Opis studiów

Overview of the study programme

The B.A. in Digital Communication & Social Media for Management study programme meets the latest requirements of the labour market both in Poland and abroad and as such focuses on the broadly understood digital communication, with an emphasis on social media, which the students are exploring and learning from the point of view of management. The study programme offers the students opportunities for holistic development, as our goal is to equip the graduates not only with hard analytical skills, but to combine them with soft skills, too. The graduates will be able to move smoothly in the digital communication and social media environment, being able to plan, prepare, and audit the activities carried out.

Some characteristics of the study programme

The most significant aspect of this programme of ours is its practical value. Several outstanding experts who work in the digital space on a daily basis as well as lecturers from international universities will be involved in teaching activities, and the Programme Council consists of representatives of companies from the digital and social media industries. Graduates of the programme will be equipped with knowledge not only in the field of broadly understood social media, but above all with the skills that will allow them to manage social media in a professional manner owing to the wide spectrum of areas covered within individual thematic blocks.

So, what makes our offer special?

  • the field of Digital Communication and Social Media for Management is, above all, unique on the scale of both state and private universities;
  • our Faculty is for open-minded people who value creativity, extraordinary solutions, and openness to novelties, while at the same time appreciating the potential of the digital market, including social media;
  • the programme was created as a result of talks with field experts as well as analyses of the employers' market and the educational market offer, both Polish and international; it thus fits perfectly into the area of interest of both the young generation and market trends;
  • the enormous practical value of the course is unique, which will increase not only the value of the classes themselves, making them highly interesting, but will also make it possible to maintain an appropriate level of updating the provided knowledge;
  • during the classes, great emphasis will be placed on creating students' skills, allowing them to undertake activities on their own;
  • we invited a group of lecturers with many years of scientific experience and practical experience in the fields that they will deal with while working with our students;
  • the course will also be implemented in cooperation with lecturers from international universities, which will certainly allow the students to acquire knowledge of global character, making them more open and ready to work in international environments;
  • our Programme Council is an unquestionable advantage as it involves the Board of Practitioners consisting of representatives of leading companies from the digital and social media industry; these are people who will take an active part in the classes;
  • we want to approach our students in a holistic manner, guaranteeing them the possibility of multidisciplinary development at the highest leve.

Programme Council 

Kinga Stopczyńska, Ph.D.
Bartłomiej Kurzyk, Ph.D.

Prof. Bogdan Gregor; Prof. Wojciech Grzegorczyk; Agata Banaszkiewicz, Digitalk; Olgierd Cygan, Future.Company; Kinga Stopczyńska, PhD; Bartłomiej Kurzyk, PhD; Karina Hertel (Brandlift); Michał Hertel (Makolab); Jarosław Miszczak (Bluerank)

Studia płatne. Opłaty za usługi edukacyjne UŁ.
Paid studies. Tuition fee rates.

Główne przedmioty

  • Influencer Marketing
  • Crisis in Social Media
  • Data Protection and Cybersecurity
  • Market Research and Data-Driven Decisions
  • Social Media Management
  • Innovation Business Models

Study programme

Sylwetka absolwenta

A graduate of our Department is a person who:

  • reacts quickly and boldly to market trends and wants to create them on their own;
  • has multidisciplinary knowledge;
  • has knowledge of broadly understood social media and digital communication;
  • has the skills to manage these areas in an innovative and professional manner;
  • is able to plan, prepare, and carry out an audit of the undertaken activities;
  • is aware of the limitations and opportunities posed by the market;
  • can work in various markets and industries, including the English-speaking environment;
  • can act independently in the social media space, but can also do teamwork.

Positions that the graduate of this programme will be able to work at include:

  • social commerce and digital services manager;
  • social media specialist;
  • social media manager;
  • social media expert;
  • junior social media account executive;
  • creative copywriter;
  • content marketing manager/coordinator;
  • content and social media specialist;
  • Facebook Ads specialist;
  • influencer marketing manager;
  • influencer marketing specialist.

Zasady przyjęć

Kategoria przedmiotu Przedmioty
1 maksymalnie jeden (wymagany)

język angielski

2 maksymalnie jeden (wymagany)

geografia, historia, informatyka, matematyka, WOS, język obcy nowożytny

3 maksymalnie dwa (nie wymagane)

biologia, chemia, fizyka, geografia, historia, informatyka, matematyka, WOS

The programme is intended for a group of 30 students.

Participation in the programme requires that a tuition fee is paid by all students: from the EU (including Poland) and from outside of the EU.

Recruitment process for EU nationals:

The candidates who are EU nationals (including Polish nationals) are requested to register here.

Following the registration, please prepare a candidate statement in line with the instructions.
Send the statement to:

Recruitment process for non-EU nationals:

The candidates who are not EU nationals are requested to register here.

When registering, please prepare and upload a candidate statement in the admission system together with your application.
Please prepare it in line with the instructions.

Zasady przeliczania punktacji uzyskanej na maturze

Kategoria przedmiotu Poziom podstawowy Poziom rozszerzony Poziom dwujęzyczny w przypadku języka obcego
do przeliczenia uwzględniany jest jeden wynik z przedmiotu
Przedmiot jest wymagany
1,5 4 5 (dla neofilologii x7)
do przeliczenia uwzględniany jest jeden wynik z przedmiotu
Przedmiot jest wymagany
1 3 3,75
do przeliczenia uwzględniane są maksymalnie dwa wyniki z przedmiotów
Przedmioty nie są wymagane: posiadanie przedmiotów daje dodatkowe punkty, ale ich brak nie wpływa na możliwość ubiegania się o przyjęcie na dany kierunek/specjalność
0,5 1 1,25

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