PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Magdalena Urbaniak



Associate professor



09/2016 Habilitation, University of Lodz. Dissertation title “Spatial dynamics of PCDD/PCDF and dl PCBs in the river continuum and the perspectives for applying plants of the family Cucurbitaceae for the removal of the above compounds from the environment”;

11/2009 Doctoral degree, University of Lodz. Dissertation title “Comparative analysis of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in reservoirs of different forms of anthropopression”;

06/2005 Master's degree, University of Lodz. Dissertation title “Application of selected genes from the mcyABCDEFGHIJ cluster in the early warning system against toxic cyanobacterial strains”.


My research focuses on the fate of priority hazardous substances in the field of water policy (such as: PCDD/PCDF and PCBs) and compounds of emerging concern (CEC, such as: herbicides, pharmaceuticals, determinants of antibiotic resistance) in land-water ecosystems. My research is oriented on the hydrological and ecological conditions of transport, deposition and conversion of the above compounds in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The aim of this research is to optimize nature-based technologies (such as bio- and phytotechnologies) to reduce the transport of the above-mentioned pollutants from land to aquatic ecosystems and preventing their accumulation and biomagnification in food chains.


Author of over 80 publications, including 65 papers in peer-reviewed journals; total citations: 769, h-index = 15 (Scopus). My scientific activity is also reflected in numerous presentations at international conferences, including on environmental chemistry, hydrology and bio- and phytoremediation. Her work in the field of organic pollutants has been recognised by international scientific institutions, which resulted in her being invited to serve as a member of the scientific committees of international conferences and symposia (Dioxins2018, International PCB Workshop, International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, and International Symposium in Ethiopia, 2016). I have extensive experience in coordinating and managing interdisciplinary research projects - over the last 10 years, I have participated in 3 research and development projects supported by the European Commission (Life+ EHREK; Eupolis, CHEMFELLS), 5 transdisciplinary projects of the Polish Aid program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland aimed at implementing nature-based solutions in water and terrestrial ecosystems of Ethiopia, 11 national research projects. l have been also awarded with several fellowships to: the USA (founded by Fulbright Senior Award fellowship USA, Kosciuszko Foundation fellowship, and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange Bekker Program), Australia (founded by University of Lodz), Japan (founded by the European Organization for Molecular Research EMBO), and Czech Republic (EU CHEMFELLS project). Two-time winner of the Łódź region Eureka award in the category Science (in 2019 for innovation Eco-innovative horticultural substrate, and in 2021 for Development of a method of stimulated biodegradation of phenoxy acid herbicides in soil); winner of the 1st place in the competition for the best ecological innovation at the 43rd International Exhibition of Inventions INOVA 2018 in Croatia, and a special award for the best innovation awarded by the Toronto International Society of Innovation & Advanced Skills (TISIAS) in 2018.


Stefana Banacha 12/16 90-232 Łódź