job by the employee;
  • bank account number, unless the employee has submitted a declaration of payment of wages in cash

The employer has the right to:

  • demand a presentation of a valid document entitling them to stay in Poland;
  • check if they have a residence permit that entitles them to work in Poland (a tourist visa does not entitle him to work legally);
  • make and keep a copy of this residence permit for the entire period of work by the foreigner.

The employer cannot:

  • request information from a woman regarding pregnancy;
  • demand any fees from a foreign national in return for taking actions aimed at obtaining a work permit or ANY other document authorizing to perform work.

In the case of concluding an employment contract, the employer is obliged, among others, to:

  • provide employees with safe and sanitary working conditions,
  • provide information on threats to life and health in specific workplaces, as well as what actions are taken to eliminate them in a language that the employee understands,
  • provide health and safety training before being allowed to work,
  • provide periodic health and safety training,
  • subject the employee to initial, periodic and follow-up medical examinations,
  • prevent the employee from working without a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to work in this position,
  • assess the risk to life and health in connection with the performed work. 

Health and safety costs incurred by the employer may in no way be transferred to the employee, e.g. by deductions or otherwise. The employee receives protective clothing and footwear free of charge, and the costs of periodic and control tests are covered by the employer.

An employee employed under an employment contract must, among others:

  • comply with health and safety rules,
  • take part in general health and safety trainings including the rules of first aid,
  • take part in on-the-job training sessions, including information on work environment, work methods and threats to life and health,
    use the assigned protective equipment and working clothes,
  • undergo preliminary, periodic and follow-up examinations, as well as other recommendations indicated by a doctor.

An employee has the right to refuse to carry out an order that is inconsistent with the health and safety rules set out in the law, collective agreements, regulations or statutes. However, if the order does not violate the health and safety rules, the employee is responsible for not following the order.

The entity hiring under a contract of mandate does not need to:

  • organise initial health and safety trainings,
  • organise medical examinations,
  • pay for ordered medical examinations,
  • allocate protective measures and protective clothing.

Health and safety protection also covers persons employed under contracts other than the  employment contract, e.g. contract of mandate, but to a lesser extent.


The National Labour Inspectorate (pol. PIP) is an authority for supervision and control of the compliance with labour law, in particular the provisions and principles of occupational health and safety, as well as the provisions of legal employment and other paid jobs. The National Labour Inspectorate deals with issues such as:

  • Is the wage paid to you correctly calculated?
  • Is the content of your contract correct?
  • Are you working in safe and sanitary conditions?


For the citizens of Ukraine:

People from Ukraine who fill in the form regarding their competences and job search area will be sent individual job offers.
University of Lodz students can enrol their relatives for individual consultations with a career counsellor via Jobteaser portal Consultations are held in Polish or English (or in the company of a person providing translation into Ukrainian).

For volunteers looking after Ukrainian families of the University of Lodz students:

  • Training in the field of CV preparation and job search for people from Ukraine.
  • Training addressed to volunteers (training in Polish) - interested persons are asked to report to the Careers Office using the following e-mail address:

After gathering the group of volunteers, the dates of the training will be provided. 



Project: A Ukrainian at work - offers, employment, security was prepared by students of the second year of social policy for the Corporate Social Responsibility  seminar conducted at the Faculty of Law and Administration in the academic year 2021/2022 by dr Izabela Florczak, with: Aleksandra Bodetko, Aneta Browarska, Aleksandra Buczma, Justyna Chodakowska, Angelika Dziegięć, Barbara Grzelak, Weronika Kostrzewa, Dominika Krawczyk, Martyna Kupis, Marta Kusal, Dawid Mariasik, Oliwia Michalska, Natalia Studziżur, Natalia Śpiewak, Emilia Wieczorek, Zuzanna Wieczorek, Natalia Włodarczyk and Wiktor Zachtej.


Translation: Students of Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz: Andrii Arkaniuk, Antonina Gornovych and Kateryna Oberemko.