Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Łódź (2011). Dissertation written under the supervision of Dr. Mirosław Włodarczyk, prof. nadzw. UŁ entitled: Legal status of persons providing work under atypical contractual employment, she defended it in 2016 at the Department of Labour Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź.

From 2016 to 2018 employed as an assistant professor in the Department of Social Insurance Law and Social Policy. Since 2018, employed as Assistant Professor in the research and teaching staff group in the Department of Labour Law - Department of Social Insurance Law and Social Policy, and since October 2022 in the research staff group.

Since June 2023, he has been Vice-Dean for International Cooperation and Projects.

She has been practising as a legal adviser since 2016.

Member of the European Lawyers Network for Workers (ELW) and the International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network (ILAWN).

Deputy Head of the Centre for Migration Studies at the University of Lodz;

Member of the AI WORK TEAM - Research Team for conducting research on the effects of the development of artificial intelligence and other modern technologies on the labour market and labour and social security law;

Member of: 1. the Polish Social Security Association; 2. the Polish Section of the International Labour and Social Security Law Association ISLSSL; 3. the Coordinating Committee of the Polish Cooperante Scientific Network of Labour and Social Security Law; 4. the Management Committee of the Comparative Centre for Labour and Social Security Law; 5. International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA); 6. the Scientific Council of the journal 'Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy i Polityki Socjalnej'; 7. the Scientific Council of the 'Italian Labour Law Journal; 8. the Organising Committee of the cyclical conference 'September Meetings with Labour Law'; 9. the Steering Committee of the Labour Law Research Network; 10. the Editorial Board of the Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal.

Associate of the Section for Research on Immigration to Poland of the Committee on Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Expert cooperating with the Migration Analysis Centre at the Office for Foreigners.

Manager of postgraduate studies: Legal and social aspects of the functioning of foreigners in Poland.

From 2016 to 2023 she served as Disciplinary Ombudsman for Students at the University of Lodz.

Co-founder of the Labour Law Education Society (LLES) collaborative network established in 2012, bringing together Central and Eastern European Academics working in the broad field of labour law. Since 2014 she holds the position of Executive Director of LLES.

Expert of the University of Lodz.

Served as the manager of the project implemented in the 2017/2018 academic year with funding from the European Social Fund, "GOOD TRAINING - GOOD START. Profiled internship programmes for WPIA students at the University of Lodz" (budget PLN 2,427,360, 77). From 2019 Supervisor for law students in the Students` Power programme - internship module.

Managed projects (1) Legal status of persons providing work in contractual atypical employment [B1511900001110.02]; (2) Social security systems in the world [B1611900001472.02];(3) Contemporary challenges of social security [B1711900001691.02; B1711900001770.02]; (4) Social rights related to employment [B1811900002022.02] financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the targeted grant for young scientists.

Speaker at dozens of scientific conferences, half of which are international conferences [e.g. Frankfurt am Main (2015), Toronto (2017), Christchurch (2017), Modena (2018), Seoul (2018), Valparaiso (2019)]. Organiser of many national and international conferences, including LLRN5 Poland and LLRN6Poland.

Reviewer of articles published, among others, in Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej; Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne; Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i Praktyka; Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy i Polityki Socjalnej; Bibliotheca Nostra; UW Law Review; Kortowski Przegląd Prawniczy, European Labour Law Journal.

In November 2017, she held academic appointments at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Graduate School of Business and Law (Melbourne, Australia); Centre for Employment and Labor Relations Law, Melbourne University (Melbourne, Australia); and University of Canterbury, School of Law (Christchurch, New Zealand).

Lecturer at the Global and European Labour Law Summer School (University of Leiden) in July 2019.

Served as head of one of the sections implementing the international research project "Fairness, Freedom and Industrial Relations across Europe: UP AND DOWN THE MEAT VALUE CHAIN - MEAT.UP. FFIRE" funded by the European Commission under call VP/2017/004/0035 (2018-2020); Contractor of the European Commission funded project under call VS/2019/0081 "Irel- Smarter Industrial relations to address new technological challenges in the world of work- iREL" (2019-2021); Head of one section in the European Commission funded project Varieties of Industrial Relations in Aviation Lockdown - VIRAL (2021-2023) under call VS/2021/0188.

Executor of international projects on (1) development of a report on the degree of use of modern technologies at work in Polish agriculture (2019); (2) development of a report on working conditions of Nepalese citizens in Poland (2020); (3) development of a report on the degree of implementation of regulations on labour migration - so-called trade commitment migration - into the Polish legal order (2020).

Laureate of the Awards of the Rector of the University of Łódź: 2nd degree for organisational activities (2018); 2nd degree for organisational activities (2019); 1st degree team science (2020 - with Marta Otto); 1st degree for organisational activities (2021); 1st degree individual science (2022). Laureate of the Initiative of Excellence - University of Science [IDUB] award in the Bonus competition for externally acquired grants (2021). Winner of the award for significant contribution to the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity at the University of Lodz in 2017-2021, funded by the ,,Initiative of Excellence - Research University" programme.

Author of the programme of the workshop Court in Fairyland conducted at the Faculty of Law and Administration for Primary School Students.

ORCID iD 0000-0003-3167-3382.


Kopcińskiego 8/12 90-232 Łódź