Piotr Borowski

Journalist for TVN24

Graduate of Sociology, with specialisation in Sociology of Political Relations, and postgraduate studies in Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Lodz.

Since 2002, he has been a journalist of Radio Łódź, dealing mainly with topics related to local government and politics. His reports and documentaries have also been broadcasted in national Polish Radio, Channel One and Channel Three. Since 2009, news journalist for TVN24 reporting on the most important events, mainly from central Poland. In 2012, Piotr Borowski was nominated for the Honor Academicus award granted by the academic community to journalists.

He is very eager to share his knowledge with others. He has participated in a number of meetings and debates at universities in Łódź. Since 2016 he has permanently cooperated with the University of Lodz teaching television journalism to students.

Privately a lover of the history of Łódź and a football fan.