Advisory Team on Climate and Environment Policy at the University of Lodz consists of:

  • dr hab. Tomasz Jurczak – Representative of the Rector of the University of Lodz;;
  • dr hab. Dominik Kopeć – representative of the advisory team to the Rector’s Representative;
  • dr Agata Rudnicka-Reichel – representative of the advisory team to the Rector’s Representative;
  • dr hab. Aneta Kaźmierska-Patrzyczna – representative of the advisory team to the Rector’s Representative;
  • dr Agnieszka Rzeńca – representative of the advisory team to the Rector’s Representative;
  • mgr Dorota Cierniak-Dymarczyk – representative of the advisory team to the Rector’s Representative;
  • mgr Tomasz Łysek – representative of the advisory team to the Rector’s Representative;

as well as representatives of all Faculties of the University of Lodz and the Central Unit interested in active participation in the work of the Team. Among this group of people, Faculty Coordinators for Climate and Environment have been identified, whose task will be to coordinate the work of the team in the various units of the university.


The objectives of the Team will be implemented through planned undertakings in the following areas:

Scope of activities: Raising environmental awareness among the University of Lodz staff and students and the local community; shaping pro-environmental attitudes; promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Scope of activities: Preservation of biodiversity, expansion and enrichment of green infrastructure, facilities conducive to the development of green transport, reduction of sealed areas, construction/renovation of environmentally friendly facilities.

Scope of activities: Reduction of consumption of renewable and non-renewable resources, reduction of emissions of harmful gases and dust and wastewater, reduction of waste according to the 5Rs principle (refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, repair); reduction of purchasing and the use of sustainable public purchasing; giving preference to sustainable suppliers and partners; ensuring a healthy working environment.

Scope of activities: reporting of the results of the taken actions; development of performance indicators for the taken actions and methods for calculating the achieved savings.

Current recommendations and activities of the Team

Within the idea of small steps:

  • Inventory of good environmental practices at all Faculties of the University of Lodz (performance of questionnaire surveys to identify environmentally friendly practices applied in the organisational units of the University of Lodz when making decisions, making investments and managing the infrastructure);
  • Development of a list of good environmental practices as recommendations for use in the organisational units of the University of Lodz;
    Inventory of the university's green areas to develop detailed recommendations for lawn care, creation of flower meadows and tree planting;
  • Establishment of facade gardens (cooperation with the City Hall);
    Creation of urban animal-friendly places (beehives on the premises of the university facilities, pollinator houses, birdhouses, hedgehog houses, etc.);
  • Introduction of rainwater retention systems.

Within the idea of milestones:

  • Introduction into the University's Development Strategy issues related to reducing its impact on the climate and environment, and development of the university's environmental policy;
  • Development and implementation of the university's environmental management system integrated into the University of Lodz organisational structure and its preparation for external certification;
  • Introduction of Green Public Procurement;
  • Creation of a Green Civic Budget;
  • Installation of photovoltaic systems on the buildings of the University of Lodz;

Establishment of a university "pocket park" (demonstration project to disseminate good environmental-climate practices in terms of: conceptualisation and public participation in planning and use of nature-based solutions for the purpose of water retention, conservation of natural habitats, etc.).


Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection:
dr Natalia Ratajczyk 

The faculty team members:
dr hab. Dominik Kopeć, prof. UL
dr hab. Krzysztof Pabis, prof. UL
dr hab. Joanna Żelazna-Wieczorek, prof. UL
mgr Paweł Jarosiewicz
mgr Joanna Goździk

Faculty of Management

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Management:
dr Agata Rudnicka-Reichel 

The faculty team members:
dr hab. Dominik Drzazga

Faculty of Economics and Sociology

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Economics and Sociology:
mgr Dorota Cierniak-Dymarczyk

The faculty team members:
dr hab. Mariusz Sokołowicz, prof. UL
dr hab. Małgorzata Burchard-Dziubińska, prof. UL
dr Agnieszka Rzeńca

Faculty of Philosophy and History

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Philosophy and History:
dr Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek 

Faculty of Law and Administration

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Law and Administration:
dr Aneta Kaźmierska-Patrzyczna 

The faculty team members:
dr hab. Monika Król, prof. UL
dr hab. Piotr Korzeniowski, prof. UL

Faculty of Chemistry

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Chemistry:
dr Karolina Czarny 

The faculty team members:
dr Dominik Szczukocki

Faculty of Philology

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Philology:
prof. dr hab. Jarosław Płuciennik 

The faculty team members:
dr Anna Ciarkowska

Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics
Monika Piłacik 

The faculty team members:
dr Piotr Milczarski

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science:
dr Aneta Tomaszewska 

The faculty team members:
dr Witold Budzisz

Faculty of Geographical Sciences

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Geographical Sciences:
prof. dr hab. Joanna Wibig

The faculty team members:
dr hab. Jan Degirmendžic, prof. UL

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of Educational Sciences:
dr Paulina Szymańska 

The faculty team members:
dr Justyna Sztobryn-Bochomulska

Faculty of International and Political Studies

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Faculty of International and Political Studies:
dr hab. Katarzyna Dośpiał-Borysiak

Central Administration

Climate and Environment Coordinator, Central Administration:
Paweł Śpiechowicz 

Members of the Central Administration team:
Anna Rolczak
Sebastian Rudziński
Tomasz Łysek
Dorota Jachimek