PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Tatiana Wrocławska



Research and teaching employee.

The scope of tasks in the field of research, teaching and organizational duties is specified in the appendix to the Regulations of the University of Lodz and includes in particular: conducting didactic classes, conducting and participating in scientific research and development work, raising funds for research by applying in competitions, disseminating research results or development by publishing results, active participation in conferences and scientific seminars.


Dr T. Wroclawska, since 2007 employed as an assistant professor at the Labor Law Department of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz. Teaching activity is conducted since 2002 at following studies: administration, law, human resources management, international fund management as well as as Erasmus lecturer at foreign universities as as a Tutor at University of Lodz. The author of over 50 scientific studies publications: chapters in a scientific monographs, comments to normative acts, articles in journals, glosses and active participant in national and international research projects. Since 2016 - the Disciplinary Ombudsman for PhD Students of the University of Lodz (since 2021, the Disciplinary Ombudsman for Students of the University of Lodz).


Didactic activity is concentrated in areas relevant to individual and collective labor law: issues in the field of rights and obligations of parties to an employment relationship, employment stability, discrimination, equal treatment, employment of foreigners, unemployment and recruitment of employees and the free movement of employees in the European Union. My scientific interests focus on the issues of broadly understood labor law and interdisciplinary connections of this field of law. In my current scientific research the activities concentrate on the issues of creating holistic solutions supporting longer professional activity of older people and the issues of sustainable work over life course.


Cooperation with the Center for the Support of Workers' Councils in the framework of a nationwide campaign (substantive supervision of the preparation of legal opinions since 2011), including since 2016 under the agreement of the WPiA with INSPRO;

Completed grant as prime contractor: Opus 5 : "In search of a model for counteracting unemployment among the elderly - legal analysis" from 2014 to 2017; Contractor in NCN Opus 13 grant (2021); Contractor in teaching grant "Masters of Didactics" (2021/2022). Grant applications submitted: NCN OPUS 3,4,5, Daina 1, Dialogue, Gospostarteg III, including in grant proceedings from foreign research centers in 2020 and 2021;

Long-term international cooperation of a scientific nature with Lithuanian scientific and research centers;

Organizer and executor of the scientific undertaking - Scientific Center for Comparative Labor Law and Social Security "COMPASS";

Internship: Comenius University in Bratislava, study visit within the framework of the "Masters of Didactics" grant at the University of Ghent (Belgium);

Recipient of the Rector's first and second level team awards for scientific publications;

Speaker at numerous international conferences.


phone: 42-635-64-42

Kopcińskiego 8/12 90-232 Łódź

Office hours

tuesday: 17:45-19:15