We have prepared additional possibilities of getting vaccinated against Covid-19.
In the coming days, at several locations of the UL campus Vaccination Busses will be operating:
- Tuesday 19.10 Faculty of Economics and Sociology (ul. POW 3/5),
- Wednesday 20.10 University of Lodz Library (ul. J. Matejki 32),
- Thursday 21.10 Faculty of Philosophy and History (ul. Lindleya 3, the old Rector’s Office of the University of Lodz).
At these locations, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. each of You, students, doctoral students and employees will be able to get vaccinated right away. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnsons preparations will be administered. Those who qualify will also be able to receive the third dose there.
Dear students,
acting responsibly in the face of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, we constantly strive to minimize the risk of infection by introducing a number of preventive measures aimed at the well-being of yourself and others, which is our greatest asset.
In the following sections, you can find tips for students as regards sanitary measures at the University of Lodz.
- The security policy is regularly reviewed by the Covid-19 crisis management team.
- Please direct any of your questions to:
If quarantine is declared for an entire UL Dormitory or its part by authorities, you will have to bear the costs of food and healthcare during your stay. Dorm Staff will support you as much as possible.
If you feel unwell and you have coronavirus symptoms (dry cough, fever, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste):
- Call your designated doctor (in Polish POZ) (p. 40-41) to seek guidance on how to proceed.
- If cannot reach your doctor, you must report this to your Dormitory reception desk. You will be moved for mandatory stay at a temporary isolation room. You must stay there until you reach your doctor.
- If your symptoms are acute/ severe, call 112 Emergency.
Checking in at UL Dormitories is organized in a way that limits direct contact between the residents. For this reason, please read carefully rules of safe check in: Rules of functioning of the University of Lodz Dormitories in the academic year 2021/2022.
The most important is:
- bring your own face mask, disposable gloves and a pen;
- only you can enter the dorm building (NOT your parents or friends);
- agree with dorm Manager or Reception Desk your arrival day and time.
Yes. Due to epidemiological threat (COVID-19) a strict sanitary rules are introduced and you have to obey them. Please read carefully the following document: Rules of functioning of the University of Lodz Dormitories in the academic year 2021/2022.
Here are some of the most important rules you have to follow at the UL dormitory. If you feel they are too strict for you, please consider renting apartment/ room in the city and inform IRO about such decision immediately.
- Cover your mouth and nose in public areas (kitchen, corridors, laundry room, study rooms, elevator)
- Get equipped with personal protection equipment (protective face masks, disposable gloves)
- Dispose of used face masks in the waste containers intended for this purpose
- Remember to disinfect your hands
- Keep social distance
- Avoid close contact with ill people, especially those respiratory symptoms
- Comply with all the Instructions, Announcements and Regulations of the
University Authorities
Violation of the above rules will result in the removal from the dormitory. These restrictions are introduced for the safety of both you – students – as well as dormitory administration. If you don’t agree with these rules, please consider another place of residence.
There are two units relatively close to UL Campus that offer emergency health service:
Hospital „Barlickiego” (emergency ward)
ul. Kopcińskiego 22, Łódź
tel: +48 42 677 66 00
Please note that emergency wards are for emergency situations only. For less serious conditions, or usual treatment of illness, please use regular doctor appointments.
A non-stop emergency medical service center (Pogotowie Ratunkowe) is in 137/141 Sienkiewicza Street (in the neighborhood of Galeria Łódzka). You may use their service in emergency cases, such as injuries, when no other service is available.
Medications can be bought in a pharmacy, known in Polish as apteka. You can find one in the Campus, at 3 Tamka Street (at the walkway between Tamka Street and Pomorska Street).
There are two possibilities that apply to majority of students:
• You have the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) or NFZ insurance: go to any health centre with “NFZ” sign and fill in declaration (in Polish) on site. For visit, you need to make appointment at the reception desk (you can try calling them). With EHIC, visit is free, as well as most medical examinations that are ordered by a doctor. TIP: when searching google for the medical centre, try those words: Łódź, przychodnia, POZ, wizyta u lekarza, NFZ.
• You have private insurance: first of all, call your insurance provider and describe what is happening. They should give you address of a specific health centre that will assist you. Please know that in most cases you will be required to pay for the visit and then the cost is reimbursed by the health insurance company, but please verify your agreement attentively so you are aware which medical consultations/procedures can be refunded.
We suggest that you pick – in advance, before you need medical advice – one of the medical units and fill in a declaration that will assign a doctor to you. Why? Because most of the consultations are done by the phone. Even if you suspect that you might have Covid-19 symptoms, you would need this assigned doctor to talk to you and to make decision for further testing.
If you have suspicious COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, and/or a deficient sense of taste or smell), please contact a medical unit to ask for a phone consultancy with your assigned doctor. He/she will guide you how to proceed.
COVID-19 hotline of Polish Ministry of Health (24/7; incl. English, Russian and Ukrainian): 800 190 590
If the insurance company you chose does not pay benefits in Poland, you must get insurance after arriving to UL, as soon as possible. Also, if you wish to obtain the NFZ insurance (instead of the private one), you can do this. To get health insurance, you can apply to the local branch of the National Heath Fund (35 Targowa street), also known as the NFZ.
Bring a copy of:
- your passport
- confirmation of student status from the UL (the student status form must be in Polish; get it from the Dean’s Office at your UL Faculty).
- official confirmation of the place of residence; first you take the proof of accommodation from the Dorm reception and then you need to register your address personally in the City of Lodz Office (UMŁ): ul. Zachodnia 47 (ground floor, desk 1; off Manufaktura tram stop).
Monthly fee for this kind of insurance is 55,80 zł (PLN 55,80). You need to go to the NFZ office to sign the agreement and then remember about paying each month on time to stay insured. Once you have the Polish National Health Found (NFZ) insurance, you can seek medical treatment that is free of charge.
If you are a student from the EU/EEA country, you should have with you the European Health Insurance Card. Such card allows you to use the same public health services and Polish citizens (they carry “NFZ” sign).
If you are a Karta Polaka (Pole’s Card) holder or you have an official statement from Polish Embassy confirming your Polish ancestry, you follow a different medical insurance procedure with the NFZ. It is outlined in the e-mail you got from the IRO.
If you are a student from a non-EU/EEA country, you should purchase (and most likely you had) health insurance in your home country, valid in Poland. According to state health regulations, foreigners (except for EU/EEA citizens, who follow the EHIC card regulations) have to pay for a medical consultation. The cost should be reimbursed by the health insurance company, but please verify your agreement attentively so you are aware which medical consultations/procedures are refund.
Use of UL premises
The use of the UL premises is limited to persons who do not have symptoms suggesting an upper respiratory tract infection and persons who have not recently contacted those in quarantine or in isolation.
Each employee, student or client is obliged to follow the updates on safety measures, provided by the University authorities, state authorities and sanitary services in connection with the epidemic threat.
The following safety rules apply in the buildings:
- cover your nose and mouth with your own protective item when moving in or between buildings;
- clean (disinfect) your hands regularly, especially when entering the building;
- keep a safe distance of at least 1.5 metres from the other person you speak to;
- limit direct contact with other users of the facility down to the necessary minimum;
- limit the use of lifts (elevators);
- ventilate rooms frequently;
- maintain regular cleaning or disinfection of surfaces and objects that are frequently touched;
- put the following equipment temporarily out of service: portable air conditioners, air-conditioning systems and hand dryers (unless an air-conditioning system is necessary for laboratory premises or it is used to heat the building);
- set up an “isolation room” (intended for people with symptoms of SARS-COV-2 infection)
- perform self-assessment of health before entering the University premises;
- disinfect surfaces (especially if used by a number of people) and toilet facilities frequently;
- dispose of used personal protective equipment (masks and gloves) to marked containers;
- ensure the use of gloves by employees performing operations with documents or parcels;
- set up safe zones for customers, especially near service desks;
- designate a separate entrance to the building for the staff and a separate one for the customers.
University of Lodz Library
Rules of using the services of the UL Library are regulated by the Announcement of its Director of 30.09.2021
The rules are in accord with the nationwide sanitary regime for libraries: (in Polish)
- The issue of international mobility has been regulated by: Zarządzenie nr 167 Rektora UŁ z dnia 8.09.2020 r. w sprawie zagranicznych wyjazdów studentów, doktorantów i pracowników UŁ oraz przyjazdów osób z zagranicy w związku z rozprzestrzenianiem się koronawirusa (SARS-CoV-2) (in Polish)
- Decisions on mobility should regard the applicable legal regulations and the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, Chief Sanitary Inspector and other authorized bodies in order to minimize the risk of spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Protective measures in UL premises and dormitories
Ensuring the safety and well-being of all employees and students is first priority. Protective measures are used for persons staying in the university buildings and they include:
- an obligation to cover the mouth and nose;
- ensuring the social distance recommended by the government;
- protective screens in areas where social distancing is more difficult to maintain;
- solutions for washing and disinfecting hands (liquid soap in sanitary facilities and dispensers with a liquid for disinfecting hands at the entrance to buildings and on their premises);
- regular cleaning and disinfection schemes for: rooms where teaching and research activities take place, administration rooms, areas of common use (e.g. corridors, toilets and sanitary rooms, lifts (elevators), common objects such as handles, switches;
- adequate ventilation of the rooms;
- providing rooms for isolation (one per each building);
- introduction of clear markings and signs for buildings / rooms / surfaces, e.g.:
- implementation of psychological support
All details of checking in and rules of use of the University of Lodz dormitories during the pandemic are provided at: Start/FAQ
In accordance with the regulations of the Rector of the University of Lodz, the UL Academic Support Centre provides assistance to students/doctoral students/candidates as a rule, in a stationary (on-site) mode with observance of safety rules during the pandemic. In situations of an increased epidemiological risk – in a mixed mode, i.e., alternately in the building of UL Academic Support Centre (ul. Pomorska 152) and using the available communication tools or remotely.
In order to make an individual appointment with a specialist, we prefer to be contacted by e-mail or telephone in advance.
Formal details
In order to benefit from the support of specialists as part of the activities of the University Support Center of the University of Lodz, you need to SIGN UP:
- Students / doctoral candidates / employees with a disability certificate should send its scan (all pages) to and include a signed REGISTRATION FORM ACW UŁ
- Students / PhD candidates / employees who experience psychological or educational difficulties but not have a certificate of disability should send to a scan of filled out and signed ACW UŁ REGISTRATION FORM:
Individual consultations with a psychologist:
All students / PhD candidates / employees of the University of Lodz experiencing psychological difficulties can benefit from individual support. For this purpose, you should contact the selected psychologist directly:
- Marta Ziętal: 690 694 317, (in English)
- Beata Majcher: 690 694 351,
- Anita Skorupka: 690 694 329,
- Agnieszka Jaros:
- dr Diana Muller-Siekierska:
or the UL Academic Support Centre (
Expressing opinion (certifying) on the need to adjust the teaching process, including – alternative forms of assessment and examinations:
- Beata Majcher (psychologist)
Alternative P.E. classes, UL Physical Education and Sports Centre
The UL P.E. and Sports Centre accepts disability certificates, and offers physical rehabilitation classes to students who hold them. This offer is addressed to all students with disabilities throughout the course of their studies.
Education counselling:
- Agnieszka Piestrzeniewicz (education consultant)
IOS (individual arrangement of studies)
- Agnieszka Piestrzeniewicz (education consultant)
IOS (individual arrangement of studies) is a special mode of organizing classes and examination sessions and it concerns participation in classes, forms of assessment or taking exams. The rules for awarding IOS are set out in §34 of the Rules of Study at the UL. Whether to grant you the IOS is decided upon by The Dean of the appropriate Faculty. University of Lodz students / doctoral candidates with a valid disability degree certificate may apply for recommendations of the UL Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Persons with Disabilities.
Sign language interpreter:
- Agnieszka Piestrzeniewicz (education consultant)
Assistant of a person with disability:
- Agnieszka Piestrzeniewicz (education consultant)
Specialized transport:
- Agnieszka Piestrzeniewicz (education consultant)
Rental of specialized equipment and devices supporting the education process of people with disabilities:
- Krzysztof Śniecikowski
The template of request for rental of equipment can be downloaded at:
- Regulaminy i formularze wniosków
Personal development trainings and workshops:
- Beata Majcher (psychologist)
Consultation and information in the field of addiction prevention:
Individual coaching (available in Polish or English):
Group coaching:
Detailed information on the mode of classes is provided by faculties:
- Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection - Dean’s Office
- Faculty of Chemistry - Dean’s Office
- Faculty of Economics and Sociology - Students Service Centre
- Faculty of Philology - Institutes and Departments
- Faculty of Philosophy and History - Dean’s Office:
- Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics - Dean’s Office
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science - Dean’s Office
- Faculty of Geographical Sciences - Dean’s Office
- Faculty of Educational Sciences - Dean’s Office
- Faculty of Law and Administration - Student Service Department
- Faculty of International and Political Studies - Student Office
- Faculty of Management - Department of Quality of Education and Student Service