Tasks of the Council of the University of Lodz include:
- giving opinions on a draft of the University's strategy;
- giving opinions on the Statute draft;
- monitoring financial management of the University;
- monitoring the University management;
- nominating candidates for the Rector, after obtaining an opinion of the Senate;
- issuing opinions on the report on the implementation of the University's strategy;
- performing other tasks specified in the Statute and provisions of the generally applicable law.
Sławomir Fijałkowski, Chairperson
He is a holder of MA degree in Cultural Studies and Film Studies at the University of Lodz. Sławomir Fijałkowski is a cultural manager and an animator. He graduated in Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Philology in 1995. Since 1999, he has been an owner of the Agency for Artistic Events "Pro Cinema". He has founded "Charlie" cinema. He is also the founder of the "Łódź Filmowa" Association and the "Miasto Kultury" Foundation, a member of the "Kina Polskie" Association, the Studio Cinemas Association, the Piotrkowska Street Foundation, the Forum of Polish Film Festivals and the chapter of the Lodz Star Avenue. Slawomir Fijałkowski's most important projects include the European Cinema Forum "Cinergia" (since 1992) and the Polish Film Song Competition "Kamer-TON" (4 editions). He has been honoured with the "Golden Ticket" from the "Kina Polskie" Association for his "outstanding contribution to the dissemination of Polish films". He also received the Polish Film Institute Award for the best studio cinema in Poland for 2008 (nominated three times). Sławomir Fijałkowski was honoured with the Marshal of the Lodz Voivodeship Award (2011) and twice with the "Point for Lodz". He took 2nd place in the plebiscite for "Man of the Year" and "Lodz Citizen of the Year 2017" in 2017. In 2018, he became a VIP Alumnus of the University of Lodz and a member of the Council of the University of Lodz. Since 2021, thanks to the innovative KiNEO Platform, he has been managing Spójnia cinema in Aleksandrów Łódzki. Since 2022, together with the Misto Kultury Foundation, he has been creating the "Hub of Culture" – the Culture Zone of the Charlie Cinema in the building at Piotrkowska 203/205 in Lodz.
Contact: slawomir.fijalkowski@uni.lodz.pl
Jerzy Czubak
He is an international manager with several years of experience. Since 2005, he has been a member of the Management Board of the Amcor Group, the world's leading packaging manufacturer. He has served as a President of Amcor Specialty Cartons since July 2015. He is a theatre specialist who graduated in cultural studies from the University of Lodz. He pursues his passion and love for culture as an artist, animator and a patron. Thanks to him, the Amcor concern has supported various cultural initiatives in Lodz, such as: Camerimage Festival, Artur Rubinstein International Music Festival, Władysław Strzemiński art competition, as well as the Powszechny Theatre, the Museum of the City of Łódź and the Museum of Art. His support to culture has not been limited to funding. He has created an art gallery in the Amcor factory at Aleksandrowska 55 in Lodz, presenting the work of professors, lecturers and graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. In 2020, he was honoured with the "Wiosła Kultury Łódzkiej" award in the category of patron of culture for his contribution to the development of humanities, especially by supporting the Memorial Prize of the First Rector of the University of Lodz Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński presented by the University of Lodz to authors of the best piece of work in the field of Humanities in Poland. Jerzy Czubak was also involved in social activities. After 1989, he actively participated in the establishment of democratic institutions, he was a co-founder and Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lodz, a co-founder and a member of the Council of the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation and a member of the Management Board of the PAM Centre at the University of Lodz. He has served as an advisor to the Mayor of the City of Lodz for several years. He is a VIP graduate and a committed friend of the University of Lodz.
Contact: jerzy.czubak@uni.lodz.pl
Anna Felisiak
She has been working at the University of Lodz since 2001. Since the beginning, she has dealt with tasks related to the living sphere of students and doctoral students as well as issues of student organisations and cooperation with the Student Council, cooperation and integration of the student community. She considers the direct contact with doctoral students as a source of a lot of satisfaction and a great experience. Anna Felisiak is a sociologist by training, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology. She combinesher professional work with her passion as a sociologist and a coach. She is also a graduate of the non-degree postgraduate studies in: Public Relations, Coaching, Mentoring, Consulting as well as many life-coaching courses. She is currently gaining new knowledge in accessibility – Postgraduate Studies: Accessibility Coordinator.
Contact: anna.felisiak@uni.lodz.pl
Rajmund Martyniuk
He has been working in the pharmaceutical sector in the Central and Eastern Europe region for over 25 years. During this time, he has created several leading sales and marketing teams in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. he has also trained many managers who today hold top positions in leading pharmaceutical companies in Poland and CEE. Rajmund Martyniuk has spent half of his career working with Western pharmaceutical companies. He has developed their sales departments, led marketing projects and opened new market segments. Rajmund Martyniuk spent the last 13 years working for Polpharma Group - Poland's largest pharmaceutical company. It is also one of the leading companies in Central and Eastern Europe. For 11 years, he has been serving as a member of the boards of directors, president of group companies, vice president of the group for commercial affairs, and member of the supervisory boards of subsidiaries in Eastern and Southern Europe. Working in management and supervisory boards of a privately-owned capital group allowed him to gain knowledge that is relevant to the world of Polish companies. The personal responsibility during his work helped him develop the ability to calculate the risk while looking for new development opportunities. It also resulted in the ability to create a strategy that makes the owners' vision come true. For the past two years, he has been acting as an advisor to business owners and boards of directors, supporting executives in gaining the ability to continuously transform business operations in a rapidly changing and uncertain environment.
Rajmund Martyniuk is a member of the Council of the University of Lodz in the 2021-2024 term. For many years he has been active as a mentor and a coach in many pro bono projects, including the Businesswomen Leaders Foundation. He is a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University (general practitioner); Warsaw University of Business at the Polish Academy of Sciences (MBA), INSEAD (Advanced Management Programme).
Contact: rajmund.martyniuk@uni.lodz.pl
Grzegorz Michalski
Professor of the University of Lodz is a Doctor of Humanities with habilitation, a pedagogue and a historian of education. In 1981 Grzegorz Michalski graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Lodz with a Master's degree in Pedagogy. He obtained a doctoral degree in Humanities in the field of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan in 1989. Grzegorz Michalski obtained the degree of doctor with habilitation at the Faculty of Educational Studies of that University in 2002. Since 1981 he has been a researcher at the University of Lodz. Over the years 2002-2005 he held a position of the Vice-Dean, and from 2005 to 2012 of the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Lodz. Since 2006 he has been the Head of the Department of History of Education and Pedeutology at the University of Lodz. He was a member of the Appeals Committee of the University of Lodz (2003-2005), the Team for the development of the mission and strategy of the University of Lodz (2008-2009), the Steering Committee for decentralisation of the University of Lodz (2009-2012), the Scientific Council of the Centre for the Dissemination of Innovation in Education at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Lodz, the Senate Statutory and Organisational Committee of the University of Lodz (2012-2016). He is a member of the Society for the History of Education and the Lodz Scientific Society as well as a a member of the Scientific Council of the journals „Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne” and „Wychowanie w Rodzinie”. He is an author of over 120 publications in the field of history of education of the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as the editor and co-editor of 17 multi-author monographs. In addition, he was a lecturer at the Chemical and Light Industry Personnel Training Centre in Lodz (1984-1988), Pedagogical College of Lodz University of Technology (1991-1995), the Teacher Training Centre in Skierniewice (1991-2000), Assistant Professor at the The Higher School of Pedagogy of the Society of Public Knowledge in Warsaw, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the College School of Economics and Humanities in Skierniewice (1996-2005), associate, Lodz correspondent of the Polish Radio "Zachód" in Zielona Góra (1992-1997), expert of the Polish Accreditation Committee (2004-2020). Prof. Grzegorz Michalski was awarded the Silver (1998) and Gold (2003) Crosses of Merit, as well as the Medal of the National Education Commission (2000), the Medal of the University of Lodz in the Service of Society and Science (2007), the Medal of Universitatis Lawodsis Merentibus (2012).
Contact: grzegorz.michalski@now.uni.lodz.pl
Marcin Palusiak
Prof. Dr Marcin Palusiak obtained his MA degree in March 2001 to take up employment at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Lodz as an assistant in the summer semester of the academic year 2000/2001. He defended his doctoral thesis in 2005 and submitted his habilitation thesis four years later, obtaining his post-doctoral degree in Physical Organic Chemistryin March 2010. In 2018, he received the title of Professor of Chemical Sciences from the President of the Republic of Poland.
Professor Palusiak specialises in the field of structural roentgenography (X-ray) and computer modelling using high-powered computers. His scientific passion includes the concept of chemical bonding. He deals with the nature of intermolecular interactions and their influence on the self-organisation of chemical molecules. He has co-authored nearly a hundred scientific publications in international journals. His papers have more than 2,400 citations. He is a member of the editorial committee of Structural Chemistry (Springer). He has completed a number of scientific internships at major research centres in Spain, the Netherlands and Germany. He is currently continuing his scientific cooperation with these entities.
Contact: marcin.palusiak@chemia.uni.lodz.pl
In accordance with Article 19(1)(2) of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1668, as amended), the University Council also includes, by right, the President of the University of Lodz Students' Government Council.
Eryk Zywert
He is a law student. He has held the position of the President of the University of Lodz Students' Government Council since 3 January 2023. He is also the President of the Faculty Council of the Students' Government at the Faculty of Law and Administration and a member of the Faculty Council. He is a graduate (2016-2019) and a tutor (from 2019) of the assistance programme for the outstandingly gifted of the Polish Children’s Fund, a winner of numerous scholarships, prizes and awards – including a 2nd degree scientific scholarship from the Marshal of the Lodz Voivodeship. He conducts biographical research on the life and work of Stanisław Srzednicki (1840-1925), prosopographical studies of the clerical elite of the Kingdom of Poland (1815-1915) and explores selected institutions of ancient and contemporary public law (e.g. indigene, wakuf). He is involved in the translation work of the first Polish editions of the works comprising the canon of sacred writings of the Bahá'í Faith.
Contact: eryk.zywert@edu.uni.lodz.pl

ul. Narutowicza 68, room 107
90-136 Łódź
Justyna Meksa,
Agnieszka Zgondek
E-mail: ru@uni.lodz.pl
Phone: + 48 42 635 40 10, +48 42 635 40 04