Opis studiów

The three-year undergraduate program in ECONOMICS at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz is intended to provide students with tools that will allow them to describe and analyze economic and social reality. Those who have ever wondered about the following issues…

  • Should health insurance be mandatory?
  • Which pension funds are more reliable: public or private?
  • Will you soon be able to pay with bitcoins for access to Spotify and Apple Music?
  • Why are some branded clothes in Poland several times more expensive than in the US?
  • Will debt relief really help the poorest African countries get out of the poverty trap?
  • Why is Venezuela, which has one of the largest oil reserves in the world, also one of the poorest countries in the world today?
  • Will the rapid technological progress and automation of production soon lead to a situation in which most people who are currently working will be unemployed?
  • If I run my own company after graduation, should I invest in advertising or focus more on introducing new products?

should choose studies in ECONOMICS at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz.

Undergraduate students in ECONOMICS do not learn how to fill out forms for the tax office or the Social Insurance Institution. Economics is a science that allows them to understand behaviors and choices, both at the micro and macro-level. During the program, students will learn to answer questions about the causes and consequences of actions taken by themselves, entrepreneurs and politicians. They learn abstract and critical thinking so that they can solve problems themselves and seek answers to the above questions. Studies in ECONOMICS will enable you to get the proper preparation for active participation in business life. Graduates know the latest trends and mechanisms of the global economy and are prepared to meet the requirements of the modern labor market. The program of studies in the field of Economics consists of modules of economic subjects, as well as non-economic subjects, necessary to understand the economic issues. We also offer modules for elective courses and specialization modules.

The program in ECONOMIES received:

  • accreditation certificate of the International Accreditation Council for Business Education,
  • a distinction grade from the Polish Accreditation Committee in the Internationalization category,
  • accreditation certificate and "Studia z Przyszłością" Quality Mark awarded by the Foundation for Development of Education and Higher Education and PRC Agency (program ECONOMICS in Polish),
  • extraordinary certificate "Quality Leader in Education Studia z Przyszłością” awarded by the Foundation for the Development of Education and Higher Education and PRC Agency (program ECONOMICS in Polish).








Studia płatne. Opłaty za usługi edukacyjne UŁ. 


  • Eco-Business:

the choice of this specialty allows students to acquire knowledge and skills related to sustainable economic development and ecology, as well as prepares them for work in organizations dealing with environmental protection issues.

  • Quantitative methods in business and economics:

students of this specialty acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct analytical and research work, learn about processes in different types of markets and learn to select and use the right tools for analysis of these processes.

  • International Business:

the choice of this specialty allows students to acquire knowledge and skills related to international business.

Główne przedmioty

  • Microeconomics;
  • Macroeconomics;
  • Mathematics;
  • Statistics;
  • Econometrics;
  • Accounting and Corporate Finance;
  • Basics of International Economics;
  • Environmental Economics
  • Main Trends in Contemporary Economics.

Sylwetka absolwenta

The graduates have excellent employment prospects including:

  • careers within companies, banks, financial and insurance institutions,
  • work as a specialist in economics and management, a financial or investment advisor, business analyst, sales or marketing specialist,
  • work in central administration, self-government and non-profit organizations.

They are also prepared to run their own business.

Zasady przyjęć

Kategoria przedmiotu Przedmioty
1 maksymalnie jeden (wymagany)

język angielski

2 maksymalnie jeden (wymagany)

matematyka, geografia, historia, WOS, informatyka

3 maksymalnie dwa (nie wymagane)

matematyka, geografia, historia, WOS, informatyka

Kandydaci na kierunek ekonomia, studia w języku angielskim powinni znać język angielski w stopniu zaawansowanym.

Zasady przeliczania punktacji uzyskanej na maturze

Kategoria przedmiotu Poziom podstawowy Poziom rozszerzony Poziom dwujęzyczny w przypadku języka obcego
do przeliczenia uwzględniany jest jeden wynik z przedmiotu
Przedmiot jest wymagany
1,5 4 5 (dla neofilologii x7)
do przeliczenia uwzględniany jest jeden wynik z przedmiotu
Przedmiot jest wymagany
1 3 3,75
do przeliczenia uwzględniane są maksymalnie dwa wyniki z przedmiotów
Przedmioty nie są wymagane: posiadanie przedmiotów daje dodatkowe punkty, ale ich brak nie wpływa na możliwość ubiegania się o przyjęcie na dany kierunek/specjalność
0,5 1 1,25

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