Opis studiów

Overview of the study programme

The B.A. in Business Management study programme will give a jump start to your professional career. The studies will provide you with knowledge in the area of management: finance, accounting, economics, marketing, and law. Team assignments and projects will provide you with skills such as the ability to communicate and work in a team, which are highly valued on the market. Such a combination of knowledge, skills, and competencies will ensure that you will be capable of performing efficiently in any business organisation, including the ones that operate in an international environment. These studies will also help you to handle running your own business.

The B.A. in Business Management programme has been accredited by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE).

logo IACBE

The accreditation confirms the compliance with the requirements for efficient functioning, excellence in teaching, professional management, and good relations with business. The accreditation guarantees that the students will obtain state-of-the-art professional knowledge and skills as well as a degree that is valued on the labour market.

Fluent command of the English language is a fundamental requirement in this programme, as it is taught entirely in English with the use of textbooks and teaching materials in the field of business education offered by leading publishers. Please bear in mind that proficiency in specialised business English can only be achieved if you already are able to think in English.

The curriculum includes courses taught by visiting professors from universities from all over the world as well as practitioners who hold managerial positions in business corporations. The courses you will participate in include, for example: Professional Skills Development, Accounting and Finance, Economics, Introduction to Law, Market and Marketing, Organizational Culture, and Management Toolbox. The B.A. in Business Management programme recognises the current trends in the world of management and management education, ale its structure offers a holistic approach to management.

Programme Council:

Head: Jerzy S. Czarnecki, Ph.D.
Coordinator: associate professor Maciej Turała, Ph.D.

associate professor Tomasz Czapla, Ph.D., Wojciech Ulrych, Ph.D., Katarzyna Kowalska, Grzegorz Siewiera

Studia płatne. Opłaty za usługi edukacyjne UŁ.
Paid studies. Tuition fee rates.

Główne przedmioty

Sylwetka absolwenta

Graduates of this study programme may be employed in professionally-managed business organisations. The gained learning creates the possibility of filling with professional spirit and skills small or family businesses. This option does not exclude the readiness to work for multi-cultural, multi-national, and global companies which have well-developed management infrastructure and a multitude of various interests (stakes). Graduates of the Business Management study programme will be ready to take up positions of management support specialists and, after several years of experience, may be prepared to professionally establish their own businesses or to apply for executive positions in established companies. The aim of the programme is to create high-potential specialists capable of working effectively in global business regardless of the situation, business location, or culture

Zasady przyjęć

Kategoria przedmiotu Przedmioty
1 maksymalnie jeden (wymagany)

język angielski

2 maksymalnie jeden (wymagany)

fizyka, geografia, historia, informatyka, matematyka, język obcy nowożytny

3 maksymalnie dwa (nie wymagane)

biologia, chemia, fizyka, geografia, historia, informatyka, matematyka, WOS

The programme is intended for a group of 30 students.

Participation in the programme requires that a tuition fee is paid by all students: from the EU (including Poland) and from outside of the EU.

Recruitment process for EU nationals:

The candidates who are EU nationals (including Polish nationals) are requested to register here.

Following the registration, please prepare a candidate statement in line with the instructions.
Send the statement to:

Recruitment process for non-EU nationals:

The candidates who are not EU nationals are requested to register here.

When registering, please prepare and upload a candidate statement in the admission system together with your application.
Please prepare it in line with the instructions.

Zasady przeliczania punktacji uzyskanej na maturze

Kategoria przedmiotu Poziom podstawowy Poziom rozszerzony Poziom dwujęzyczny w przypadku języka obcego
do przeliczenia uwzględniany jest jeden wynik z przedmiotu
Przedmiot jest wymagany
1,5 4 5 (dla neofilologii x7)
do przeliczenia uwzględniany jest jeden wynik z przedmiotu
Przedmiot jest wymagany
1 3 3,75
do przeliczenia uwzględniane są maksymalnie dwa wyniki z przedmiotów
Przedmioty nie są wymagane: posiadanie przedmiotów daje dodatkowe punkty, ale ich brak nie wpływa na możliwość ubiegania się o przyjęcie na dany kierunek/specjalność
0,5 1 1,25

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