Zespół z WMiI UŁ wykonał wizualizację 3D kompleksu Monopolis

A student of Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Lodz, Szymon Zielinski, together with his project supervisor Dr. Artur Lipnicki, in cooperation with the City Library of Lodz, created a 3D model of the Monopolis complex. The project was carried out as part of the Science Hub of the University of Lodz.

Cooperation with the City Library of Łódź  

Cooperation with the City Library of Łódź concerned the creation of a model of the Monopolis Łódź complex. The process of creating the model was closely linked to the use of photogrammetry methods in order to obtain the lowest possible error. The techniques used made it possible to obtain a realistic visualisation along with a 3D model printout.  The completed project can perfectly promote the monuments of Łódź in the city's Medioteka.  

Creation of the model  

As part of the project, a 3D visualisation of the Monopolis Łódź complex was created. Using photogrammetry methods, it was possible to select an appropriate scale for the model. As part of the realisation, own reference materials were used. On the basis of data analysis, a building block was created (e.g. using box modelling). During the model realisation, numerous modifiers were used to obtain the correct model topology. The texturing process was based on procedurality. The appropriate selection and material creation process (uv mapping and procedural texturing) took into account the fairly high accuracy of the building architecture. Renderings of the model were generated based on the old and new building architecture. In the case of a partnership with the Media Library/Library in Łódź, it will be possible to present the renders and the model of the Monopolis building itself in order to emphasise the uniqueness of the complex itself. The prepared model was printed on a 3D printer as a micro model.  

About the project  

The project is realised as part of the Science Hub at the University of Łódź - an all-university collaboration platform, which aims to support the academic community of the University of Łódź in the implementation of scientific implementation projects in collaboration with the environment.    

Project title: Application of photogrammetry methods in 3D visualisation   

Supervisor: Dr. Artur Lipnicki, Department of Nonlinear Analysis   

Student: Szymon Zieliński, Computer Science  

Partner: Municipal Library of Łódź   

Project description: 3D design of the Monopolis Łódź complex based on photogrammetry methods, including the process of texturing specific elements of the building's architecture. The model is currently almost finished (80%) with a preliminary 3D printout of the stl file. The physical model is available for viewing.   

Material: Project Team
Edit: Science Hub