Portret prof. Żądzińskiej

Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska has been associated with the University of Lodz for 25 years. During this period, she went through all the stages of academic career – from research-technical staff member to the Full Professor. 

She is a graduate of the Faculty of Biology and Earth Science of the University of Lodz. In 1990 she obtained a master's degree in Biology. In 1999 she obtained a doctoral degree in Biological Sciences and in 2005 became a Doctor of Biological Sciences with habilitation. In 2014 President of the Republic of Poland awarded Elżbieta Żądzińska the title of Professor of Biological Sciences. 

Over the years 2005-2008 prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska held the position of the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection. From 2008 to 2016 she was the Dean of the Faculty and during the term of 2016-2020 she was the UL Vice-Rector for Research. Since 2020 she has been the Rector of the University of Lodz. 

Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Żądzińska is the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Organismal Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) for the term 2020-2023, a member of the Commission on Anthropology of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the President of the Science Committee President of The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP). Since 2014 prof. Żądzińska has been the Honorary Visiting Research Fellow at School of Medical Sciences University of Adelaide in Australia. In 2008 she was a laureate of NOVUM programme implemented by the Foundation for Polish Science.   

Her main research areas include human biology of contemporary and historical populations, determinants of population stress (secondary sex ratio index, fluctuating asymmetry, abnormal weight-growth ratios) and odontology. 

The Rector's scope of activity includes: 

  • setting directions for the development of the University;
  • supervising activities of all organisational units of the University and coordinating their work; 
  • making decisions regarding the University's property and economy;
  • supervising administration, including activities of the Chancellor; 
  • supervising the process of students and doctoral students education as well as the process of educating scientific staff; 
  • undertaking activities aimed at promoting scientific staff and undertaking cooperation with the socio-economic environment; 
  • ensuring obedience of law and order at the University and establishing internal regulations, shaping the rules of employment and promotion at the University;
  • convening meetings of the Rector's Board and Senate and chairing them;
  • appointing disciplinary spokespersons at the University;
  • appointing permanent and ad hoc Rector's Committees;
  • appointing the Rector's plenipotentiaries to perform specific tasks;
  • taking care of the internal control;
  • ensuring protection and security of information, including protection of classified information.  

The Rector manages the University with the help of Vice-Rectors, the Chancellor and his deputies and plenipotentiaries appointed to perform specific tasks. 

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During an update process.

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Iwona Rytych-Kaleta 
Phone: +48 42 635 40 02 
Lodz, ul. Narutowicza 68, room no. 111, Lodz 




Photo prof. Korporowicza, prorektora ds. naukiDr hab. Łukasz Jan Korporowicz, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz was born in 1986 in Lodz. In 2010, he graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz, and in 2016 in Canon Law from the Faculty of Canon Law, University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw. Prof. Korporowicz obtained the degree of Doctor of Law in 2015 and Habilitation in social sciences in the discipline of legal sciences in 2020. From the beginning of his academic career, he has been associated with the Department of Roman Law. Since December 2022, he has also been the Head of the Centre for Anglo-American Legal Tradition. In the past, he was committed to organisational activities for the faculty and the university. He held the position of the Dean’s Representative for Evaluation and Vice-Dean for Research. He was also a member of the University of Lodz Strategy Team. 

Prof. Łukasz Jan Korporowicz’s main research interests include comparative legal history, reception of Roman law in England, English legal history, American legal history and the broadly understood history of legal education and legal professions. He also deals with the issues concerning the presence of Roman law in the history of Polish law and the impact of Roman law on medieval canon law. He is an author of several dozen scientific publications. He has conducted research, primarily of an archival nature, at numerous British universities, including the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge as well as the University of Edinburgh. He is a member of international and national scientific societies, including the Selden Society, the American Society for Legal History, the Royal Historical Society and the Polish Legal History Society. As part of the last one, he actively works within the Scientific Committee. One of its main goals is to create a new synthesis of the history of Polish law. 


The Vice-Rector for Research performs a function of the first deputy of the Rector. 

His scope of activity includes:

  • planning and coordination of research at the University of Lodz;
  • development and evaluation of scientific disciplines at the University; 
  • concluding contracts for research, development and implementation works ordered by external entities and supervising their realisation; 
  • supervision over realisation of scientific, development and implementation programmes financed from domestic and international sources; 
  • supervision over realisation of internal scientific, development and implementation programmes and activities; 
  • supervision over scientific conferences, conventions and symposia organised at the University; 
  • supervision over the supply of scientific and teaching equipment and its use; 
  • supervision over activities of the Publishing Office of the UL and submitting applications for the appointment of the editor-in-chief, publishing council and content editorial staff; 
  • supervision over activities of the Library of the University of Lodz;
  • supervision over activities of field research stations;
  • supervision over granting awards to academic teachers;
  • supervision over education of research staff (including academic degrees and titles);
  • supervision over scientific information; 
  • selection and promotion of key research areas of the University, promotion of Research Teams and Centres as showcases of the University; 
  • issues regarding other activities related to the assigned scope of competence entrusted by the Rector in the form of the power of attorney

During an update process. Please make an appointment by phone in advance.

Agnieszka Zgondek 
Phone: +48 42 635 40 04 
Lodz, ul. Narutowicza 68, room no. 111 





Dr hab. Robert Zakrzewski, prof. UŁ was born in 1970 in Lodz. He is a graduate of the Faculties of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at the University of Lodz. He obtained his doctoral degree in chemical sciences in September 1997. Robert Zakrzewski was awarded a doctor habilitatus degree in chemical sciences by the Council of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Lodz in 2010. He performed the function of vice-dean of the Faculty of Chemistry for student affairs and quality of education at the University of Lodz during the 2016-2020 term. 


Dr hab. Robert Zakrzewski conducts his main scientific research in the field of chemical science, the discipline of chemistry and is mainly focusing on the development of new analytical methods used for determination of biologically active compounds. His second mainstream research interest is studying complex skills of students in chemistry teaching. He has been a member of the Polish Chemical Society since 1995, and the chairperson of the Chemistry Didactics Section of the Polish Chemical Society since 2015. What is more, he was a member of the Board of the Polish Society for Educational Diagnostics during the 2019-2022 term. Currently, he is a member of the Ministry of National Education expert teams for teaching chemistry, and between 2015-2019 he was a member of the Scientific Council of the Central Examination Commission.   

Scope of activity of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education includes:

  • organisation and supervision of implementation of the course of the first- and second-cycle, and Uniform Master’s studies as well as full-time and extramural studies;
  • supervision over obedience of the Rules of Study UL by the students, doctoral students and employees of the University;
  • supervision over performance of education at PhD studies and in Doctoral Schools of the University of Lodz;
  • considering applications for reconsideration of the case in the field of student matters related to the course of study;
  • taking care for the student research movement and defining the rules for the participation of students and doctoral students in the research work of the University - together with the Vice-Rector for Research;
  • cooperation with the student government, doctoral students government and youth organizations;
  • control of quality of education, quality of studies and education curricula, of accreditation and confirmation of learning outcomes;
  • supervision over implementation of university-wide classes, including PE classes, foreign languages, library training, training in the field of intellectual property and copyright protection, etc.;
  • submitting applications for creation and cancellation of study programmes;
  • supervision over organization of postgraduate studies and other forms of education;
  • supervision over the course of recruitment for studies;
  • supervision over KIOD (Individual Teaching Load Cards);
  • analyses of curriculum of studies from the point of view of achieving teaching and research goals of students, doctoral students and personnel of the University;
  • initiation of changes to the already agreed study curriculum;
  • issues regarding other activities related to the assigned scope of competence entrusted by the Rector in the form of the power of attorney 

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Professor Łukasz Bogucki was born in 1969 in Lodz. In 1993, he graduated in English Philology at the University of Lodz. Four years later he obtained a doctor’s degree in humanities and doctor habilitatus degree in 2005.  He was awarded the title of professor of humanities by the President of the Republic of Poland in 2014. As a doctoral student, Łukasz Bogucki studied in Utrecht, Strasbourg, Barcelona and Leuven. As an assistant professor and professor, he did internships and gave guest lectures at most Polish universities, as well as leading universities in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Turkey, Portugal, Sweden, Lithuania and Switzerland.


Professor Bogucki is a founder of the Intermedia Polish research group, he is also a co-editor of the Peter Lang series Łódź Studies in Language. Over the years, he collaborated on the creation of the Journal of Specialized Translation. Between 2012 - 2020 he was the Head of the Institute of English Studies at the University of Lodz. Almost from the beginning of his academic career, he has been supervising the translation specialisation in the Institute of English Studies, and participated in popularising translation studies in Poland and around the world. Primary scientific interests of Professor Bogucki include audio-visual and computer-assisted translation, the theory and methodology of translation and interpreting.

Scope of activity of the Vice-Rector for International Relations includes:

  • establishing cooperation between the University and foreign research and didactic institutions;
  • supervision over international students;
  • coordination of international exchange of academic teachers;
  • realisation of cooperation with foreign research and didactic institutions (cooperation agreements);
  • supervision over organization of official foreign visits, as well as representatives of domestic institutions which the University cooperates or intends to cooperate with;
  • affiliation of the University and employees to various international organisations;
  • supervision over activities related to international promotion and information about the University;
  • supervision over foreign trips of students, doctoral students and employees of the University and over arrivals of individuals from abroad;
  • supervision over implementation of projects supporting internationalisation of the University and international educational projects;
  • organisation and supervision over International HUB;
  • issues regarding other activities related to the assigned scope of competence entrusted by the Rector in the form of the power of attorney. 

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Agnieszka Zgondek 
Phone: +48 42 635 40 04 
Lodz, ul. Narutowicza 68, room no. 111 




Dr hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska, prof UŁ specialises in the field of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. She works as an associate professor at the Department of Economic Mechanisms at the University of Lodz. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz, where she received her master's degree in Economics in 2003, and a year later started her doctoral studies at the same faculty. She obtained a doctoral degree in economics in 2008, and a doctor habilitatus degree in 2015. Between 2016-2020 she was a vice-dean for development, and then a vice-dean for research and external relations. During her dean's term of office, she created, among others, the programme of faculty's external relations and initiated a regional competition for students Eksoc StartUP!. 


Her international academic experiences include working as an assistant professor at Aalto University in Helsinki (2010/2011), as well as a 10-month research stay at Tampa University (Mobility Plus programme), and a 3-month research stay at Lund University (Bekker programme). She was also a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists (2011-2014), and a member of the Council of Young Scientists (2013-2015). She has been a board member of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) since 2015. Between 2017-2020, she was a thematic editor in the Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM). Her previous professional experience also includes internships at the European Commission in Brussels and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

Scope of activity of the Vice-Rector for External Relations includes:

  • issues concerning initiation and implementation of tasks as part of the University's cooperation with economic institutions, state and local administration bodies, as well as social and cultural environment;
  • supervision over patent protection, commercialisation of research results and their implementation, as well as control over compliance with copyright by employees of the University;
  • supervision over official visits by representatives of national institutions which the University cooperates or intends to cooperate with organised at the University;
  • supervision over activities related to promotion and information of the University;
  • monitoring careers of the UL graduates;
  • cooperation with the socio-economic environment to adapt study curricula to the current economic and social needs - in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Students Affairs and Quality of Education;
  • supervision over organisation of students internships;
  • activation of cooperation with local entities so as to implement joint projects and raise the level of graduates employment;
  • implementation of initiatives integrating academic community of the University of Lodz and  academic community of Lodz;
  • issues regarding other activities related to the assigned scope of competence entrusted by the Rector in the form of the power of attorney.  

Ewa Szulc 
Phone: +48 42 635 40 24 
Lodz, ul. Narutowicza 68, room no. 101 


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