Hiszpański sukces – „Bałałajki" wygrywają w międzynarodowym festiwalu

Academic Slavic Nations Music Band "Balalaikas" took the first place in the international World Art Games festival organised in Spain.

Success at an international festival

On Friday (13 October), the international World Art Games festival took place in Spain. It is one of the largest festivals addressed to dancers, instrumentalists and bands. As the organisers themselves emphasize, it is not only a chance to win worthy European awards, but also an opportunity to be noticed by school principals, universities and representatives of music institutions from around the world. The festival jury consists of internationally recognized members, and the whole is supported by about 20 ministries of culture from various countries.

The band performed three pieces during this festival: Hava Nagila, Dwa serduszka and Triam-Triam. 

Rehearsals at the Biedermann’s Palace

The band usually rehearses every Friday at 6:30 p.m. at the Biedermann’s Palace, room 06/07. It mainly plays music from Slavic nations, but film music and songs straight from South America are no stranger to it. The members play domras, balalaikas, guitars, harp, violin, transverse flute, drums and accordion. The band has already won several awards at international festivals, and today the first prize in a Spanish festival have joined this list.

A band of Slavic folk enthusiasts

Academic Slavic Nations Music Band was founded in 1969 by Professor Andrzej de Lazari in High School No. 4. Currently it operates at the University of Lodz under the supervision of Prof. Barbara Sobolczyk.

"Balalaikas" is a band that has been bringing together young enthusiasts of Slavic folk for years. Students and high school students from Lodz pursue their musical fascinations using the original instrumentation: balalaikas, domras, guitars, violins, harp, accordion, flute, oboe and percussion. 

The life of the band is about music workshops, concerts and festivals, summer music camps, foreign trips and plenty of other interesting activities.

You can find more information about the band on the University of Lodz website.