PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Agnieszka Kurczewska

dr hab. Agnieszka Kurczewska
As vice-rector, I am in charge of creating and maintaining relations between the University of Lodz and the social, cultural and business environment. I am responsible for initiatives aimed at commercialising the achievements of the University of Lodz's scientists and disseminating them in society.
As an associate professor, I research entrepreneurial processes and issues related to entrepreneurship education.
I am researcher in the field of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. My academic experience includes work at the University of Lodz (Poland) and Aalto University (Finland), but also research stays at the University of Tampa (USA, FL) and Lund University (Sweden).
I am a graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz. I received her master's degree in economics in 2003, and a year later I started my doctoral studies at the same faculty. In 2008 I btained a doctor's degree in economics, and in 2015, a doctor habilitatus degree in economics.
I have previously held internships at the European Commission in Brussels and at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. I was also a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists (2011-2014) and a member of the Council of Young Scientists (2013-2015) at the Ministry of Science and Education in Poland. I created the regional entrepreneurship competition Eksoc StartUP! and Academy of Entrepreneurship.
Currently I hold a position of an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at University of Lodz and a position of vice-rector, responsible for the University’s external relations. I am also a president-elect of the European Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (ECSB), starting my term of office of president in December 2023. I am also a member of the Scientific Council of CIFE (Centre International de Formation Européenne). I am also a visiting professor at NTNU in Norway.
Over the years 2016-2020 I was a vice-dean responsible for development, and then a vice-dean for research and external relations at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz (Poland).
Over the years 2017-2020, I was an associate editor in the Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM). Currently, I am thematic reviewer in Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship (Palgrave). I am also a member of the Scientific and Publication Committee of the European University Network on Entrepreneurship (ESU).
I. Entrepreneurship:
- entrepreneurial process
- entrepreneurial opportunities
- entrepreneurial intentions
- ethical dimension of entrepreneurship
- entrepreneurial thinking (effectuation)
- social entrepreneurship
- business tools
II Entrepreneurship education:
- experience-based learning
- action learning
- pedagogy of entrepreneurship education
- evolution of research in entrepreneurship education
- political context of the development of entrepreneurship education
10 recent publications
Hägg, G. Kurczewska (2021). Entrepreneurship Education: Scholarly Progress and Future Challenges, Routledge.
Laveren, E., Ben-Hafaïedh, C., Kurczewska, A. Dragon Jiang Y. (ed). (2021). CONTEXTUAL HETEROGENEITY IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESEARCH, Edward Elgar Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research.
Kurczewska, A., Liñán, F., Landström, H., Fayolle, A. (2021). Editorial: Fostering European Entrepreneurship Research through a Human Action Perspective, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2021.
Hägg, G. and Kurczewska, A. (2020). "Guiding the student entrepreneur – Considering the emergent adult within the pedagogy–andragogy continuum in entrepreneurship education", Education +Training, Vol. 62 No. 7/8, 759-777.
Kurczewska, A., Doryń, W., & Wawrzyniak, D. (2020). An Everlasting Battle between Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Skills? The Joint Impact of Education and Professional Experience on Entrepreneurial Success, Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 8 (2), 219-237.
Mackiewicz M, Kurczewska A. (2020). “Is it the survival of the fittest or of the jacks-of-all-trades? Business survival in the light of Lazear’s theory”. BRQ Business Research Quarterly. December 2020. doi:10.1177/2340944420976652
Hägg, G., & Kurczewska, A. (2018). Who is the student entrepreneur? Understanding the emergent adult through the pedagogy and andragogy interplay, Journal of Small Business Management, published: 28 November 2018.
Kurczewska, A., Kyrö, P., Kohonen O., Lagus K., & Lindh-Knuutila, T. (2017). The interplay between cognitive, conative, and affective constructs along the entrepreneurial learning process, Education + Training,
Tegtmeier, S., Kurczewska, A. & Halberstadt, J. (2016). Are Women Graduates Jacquelines-of-all-trades? Challenging Lazear’s View on Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 47, 1, 77-94.
Hägg, G., & Kurczewska, A. (2016). Connecting the dots: A discussion on key concepts in contemporary entrepreneurship education. Education and Training, 58(7-8), 700-714.
Recent research grants
- European Commission: Knowledge Alliances for Developing Entrepreneurship Competencies for the Benefit of Higher Education and Business (BeComE), (2020-2022)
- Regional Studies Association (RSA), Citizen Entrepreneurship – an investigator in an international research project on citizen entrepreneurship (2020-2022)
- National Science Centre, Poland, OPUS PROJECT: New approach to Lazear's entrepreneurship theory in context of entrepreneurial success and failure, PI, (2017- 2021)
- National Science Centre, Poland, OPUS PROJECT: Entrepreneurship in the context of neoliberal policy and the gig economy, PI, (2020 – 2023)
Rewolucji 1905r 41/43 90-214 Łódź
Office hours
tuesday: 15:15-16:45 Contact hours for students (A329)