Paweł Mokrzycki z UŁ w dyrekcji Międzyuczelnianego Centrum Informatyzacji

The Head of the IT Centre of the University of Lodz, Paweł Mokrzycki has been elected a member of the Management Board of the Inter-University Centre for Informatization (MUCI). The Board members were elected on 18 December during the MUCI Council meeting. Congratulations!

Paweł Mokrzycki, Head of the IT Centre of the University of Lodz

The Inter-University Centre for Informatization (MUCI) was established by a resolution of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities (KRUP). This constantly growing consortium of universities shapes and implements the vision of computerization of the academic environment. It is also responsible for coordinating the university's computerization activities.

The IT Centre of the University of Lodz, headed by Paweł Mokrzycki, is responsible for maintaining and developing the IT ecosystem of our university. Currently, it employs specialists with a very wide and diverse range of competences. They maintain network, server and telecommunications infrastructure, implement new systems and develop their own IT products, service equipment and support users. They are telecommunications specialists, network and infrastructure administrators, database specialists and programmers. The Centre's management is also responsible for supporting the university authorities in the process of making strategic decisions in the area of computerization.

The University of Lodz IT Centre constantly creates new products and develops those that are already existing. The Employee Service (PP) of the University of Lodz is one of the largest and most important IT tools created by the employees of the IT Centre. It is a remote control centre for the university's administrative affairs. The University employees can collect their PIT and salary slips here and remotely submit a leave application. The Employee Service also includes news, regulations and any announcements that are important from their point of view. It enables electronic document circulation and is a platform gathering all people professionally related to UniLodz. The Centre's employees manage to successfully commercialise this tool due to its numerous advantages.

Currently, the University of Lodz IT Centre is also working on a project management module in the Employee Service. The latest product of the Centre is the recently implemented student application MyUniLodz. Work is constantly in progress, among other things, on: new electronic documents and a mobile app for employees.

Text and edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz