Spotkania z przedstawicielami przemysłów kreatywnych oraz nauki

Place of the event: Piotrkowska 295A, 93-004 Łódź

On Thursday (6 October), a series of talks with representatives of creative industries and science from Lodz, entitled “Artystyczne inspiracje. Kulturalna jesień w Łodzi” [Artistic inspiration. Cultural autumn in Lodz] begins. The meetings take place in October and November this year and have the form of three-person panel discussions. They begin with a conversation with Piotr Trybuchowski and Karolina Kolodziej “Bez lania wody, czyli o pisaniu i czytaniu w Łodzi” [Without beating around the bush, that is, about writing and reading in Lodz].

Speakers include people of merit for the development of local culture, such as the founder and director of Charlie cinema, Slawomir Fijałkowski (also a VIP alumni and member of the University Council) or promoters of knowledge about creativity, such as Krzysztof J. Szmidt – professor-educator of creativity, lecturer at the University of Lodz and the co-author of the “Przewodnik literacki po Łodzi” [Literary Guide to Lodz] and Karolina Kołodziej – assistant professor at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Lodz. A full description of the speakers below. 

Agnieszka Janiszewska is an organiser of the events. She is a final year student at the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences, doing research in the field of pedagogy of creativity. 

The project aims at providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience between leaders of creative sector and representatives of science in Lodz. Thanks to it the public may get stimulated to carry out their own projects and become involved in local cultural activities.

All those interested in local culture and art, people wishing to carry out their own projects in this area and, in particular, students planning their professional development in companies in the creative sector are encouraged to attend.

The meetings will take place on Thursdays: 6 and 20 October, and 10 and 24 November at 6.30 p.m. at the Obiecana Cafe on the premises of the Geyer Gardens area at Piotrkowska 295A. 

More information can be found on Facebook.

Full description of the project and its programme:

Thursday 6 October 2022, 6.30 p.m. 

Meeting with Piotr Trybuchowski and Karolina Kołodziej entitled “Bez lania wody, czyli o pisaniu i czytaniu w Łodzi” (subject area: literature and readership in Lodz, the typical career path of 'writers', methods of supporting young authors, the level and themes of Lodz literature, the book market).

Piotr Trybuchowski – owner of the Ossolineum bookshop, co-organiser of the Bookstore Night, President of the foundation "Zakręceni czytaniem", which promotes reading; cultural activist.

Karolina Kołodziej – assistant professor at the Department of Literature of Postitivism and Young Poland Period, University of Lodz; guide to Lodz and the the region; populariser and animator. She is the co-author of the "Przewodnik literacki po Łodzi” and other publications on the literary life of Lodz.


Thursday 20 October 2022 at 6.30 p.m. 

Meeting with Slawomir Fijałkowski and Michael Haze entitled “Sztuka projektów - czyli jak zrealizować projekt artystyczny, pozyskać środki i osiągnąć sukces? [The art of projects - or how to implement an artistic project, get funding and succeed?]   (subject area: specifics of the implementation of projects in culture and the arts, funding methods, entrepreneurship of creative sector representatives, cultural responsibility of business).

Sławomir Fijałkowski – manager and cultural animator, founder of Charlie cinema, graduated in cultural studies and film studies from the University of Lodz, VIP alumni and member of the University of Lodz Council, owner of the Agency of Artistic Events "Pro Cinema", founder of the Association "Łódź Filmowa" and the City of Culture Foundation", member of the Association "Polish Cinemas", Association of Studio Cinemas, Piotrkowska Street Foundation, Forum of Polish Film Festivals and the chapter of the Lodz Avenue of Stars. The most important projects include: Forum of European Cinema Cinergia and the Polish Film Song Competition "Kamer-TON". Sławomir Fijałkowski has been awarded the 'Golden Ticket' by the Association of 'Polish Cinemas' for his outstanding contribution to the dissemination of Polish films. He was awarded the Polish Film Institute Award for the best studio cinema in Poland for 2008. 

Michal Haze – President of the LodzArte Foundation, which promotes and implements the idea of cultural responsibility of business; entrepreneur; long-time board member and President of the Lodz Chamber of Industry and Commerce.


Thursday 10 November 2022 at 6.30 p.m. 

Meeting with Prof. Krzysztof Szmidt and Jolanta Sławińska-Ryszke, entitled "Czy Łódź kreuje? Miasto sprzyjające twórczości” [Does Lodz create? A city conducive to creativity] (subject area: characteristics of the socio-cultural environment that fosters creativity, presentation of data from international research on creative cities in the context of Lodz; presentation of the concept of creative assistance, which was the centre of the programme "Edukacja kulturalna dla Łodzi” [Cultural Education for Lodz], Richard Florida's ‘creative class’ theory). 

Krzysztof J. Szmidt – Professor of social sciences, creativity educator, Head of the Department of Artistic Education and Pedagogy of Creativity, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz; author of numerous books and articles on creativity; creativity coach and lecturer at the University of Lodz; long-time chairperson of the board of the Polish Creativity Association.

Jolanta Slawinska-Ryszka – cultural expert, theatrologist, cultural manager and an educator. She has been co-creating Dotknij Teatru – Lodz's celebration of International Theatre Day for the last 13 years; plenipotentiary of the President of Lodz for cultural education from 2020 to 2022; member of the Forum Krakow Association of Cultural Animators. Currently she is a curator of the UniLodz Culture Zone. Jolanta Slawinska-Ryszka collaborates in the fields of culture, art and science. She is responsible for contacts with the cultural community in Lodz, coordinates various projects, activities and events popularising activities of the University of Lodz in the field of culture. At the University of Lodz, Jolanta Slawinska-Ryszka supports activities within cultural, film and theatre studies, sociology of culture, pedagogy of creativity, cultural animation and visual education. 


Thursday 24 November 2022 at 6.30 p.m. 

Meeting with Małgorzata Zawada and Barbara Olejarczyk entitled “Duch czy materia? Czyli jak żyć, będąc artystą” [Spirit or matter? i.e. how to live being an artist] (subject area: how to profit from artistic projects, possible career paths using visual arts as an example, ways of promotion, funding opportunities for artistic projects).

Małgorzata Zawada – custodian of the Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, Piotrkowska 68, function of chief gallery specialist; formerly art dealer; responsible for young artists; graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Lodz; cultural activist.

Barbara Olejarczyk – art director, graphic designer, painter and social activist. She runs “Krzyżówka”, a grassroots initiative and open multidisciplinary studio for printmaking. She graduated from the Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz in 2018.  


The organiser:

Agnieszka Janiszewska – philologist, editor, writer (the author of the novel "Woda księżycowa" [Moon Water]), doctoral student at the Department of Artistic Education and Pedagogy of Creativity, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz; qualified life coach and a trainer. She specialises in working with artists/people who want to pursue creative projects or find their career path.

Media patron: Radio Łódź

Partners: Charlie cinema, LodzArte Foundation, Ossolineum bookshop, Krzyżówka studio for printmaking, portal "Łódź Kreatywnie", clothing brand "SheMore Monika Szymor", music creator of "Empatia" Patryk Pietroń, "Karolina Wojciechowska - Fotografia Kobieta Biznes", "Formy przekazu" Marta Pokorska-Jurek, Obiecana Cafe.

Event details

Place of the event: Piotrkowska 295A, 93-004 Łódź

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