Interdyscyplinarne Seminarium Gender – „Kobiety na uniwersytetach a pandemia Covid-19. Badania porównawcze nad pracą kobiet”

Meeting with Dr Aneta Ostaszewska, Professor at the University of Warsaw, entitled: The Paradox of the Pandemic. A Few Reflections from the Project "Women at universities and the Covid-19 pandemic. Comparative research on women's work" will be held on 19 January (Thursday), at 11.30 a.m. in room T401 at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz (building T, entrance from Revolution Street, from the car park). The event is organised by the Interdisciplinary Gender Seminar and the council member Dr Izabela Desperak.

Could the Covid-19 pandemic be an opportunity for gender equality at universities?

In an attempt to answer the question, the results of the research carried out as part of the project "Women at universities and the Covid-19 pandemic. Comparative research on women's work" will be recalled. The project was carried out at the University of Warsaw in partnership with the University of Milan from September 2021 to August 2022.

The idea for the project was born precisely out of the need to analyse the impact of the pandemic (the feminisation of the pandemic), and also out of the need to propose specific measures to improve the situation of women working at universities, women who make up the majority of the staff (academic and administrative) but are in a clear minority when it comes to the professorial and managerial positions they hold.

The research findings – important areas of change

The research findings indicate that the pandemic has (paradoxically) opened up opportunities for change when it comes to the organisation and working culture at a university. One important area of change is flexible working as a new working standard at a university, which can contribute to women's work-life balance.

Aneta Ostaszewska, dr hab., Professor at the University of Warsaw – a sociologist and educator, researcher of women's auto/biographies, founder and Director of the Centre for Women's and Gender Research at the University of Warsaw. She is an author of, among others, a book entitled "Proces kształtowania kobiecej podmiotowości Pedagogiczne studium samorozwoju bell hooks" [The process of shaping woman’s subjectivity. A pedagogical study of the self-development of bell hooks] (PWN 2018).

Link to the report on the research results. (in Polish)

Source: Dr Aleksandra Różalska, Department of Cultural Studies

Edit: Communications and PR Centre

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