dr Aleksandra Ziółkowska-Boehm

Writer and journalist

Aleksandra Ziółkowska-Boehm graduated in Polish studies from the University of Lodz. She holds
a doctoral degree in humanities from the University of Warsaw and is an author of several books published in Poland, the USA and Canada. Some parts have been published in German, Portuguese and Ukrainian. Between 1977 and 1981 she was a member of the Editorial Board of the Polish Television Theatre. 
She has received a scholarships from, among others, the Ontario Ministry of Culture, the Canadian Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences, the Adam Mickiewicz Foundation in Toronto, the Washington Institute of International Education, the Kosciuszko Foundation in New York, and twice from the Fulbright Foundation of America. She is a member of, among others: PEN America - NY, Fulbright Ass.-Washington DC, Association of Authors ZAiKS, Association of Polish Writers in Warsaw, Association of Polish Writers in London, Kosciuszko Foundation in New York, the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, Polish American Historical Association, Józef Piłsudski Institute in NY, Polish Heritage Society of Philadelphia. She has received numerous awards including: Gold Cross of Merit, Gold Badge of Honour of the Polish Booksellers Association, Gloria Artis Medal for Merit to Culture, Fulbright Award, Turzanski Foundation, Delaware State Annual Award in Literature (creative non-fiction), Ignacy Paderewski Medal awarded by the Society of Veterans of the Polish Army in America (SWAP), Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement, Polish Heritage Society of Philadelphia Award, Skalny Civic Achievement Award - The Polish-American Historical Association, "Witness to History" (IPN "in recognition of special merits in commemorating the History of the Polish Nation").
The subjects of her books include: the fate of the Poles during the war, Melchior Wańkowicz (the writer dedicated his book La Fontaine's Decanter to her and bequeathed his archive to her), American Indians (the writer's uncle, Korczak Ziolkowski started the sculpture of Chief Crazy Horse in South Dakota), Ingrid Bergman (the actress was a close cousin of the writer's husband, Norman), and cats. 
Author of, among others.  "Kaja od Radosława, czyli historia Hubalowego krzyża" (award of the London Writers' Association in Foreign Countries), "Dwór w Kraśnicy i Hubalowy Demon" (honorary citizenship of the Municipality of Slawno), "Lepszy dzień nie przyszedł już" (Honours and Sympathy Foundation of Polish Armenian Culture and Heritage), "Korzenie są polskie", "Amerykanie z wyboru i inni", "Nie minęło nic, prócz lat" (with Szymon Kobylinski), "Ulica Żółwiego Strumienia", "Kanada, Kanada", "Blisko Wańkowicza", "Wokół Wańkowicza", "Otwarta rana Ameryki", "Ingrid Bergman prywatnie", "Podróże z moją kotką", "Pisarskie delicje".
She is an author of the script for the musical show "Drugi Korpus w piosenkach Ref-Rena" [The Second Corps in Ref-Ren Songs], produced by Polish Television in 1991 (directed by Barbara Borys-Damięcka). She has consulted and appeared in documentary films devoted to Zbigniew Brzeziński, Stanley Haidasz (dir. Zbigniew Kowalewski), Korczak Ziółkowski (TV Philadelphia) and Melchior Wańkowicz (dir. Piotr Morawski). She is an author of the introduction to Janusz M. Paluch's book "Wczoraj i dziś. Polacy na Kresach" [Yesterday and Today. Poles on the Borderlands] (Krakow 2013, and author of the foreword to: Tomasz Łychowski: 'Spojrzenia. Wiersze Wybrane' [Selected Poems](Rio de Janeiro 2016).