PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Karolina Anielak-Sobczak



I conduct classes in the subject of International Economic Relations, Intellectual Capital and Fundamentals of International Business

I run the seminar Communication in Business and Business Services

I also take care of the profile on FB: Finance and International Business


I am employed as an assistant at the Department of Business and International Trade at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology.

In 2022, I defended my doctoral dissertation entitled :"The role of intellectual capital in building the competitiveness of banks in Poland".

Scientific interests: competitiveness, competitiveness in the banking sector, financial innovations, business models (of banks), Agile, intellectual capital.


Scientific interest:


financial innovations


agile project management methods, e.g. Agile

intellectual capital

social media


Science publications:

Anielak-Sobczak K., A bank's intellectual capital and its importance in building competitiveness on the example of Polish listed banks, "Ekonomia i Praw"2022, vol.21(1);

Anielak-Sobczak K., The importance of intellectual capital in building the competitiveness of banks - an example of Polish listed banks, [in:] Contemporary Issues in Economy. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Economics: Quantitative Methods”, (eds.) A.Balcerzak, M.Pietrzak, Olsztyn 2021;

Anielak-Sobczak K., The intellectual capital of the bank - identification and reporting, [in:] "Financial management. Financial analysis, banking, local government finance. Banking and Insurance”, (ed.) D. Zarzecki, Szczecin 2020;

Anielak-Sobczak K., The development of the Fintech sector as a source of innovation for the Asian financial market – the example of China; [in:] "Asia's global expansion business and financial aspects", (ed.) M. Rosińska-Bukowska, K. Zielińska-Lont, Łódź 2020;

Anielak-Sobczak K., Agile as a method of creating innovative projects in a bank - the example of ING Bank; [in:] "Value detractors and creators at the level of the product and service enterprise sector"; IVG Scientific Publishing House, Rzeszów 2020;

Anielak-Sobczak K., Social Media as anessential tool for banks marketing communication in Poland; [in:] "Organization and information management", Lublin 2020;

Anielak-Sobczak K., Fintech as a source of financial innovations on the Polish financial services market, Scientific Journals of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego No. 1, vol. 19, 2019;

Anielak-Sobczak K., Strategies of innovation in the enterprise, We broaden horizons. Volume X, 2019;

Anielak-Sobczak K., The intellectual capital of the bank - identification and reporting, Scientific Journal of the University of Szczecin "Finance, Financial Markets, Insurance", 2019;

Anielak-Sobczak K., Should the observed development of populism in contemporary democracy be perceived mainly as its attribute feature, or rather as its pathology?, Broaden horizons. Volume XII, 2019;

Anielak-Sobczak K., Innovations in banking, Formation of Organizational and Economic Conditions for the Effective Functioning of the Agricultural Sector - a collection of scientific articles of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk 2019;

Anielak-Sobczak K., Competitiveness of the commercial banking sector - methods and models of competitiveness measures, "Research and development of young scientists in Poland. Humanities and Social Sciences. Part VII - Economics and Economy, Poznań 2018;

Anielak-Sobczak K., The impact of innovation on the improvement of the competitiveness of banks - an analysis of case studies, "Ekonomia Międzynarodowa" No. 22, Łódź 2018;

Anielak-Sobczak K., Intellectual capital of the bank, "Selected works in the field of law, economics and social sciences", Wydawnictwo Tygiel, Lublin 2018;

Anielak-Sobczak K., Marketing activities in the face of the economic crisis on the example of Toyota Motor Corporation, "Finance, economics and management - contemporary challenges of theory and practice Volume II", Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sophia, Katowice 2017.

Awards :

Rector's award for doctoral and student activities for the University of Lodz



The development of intellectual capital and its importance in building the competitive position of Polish listed banks in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic - financed as part of the research work of young scientists (2022)

Efficiency of using the intellectual capital of banks, financed as part of research by young scientists (2021)

Digitization of the banking sector in Poland - from research funding for the development of young scientists (2020)

Financial innovations as a factor in the competitiveness of banks - from co-financing scientific research for the development of young scientists (2018)

participation in the preparation of the NCN proposal entitled "Sustainable development of Asian economies and their participation in global business networks" together with colleagues from the Department of Business and International Trade

Scientific conferences:

11th International Conference Contemporary Issues In Economy in Toruń - paper The importance of intellectual capital in building the competitiveness of banks: an example of Polish listed banks,2021

Conference of Finance Departments entitled: "Finance 2020-2021 - New dilemmas and challenges", paper - The concept of the bank's intellectual capital and its contribution to building competitiveness

International Scientific and Practical Conference, paper Innovations in banking, Minsk May 2019

7th National Scientific Conference Young Scientists in Poland - Research and Development (paper Competition and competitiveness of the commercial banking sector - methods and models of competitiveness measures), 2018

4th National Conference "Current trends in international economic relations", Warsaw University of Life Sciences, paper Fintech as a source of financial innovation on the Polish market of financial services, Kociszew October 2018

National Scientific Conference "Young Erudite of Interdisciplinary Sciences" paper Innovation strategies in the enterprise, Słupsk December 2018


phone: 42-635-55-08

POW 3/5 room: C206 90-255 Łódź

Office hours

thursday: 08:00-09:30