PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Małgorzata Dzimińska



  • teaching in Polish and English, for example:
    • Leading Project Teams
    • Communication in Project Teams
    • Leading Research Teams
    • Design Thinking
    • Fact-Based Decision-Making
    • Creativity in Business and Personnel Activities
    • Fundamentals of Social Communication
    • Personal Development Management
    • Psychosocial Aspects of Managerial Competence
  • conducting scientific research, publishing research results in the field of management of education, higher education, quality management in education, building the quality culture, project management, science communication,
  • participation in scientific conferences in Poland and abroad,
  • participation in research and teaching projects and publication of research results (current list of publications)
  • organisational activities for the department, institute and the university

Dr Małgorzata Dzimińska currently performs also the role of a project manager for a research project entitled: Science Hub UŁ


Małgorzata Dzimińska works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Labour and Social Policy at the University of Łódź, Poland.

She holds a PhD in social sciences with the specialty in pedagogy from the University of Social Sciences in Warsaw, Master degree in English Philology from the University of Łódź. She also studied Intercultural Communication at the University of Tampere and Project Management at Harvard University.

After working in international business, in 2017 she re-entered Academia. She teaches the following courses in English: Advanced Communication, Project Management, Leadership and Design Thinking. Małgorzata Dzimińska is an experienced project manager. She has been managing and partnering on international projects both for business and for universities since 2000. She is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP),Manager (Postgraduate Management Studies) and Design Thinking Moderator. Currently she is leading the University of Łódź Science Hub project aiming at popularizing engaged research among students, academic staff and external partners:

She publishes in international journals, presents at conferences and actively collaborates in international research teams. She is a member of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) and the European Higher Education Society (EAIR).


Her research interests focus on higher education management, building quality and innovation culture in academia, science communication and engaged research.


A current list of publications is available on google scholar

Project Manager Science Hub UŁ Project Duration:3.09.2022-3.09.2024.

Completed research projects:

CONCISE (Communication role in creation of perceptions and beliefs of EU Citizens about Science) Project funded by EU Horizon 2020, Project duration: 1.12.2018 - 31.01.2021 Research work focused on topics related to science communication, participatory social research and the role of universities in the development of science communication.

The Ideal University - the perspective of students. A project funded by the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Łódź aimed at constructing a model of the ideal university as perceived by students. It included conducting 12 focus groups with 63 study participants in 2021.

Ideal University - the perspective of employees. A project funded by the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz aimed at constructing a model of the ideal university in the opinion of research and teaching staff. This included conducting 12 focus groups with 49 study participants in 2022.


Office hours

tuesday: 16:00-17:30