Prof. Aneta Pawłowska laureatką nagrody za osiągnięcia w dziedzinie upowszechniania kultury

On 21 September 2023, during the inauguration ceremony of the 2023/2024 cultural season in Lodz, diplomas were awarded to the winners of this year's artistic scholarship programme of the City of Lodz as well as to artists and animators who have received awards for achievements in the field of artistic creation, promotion and protection of culture.

The presentation of awards for achievements in the field of artistic creation, promotion and protection of culture is one of the most important points of the inauguration programme. The following people can apply for the awards: representatives of cultural institutions, non-governmental organisations, universities, the Culture Committee of the Lodz City Council and the Mayor of Lodz. Over the years, the awards have been given to over 360 people. The winners over the years include such renowned creators and people of culture as: Józef Robakowski, Paweł Edelman, Stanisław Fijałkowski, Piotr Dzięcioł, Elżbieta Adamiak and Andrzej Poniedzielski.

Award in the culture promotion category

Prof. Aneta Pawłowska among the winners of the award for achievements in the field of artistic creation, dissemination and protection of culture

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Aneta Pawłowska (Vice-Dean for part-time, postgraduate studies and international cooperation at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Lodz) is among the winners. She received an award in the culture promotion category. The winner works, among others, for people with sensory disabilities and people affected by social exclusion. Thanks to her activities, a new, important group of recipients of culture and art in Lodz is being created. Many senior citizens and young people with disabilities have significantly improved their competences related to full participation in culture.

We would like to offer our sincere congratulations and wish further professional success



Edit: Mateusz Kowalski (Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz)

Photo: HaWa