Katarzyna M. Jaszczołt is Professor of Linguistics and Philosophy of Language at the University of Cambridge, and Lecturer at Newham College, an autonomous college that is a part of the University of Cambridge.
Her research interests are diverse in nature, as reflected in the wide range of thematic publications, including issues in semantics, pragmatics and philosophy of language, in particular the ascription of sentence attitudes, issues of time representation, the relationship between semantics and pragmatics, the author's theory of the Semantics of Implicit Meanings, and issues of ambiguity and indeterminacy. Her ongoing projects include Expressing the Self: Cultural Diversity and Cognitive Universals, and the monograph The Semantics of Linguistic Interaction.
She is an author of numerous books, including: Representing Time (published in 2009 by Oxford University Press), Default Semantics (2005 OUP), Semantics and Pragmatics (2002, published by Longman) and Discourse, Beliefs and Intentions (1999, published by Elsevier). She is a member of numerous editorial boards, and the chief editor of the Oxford Studies of Time in Language and Thought publishing series. She has written over 80 scholarly articles and served as an editor for a total of 11 scholarly publications, including The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics (2012). In 2012 she became a member of the Academia Europaea, a prestigious organisation of 2500 scholars from all over the world, including 50 Nobel Prize winners.