Ewa Sobkiewicz

Co-owner of Salve Medica


Mentor 2022/2023

Meeting place: at the Mentor workplace - Lodz

Number of mentees in this edition: 1

Language: Polish

UShe has graduated from the University of Lodz in the field of economics and completed postgraduate studies in accounting and management. Ewa Sobkiewicz is characterised by openness to people and ability to work with them, honesty, optimism, efficiency, thriftiness and commitment to social issues. She actively participates in actions that increase awareness of caring for health.\

Since 1987 she has been running her own enterprise. Since 2001, she has been successfully running her own company, which is a leader on the Polish medical market in breast diagnostics and treatment – Medica Badania [Medica Research], she is also a co-owner of the Salve Medica Group. In 2013, she became the Ambassador of Women's Entrepreneurship for all her professional and social activities. As the owner of a family business, she actively works for family businesses. In June 2016, she became a President of the Association of Family Business Initiatives.

She is happily married, the mother of two daughters and a grandmother who is madly in love with her grandchildren.