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Centre for Data Analysis, Modelling and Computational Sciences (CAMiNO) is a response to the growing interest in the application of novel analytical tools in scientific projects and the increasing number of grant competitions focused on interdisciplinary research. 

The Centre makes it possible to use the enormous potential of researchers from the University of Lodz to design innovative scientific research and, on their basis, to apply for interdisciplinary research grants. The structure of the Centre allows it to encompass cooperation with researchers from all fields of science represented at the University of Lodz. There is also a clear emphasis on building international collaboration that will form the nucleus for applying for research grants at the level of major research funding agencies.  


  • Enhancing the application potential of empirical science by involving data analysts in the design of the study and the method of analysis of the obtained data
  • Inspiring interdisciplinary research combining novel aspects of empirical studies and designing new analytical methods – co-applying for grants
  • Creating new research collaborations, in particular interdisciplinary and international ones
  • Creating analytical pathways and online tools for learning from already existing algorithms
  • Inspiring new research directions through the organisation of workshops and seminars
  • Building a reliable knowledge database on good data analysis practices through training and courses


  • Scientific Council composed of experienced and active scientists working in the fields covered by the Centre's collaborators (Humanities, Natural and Social Sciences). The main task of the Council is to advise on the selection of the Centre's long-term goals related to: the development of the Centre, establishment of new research teams, broadening the scope of the Centre's activities, selection of an appropriate strategy for applying for research grants. The Scientific Council meets twice a year.
  • Scientific Partners Team consists of at least two persons from each of the Faculties of the University of Lodz (which are interested in the Centre's work) and one person from other administrative units of the University of Lodz (connected with the Centre's work). The aim of the Scientific Partners Team is to have an open discussion about the so-far experience related to cooperation with the Centre and to propose new solutions to facilitate cooperation between researchers from the Centre and from outside the Centre.
  • Project Manager – a person responsible for: monitoring the progress of work in projects, the timeliness of applying for research grants, searching for appropriate competitions for research and/or infrastructure (in agreement with the Science Centre), promoting the activities of the Centre (in agreement with the Promotion Centre)
  • Scientific Leader – a person responsible for the coordination of scientific research in the Centre. The Scientific Leader is responsible to the Scientific Council and a representative of the superior unit for the quality of the analyses conducted in the Centre and the results of the research work carried out there – including grant applications co-written by the employees of the Centre. For data analysts working in the Centre, the Scientific Leader acts as a scientific mentor.
  • Knowledge Transfer Leader – a person responsible for the appropriate selection of research topics for seminars, workshops and courses and their organisation. In the first stage of implementation, the function is performed by the PM. In the third year (with a positive evaluation of the Centre's activities in the first two years), this position will be filled by one of the active researchers from the University of Lodz with appropriate qualifications.
  • Research Team Leaders – individuals responsible for: building interdisciplinary teams that will conduct research in both the field of empirical sciences and the development of analytical methods, submitting grant applications and acquiring new collaborations – especially international ones. The leaders will not only focus on their own research work, but will equally carry out consultation and analysis in projects of other researchers from the University of Lodz and beyond. Research teams: Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods Team; Data Analysis in Social Sciences and Qualitative Methods Team; Statistical Methods and Learning Systems in Biomedical Sciences Team; Data Analysis and Modelling in Humanities Team
  • Researchers: doctoral students and post-docs – young researchers employed by the Centre to carry out ongoing analysis and consultation as well as to conduct research in consultation with and under the 'supervision' of the Research Team Leader and the Scientific Leader.


  • Project Manager: TBD
  • Scientific Leader: Michał Seweryn
  • Knowledge Transfer Leader: Carl Smith (Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)
  • Leader of the Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods Team: Sebastian Sakowski (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science)
  • Leader of the Qualitative Methods and Data Analysis in the Social Sciences Team: Piotr Chomczyński (Faculty of Economics and Sociology)
  • Leader of the Statistical Methods and Learning Systems in Biomedical Sciences Team: Michał Seweryn
  • Leader of the Data Analysis and Modelling in the Humanities Team: TBD
  • Members of the Scientific Council: TBD
  • Members of the Scientific Partners Team: TBD


  • Recruitment of staff by the Scientific Leader: Project Manager and doctoral students, and post-docs, designation of Research Team Leaders
  • Internal and external promotion of the Centre's activities through the organisation of on-line webinars 
  • Creation of the Scientific Council and consultation of the Centre's activities with its members and the authorities of the Faculties concerned
  • Determination of projects consultation schedule – schedule and rules of consultation
  • Consultation of analyses in existing research projects and support of research planning and co-writing grant applications with researchers from the University of Lodz and outside it
  • Organisation of training on good practices in scientific data analysis
  • Building a database of projects and choosing how to control their implementation schedule
  • Inviting guests as visiting researchers

  • Development of the first online applications presenting data and performing services for science
  • Consultation of projects and methods of analyses in existing projects – co-writing grants
  • Inviting guests as visiting researchers
  • Performance of ongoing tasks – methodological analyses/consultations of the grant projects under elaboration
  • Organisation of training and courses in data analysis
  • Organisation of scientific workshops
  • Consultation of the Scientific Council on the Centre's activity plans for year 3
  • Evaluation of staff: employed in the Centre and working for the Centre
  • Elaboration of the Centre's staff involvement plan for year 3
  • Staff participation in scientific conferences
  • Initiating new international cooperation
  • Writing the Centre’s own data analytics grant applications

  • Reporting to the Scientific Council on the activities performed throughout the first two years
  • Consolidating cooperation and inviting visiting researchers
  • Consultation with the Council on the shape of the existing scientific teams and potential establishing of new teams
  • Organisation of thematic scientific workshops
  • Building online tools and applications 
  • Consultation of projects and methods of analyses in existing projects – co-writing grants
  • Performance of ongoing tasks – analyses, co-writing grants, 
  • Evaluation of staff: employed in the Centre and working for the Centre
  • Elaboration of the Centre's staff involvement plan for year 4
  • Staff participation in scientific conferences
  • Writing the Centre’s own data analytics grant applications