PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Tomasz Bartosz Kalinowski

- Organization of intra-departmental processes to support the quality of scientific research.
- Cooperation with the College of Deans in determining the directions of scientific development.
- Determining criteria for evaluating the quality of scientific research.
- Issuing opinions on funding proposals for scientific development activities submitted by employees.
- Providing opinions on offers of scientific cooperation from the environment directed to the Faculty of Management.
- Identifying activities and research and scientific projects important to the Faculty of Management.
- Participation in monitoring the implementation of the scientific strategy of the Faculty of Management.
- Supervision of the Research Quality position.
- Performing other duties related to the function.
- Collaborate with central units of the UŁ in the field of scientific research quality.
- Provide faculty members with information related to the activities of the position.
Scientific activities
- Conducting scientific activities, including:
- Scientific research (basic and applied)
- Development work
- Dissemination of the results of scientific activity in the form of publications and speeches at scientific conferences
- Acquisition or implementation of research and research and development projects, financed from external sources
- Participation in the education of doctoral students
Teaching activities
- Conducting master's seminars
- Organizing credits and examinations
Organizational activities
- Implementation of organizational and administrative work resulting from the position held
Member of the Research Quality Commission
Stimulating scientific research work that contributes to maintaining or raising the scientific category in the parametric evaluation
Promoting good practices in the area of scientific research
Using the results in the area of statutory activities to plan scientific research
Supporting scientific publication activity and initiatives related to improving the research workshop
Conducting matters related to the periodic evaluation of academic teachers in the area of scientific and research activity.
- Developing and updating policies for the use of Knowbase services by FoM employees, supervising the updating of information on the resources available in Knowbase (individually for each employee)
- Identification and solicitation of people to cooperate with Knowbase - translations, training, etc.
- Inventory of data sources (databases) available within the UoL and FoM and dissemination of information on what data can be extracted from them (e.g., in the form of a guide for employees)
- Communication with employees on the principles of using Knowbase services, building awareness
- Contacting employees and identifying scientific and information needs - looking for ready solutions, data sources, etc. that meet the needs of FoM employees
- Supervising access to scientific databases and research tools
- Supervising the development and approval of documents for those performing services for Knowbase (approval of documents in the Employee Portal)
- Supervising the acquisition of data from data sources (development of databases on behalf of the Employee) available within the UŁ
- Supervising the content of the Knowbase website
- Supervising cooperation with suppliers of databases used by JZ employees
- Supervising and providing day-to-day support to the WZ Employees of the University of Lodz in all types of services provided by Knowbase
- Supervising trainings and workshops for WZ employees in the field of scientific competence development
- Preparation and approval of information sent out in the form of communications to WZ employees
- Preparation of reports on scientific activity of employees for reports to the Rector's Office
- Preparation of reports on the scientific activity of employees for the purposes of parameterization
- Preparation of reports on the scientific activity of employees according to the requirements of internal clients
Associate professor at the Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz with 20 years of experience in teaching and research.
Graduate of master's degree in specialties: "accounting and financial management" and "quality manager", as well as doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Łódź. Doctoral degree obtained in December 2007. Doctoral degree obtained in February 2020.
Head of Centre for Excellence in Research - Knowbase at the Univeristy of Lodz.
Dean's Representative for Research Quality.
Lecturer in the field of process management, organisational improvement and supply chain management on full and part time and postgraduate studies at the Univeristy of Lodz.
Experienced project manager and researcher in 25+ externally funded projects (H2020, Erasmus+, LLP, LdV, etc.). Project experience covers the following areas/expertise: sustainability, supply chain management, quality management, entrepreneurship, innovation management, digitalisation, industry 4.0, business models development.
Visiting professor at: Spain - University of Alcala, University of Zaragoza, University of Valencia, CEU Cardinal Herrera University; Portugal - University of Lisbon, Porto Technical University, Italy - University of Rome Tor Vergata; Malta - University of Malta; Denmark - University of Roskilde; Latvia - University of Riga.
Expert in technology transfer and commercialisation (200+ projects), certified business coach, quality auditor and business consultant.
Has experience as business consultant as a former co-owner of an SME consulting company Umbrella Consulting Ltd. (former UNDP Umbrella Project) involved in implementation of quality management systems (business and public sector).
Author of 2 books and over 60 peer-reviewed journal and conference proceedings papers.
- Process maturity
- Innovation and technology transfer
- Models of organization maturity and excellence
- Measurement of achievements (performance management)
- Quality management systems
- Innovation management
- Enterprise innovation management
- Supply chain management
- Business process management
- Project management
- Sustainability management
Matejki 22/26 90-237 Łódź
phone: 42-635-62-81
Matejki 22/26 room: 126 90-237 Łódź
Office hours
monday: 09:00-10:00 On-line or Face-to-face office hours by appointment
wednesday: 09:00-10:00 On-line or Face-to-face office hours by appointment