From 12 December 2022 until the day when funds granted to the UL are exhausted, documents required at the enrolment stage will be collected by the International Relations Office. Documents can be sent by email or submitted in person (room 6) to the IRO staff: mgr Dorota Jachimek or mgr Beata Kamińska Each student individually decides on how to provide their documents to the office.

Traineeship mobilities may be carried out between 11.02.2023 and 15.10.202315 as a student or a recent graduate of the UL.

Rules of enrolment and Learning Agreement for Traineeships (LAT):


Files to download

Motivation letter for the Erasmus+ Traineeship.

Before the Mobility section, as agreed and signed by three parties (a scan is acceptable).

While filling out the "Subject area code" field in your LAT document, please use the 2013 ISCED-F search tool (the International Standard Classification of Education: Fields of Education and Training; ISCED – F 2013).  Kindly use the code of a subject area which is most closely related to your UL degree programme.


Files to download

A certificate, or other document attesting the knowledge of the foreign language being the medium of the traineeship (in individual cases, interviews may be arranged in order to verify the proficiency level).

Document with rating points for Learning Agreement for Traineeships, signed by the specific-field ECTS Coordinator:


Files to download

Applies only to students outgoing in the last year of each study cycle.

Files to download


The duration of a traineeship by recent graduates counts towards the 12 months maximum, of the cycle during which they apply for the traineeship.

Rules of financing mobility for traineeshipss in 2022/2023 can be found in the following file:

The following file contains the "HE grant calculation - MT calculation" EC tool, used for mobility period calculation.


After receiving an e-mail with positive decision on mobility abroad under the Erasmus+ programme, the student/graduate is obliged to sign an agreement for mobility at BWZ (IRO UL). In order to sign the agreement, the student/graduate sends the following documents by e-mail for verification (before making a personal visit to the BWZ/IRO):

Proof of medical insurance policy valid for the period of trip and stay at the host institution, as well as the travel back to the home institution’s country – a copy of European Health Insurance Card or other medical insurance policy valid for the whole period of student mobility abroad in the host country and the days of travel to and from the mobility. If you are an user of NFZ state health insurance, you may use the following template stamped by IRO (first, please send your name, receiving institution and planned time frame of mobility to IRO UL):


Files to download

  • A (photocopied) proof of insurance against medical costs (KL) for the duration of the traineeship and travel from/to the place/country where it takes place (covering the costs of any additional medical interventions or transport to the country). 
  • A (photocopied) proof of personal accident insurance (NNW) and civil liability insurance (OC) both for the duration of the traineeship and for the time of travel to the location of traineeship and return to the home university country.

If the host institution states in LAT that it will provide the insurance coverage described above, the student/graduate does not have to submit any other proof of the accident and liability coverage for traineeship location. It is worth asking the host institution to show a document certifying coverage of trainee(s) by third party liability and accident insurance valid at your traineeship location. Alternatively, you may ask for a confirmation e-mail that you will be entitled to such insurance as a trainee in your host institution.

Acceptance letter/email from the host institution with precise start and end dates (dd/mm/yy) of traineeship abroad.

Confirmation of student status at the University of Lodz in the semester of the mobility abroad in 2022/2023 academic year (issued by the Dean’s office). Please email your Dean’s office to apply for it. In the case that you are planning traineeship during classes period, Dean's consent is obilgatory ad well.

The outgoing student is obligated to take the OLS test before signing the agreement. In order to take the test, the participant is to create an EU login account: https://academy.europa.eu/

Please make a print screen of your test result and send by email to IRO:
orota.jachimek@uni.lodz.pl or beata.kaminska@uni.lodz.pl 

Please find tutorials and guides in the files below:

  • How to create an EU Login
  • EUAcademy OLS – Tutorial Community
  • EUAcademy OLS – sample invitation email-for BENs


Files to download

Document for transferring the scholarship:


Files to download

Student who has been qualified for the exchange programme needs to confirm that he/she has read the Privacy Notice (processing and protection) of his/her personal data within the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes set and published by the European Commission on the website: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-esc/index/privacy-statement 

Example of the statement is here:


Files to download



International Relations Office is open from Monday to Friday, from 7:30 till 15:30. Students who need more information about Erasmus+ Traineeships are invited to visit room no. 6 (ground floor) or to call: +48 42 635 4036

Staff contact:

mgr Dorota Jachimek

mgr Katarzyna Pardyka

Erasmus+ logo "Co-funded by the European Union"