Czekolada z misją - wenezuelski słodki finał!

Success! A chocolate workshop with a mission – Taller de chocolate con proposito – was opened at the Reserva Ecologica Guáquira in Venezuela. This is the initiative of Dr Izabela Stachowicz, who throughout 2023 tirelessly collected funds to finance the creation of a place where women from the local community will have an opportunity to develop their own businesses and, thanks to this, will not have to move away from their hometowns to look for work.

Apart from the funds from the fundraiser on the website, Dr Stachowicz has managed to obtain financing from Polish Aid (Ayuda Polaca) through the Polish Embassy in Caracas. The workshop is currently one of the best equipped in the entire Venezuela! Women from the local community participated in the inauguration of the project. The workshop will have a production and training function.
Everything took place in a solemn atmosphere on 8 December. The ceremony was attended by embassy employees, honorary consul and Oscar Pietri, the owner of the reserve as well as the local community.

I am very happy. The opening of the workshop is fantastic news that gives hope, especially to women, for change and sustainable development in this remote corner of the world. This is a new chance for jobs and an income alternative that we are very much counting on. A tapir watches over everything, pralines with his image will be available soon

– says Dr Izabela Stachowicz, who unfortunately could not participate in the ceremony due to very nice personal reasons.

Dr. Izabela Stachowicz next to cocoa fruit

About the initiative in the media

An article in the latest issue of Tygodnik Powszechny (03/01/2024)
Jak pogodzić jakościowy produkt – tu: pyszną czekoladę – z ochroną przyrody? Iza Stachowicz pokazuje, że to możliwe [How to reconcile a quality product – in this case: delicious chocolate – with nature protection? Iza Stachowicz shows that it is possible]

Dzień dobry TVN

Radio 357

An article on the website of the University of Lodz

We would like to congratulate our scientist on her passion, commitment and determination. We are looking forward to the possibility of purchasing Venezuelan chocolates in Poland.

Source: Dr Izabela Stachowicz
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: private archive of Dr Izabela Stachowicz 

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