Nauka inspiruje – dr Damian Jacenik

Dr Damian Jacenik conducts research that in the future may contribute to the treatment of serious intestinal diseases. His systematic progress has been noticed by the scientific community, which resulted in the fact that in 2023 the scientist from the University of Lodz is among the finalists of the Scientific Awards of the Polityka weekly. Dr Jacenik is a manager of the Sonatina grant, he has also obtained funding from the National Science Centre under the Etiuda and Preludium competitions and the START scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). He is an author of 35 publications included in the Philadelphia list, in the case of 14 of them he is the first author.

Dr Damian Jacenik on the background of a collage of colorful cells

Dr Damian Jacenik scientifically deals with diseases of the digestive tract, such as inflammatory bowel diseases and gastrointestinal cancers. He studies the effectiveness of immunotherapy and determines the potential of targeted therapies in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. He is an author of several book chapters and numerous publications. His work has been appreciated, among others: by the Foundation for Polish Science and the weekly "Polityka". 

What inspired you to become a scientist?    

Constant curiosity and the desire to learn about what is not visible to the naked eye have always attracted me and motivated me to act. Understanding the often complex processes that take place in our bodies and emotions that accompany discovering their causes make this work a passion for me. 

What impact does your work have on the surrounding reality?    

Continuous expansion of knowledge related to the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal diseases is an important contribution not only to the development of science, but I believe that it will also contribute to the design of new, more effective therapeutic approaches in the future. 

How do you understand the term: profession of a scientist? 

It is a search for what is unknown or poorly understood and which can improve health and sometimes even change the lives of some people. On the one hand, it makes me feel curious while conducting scientific research but on the other, induces a sense of great responsibility

More information about Dr Damian Jacenik's work 

Dr Damian Jacenik finalistą Nagród Naukowych 2023 [Dr Damian Jacenik as a finalist of the 2023 Science Awards] (in Polish)

Dr Jacenik bada, czy pewne receptory są odpowiedzialne za ciężkie choroby jelit [Dr Jacenik is investigating whether certain receptors are responsible for severe intestinal diseases] (in Polish)

W poszukiwaniu przyczyn chorób jelit [In search of the causes of intestinal diseases] (in Polish)

Scientific achievements

Google Scholar
Web of science


Source: Dr Damian Jacenik (Department of Cytobiochemistry, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection)
Edit: Michał Gruda (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)

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