Julia Gertner z WFH UŁ została uczestniczką "WIIS Poland - NGC Women Mentoring Program"

Julia Gertner, a student at the Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz and until recently an ambassador of our university, has become a participant in the "WIIS Poland – NGC Women Mentoring Program". Of ten qualified students, she is the only humanist and the only student of the University of Lodz participating in the programme.

The programme is addressed to students and young graduates of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) study programmes from Polish universities, interested in continuing their future careers in the field of international security, defense and peace. The programme is to bring together 10 talented participants and 10 experienced mentors during a 12-month course, based on individual mentoring, skills training, study visits and participation in the Warsaw Security Forum 2023.

A photo of Julia Gertner, a student of the Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz

Julia became one of the 10 participants in the programme, because in her research she deals with peacekeeping missions after 1945. This perfectly illustrates how great an impact the subject of the studies has on career development.

A photo of Julia Gertner, a student at the Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz

Currently, WIIS brings together 7,000 experts from many fields worldwide. WIIS members include citizens of over 47 countries: decision-makers, soldiers, diplomats, politicians, scientists, journalists, students and people associated with business. They work on a wide variety of topics: non-proliferation, terrorism, human rights, environmental security, conflict resolution and others.

A photo of Julia Gertner, a student at the Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz

We offer our sincere congratulations and wish more successes! 

Photos: WIIS Poland

Source and Edit: Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz