Koç University – Turcja

It is a small university located on the outskirts of Istanbul that prides itself on being an institution that provides young researchers with a great start to their careers. A survey conducted among its graduates shows that up to 95% of them have obtained doctoral degrees at top US and European universities. Moreover, at KU, the number of scientific publications per person is one of the highest among Turkish universities.

As many as ten universities, located in major European cities, belong to the European University of Post-Industrial Cities alliance. Each offers unique opportunities – both linguistic and academic – that can benefit all staff and students of the University of Lodz. What is good to know about them?

Get to know Koç University!

Koç University has six research centres: College of Engineering, College of Sciences, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Law School, School of Nursing and School of Medicine. Each of them works closely with both national and international stakeholders (such as the European Commission, universities, companies), running numerous complex projects.

One of KU's most popular initiatives is “Summer at Koç University” – a programme that allows students from partner universities to attend summer courses organised at the institution. These courses take place onsite and online and equip their participants, among other things, with knowledge in the areas of leadership, sustainability and social innovation.

UNIC coordinator: unic@ku.edu.tr

Did you know?

  • Istanbul is the world's only transcontinental city! Walking through its streets, you can find yourself once in Europe and once in Asia, depending on which side of the Bosphorus Strait you are in.
  • Istanbul is home to one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world! Kapalı Çarşı, or the Grand Bazaar, is a cluster of about 3,000 shops covering as many as 61 streets!
  • Istanbul is the city of cats! The ubiquity of moggies is a phenomenon referred to by locals as sokak kedisi. It is estimated that there are more than 100,000 stray cats in Istanbul, which some time ago became a symbol of the city.

Get to know Koç University!

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