Philology Faculty, University of Łódź, Poland: 2003–current
Associate Professor, Department of Slavic Philology: 2019–current
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Slavic Philology: 2003–2005, 2014–2019
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of South Slavic Studies: 2005–2014
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Unit of Paleoslavic Studies and Folk Culture, Dept. of South Slavic Studies: 2007–2012
Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland: February–December 2008
Assistant bibliographer: etymological research for Słownik Prasłowiański (Dictionary of Proto-Slavic)
Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland: 2004–2007
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Slavic Studies
Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland: October 2003 – January 2004
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Comparative Linguistics (part-time position)
Education and advanced degrees:
Doktor Habilitowany in Slavic Linguistics, Philology Faculty, University of Łódź, 21 October 2016.
Habilitation thesis: Od inkunabułów do pierwszych gramatyk. Konteksty rozwoju bułgarskiego języka literackiego (koniec XV – początek XVII wieku) (From incunabula to the first grammars: Contexts for the development of the Bulgarian literary language (late 15th–early 17th cc.)).
Ph.D. in Linguistics, Philology Faculty, University of Łódź, 25 June 2003.
Dissertation: Wyrażanie struktur polipredykatywnych w rozwoju języka bułgarskiego (The expression of polypredicative structures in the development of Bulgarian).
M.A. in Slavic Philology, specializing in Bulgarian and Serbian, Philology Faculty, University of Łódź, 17 May 2001
Thesis: Zdania temporalne w „Biblii nowobułgarskiej” (1924 rok) i ich odpowiedniki w średniobułgarskim „Kodeksie Ochrydzkim” (XII wiek) (Temporal clauses in the "New Bulgarian Bible” (1924) and their counterparts in the Middle Bulgarian "Code of Ohrid" (12th century).
M.A. in Polish Philology, Philology Faculty, University of Łódź, 13 June 2000
Thesis: Sfera nadawczo/odbiorcza „I listu Św. Pawła do Koryntian” w świetle genologii językowej (na materiale polskim i rosyjskim) (The sender and addressee in the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians in the context of linguistic genres (based on data from Polish and Russian).
Teaching experience:
Since 2000 I have taught Introduction to Slavic Philology; Old Church Slavonic; Introduction to Linguistic Studies; Linguistic Analysis; Polish Descriptive Grammar; Bulgarian Descriptive Grammar; Bulgarian Historical Grammar and Dialectology; History of the Bulgarian Literary Language and Regional Cultures; Translation Studies: Theory and Practice; Translation of Bulgarian Literature; Comparative Grammar of the Slavic Languages; Selected Issues in the Slavic Linguistics; and Bulgarian, Russian, and Polish languages.
Teaching experience abroad:
2005-current: over a dozen foreign internships under the LLP-Erasmus and Erasmus+ programs, during which I taught classes in the following centers: Cyril-Methodius Research Center at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria), the Paisius of Hilendar University (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau (Freiburg, Germany), Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic), Institute for Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria).
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Office hours
tuesday: 09:00-11:00