Ruhr University Bochum – Niemcy

Based in the heart of Europe, RUB is one of Germany's largest universities with a focus on academic networking, interdisciplinary projects, sustainability and supporting young scientific talents. Determined to make it easier for researchers to take their first steps on the career path, it helps them to perfect their skills through numerous training groups, the Career Track programme and the renowned Research School.

As many as ten universities, located in major European cities, belong to the European University of Post-Industrial Cities alliance. Each offers unique opportunities – both linguistic and academic – that can benefit all staff and students of the University of Lodz. What is good to know about them?

Get to know Ruhr University Bochum!

The research conducted at Ruhr University Bochum draws from a variety of disciplines and allows the exchange of knowledge (mainly in the fields of IT security, neuroscience, solvation, subsurface engineering and the circular economy). The quality of RUB's activities is evidenced by, among other things, as many as eleven ERC grants and twelve research centres.

The subject of sustainability is among the most important areas the university intends to invest in over the next few years. A think-tank set up for this purpose is working on the issue, with the aim of making RUB a fully sustainable place, friendly to academics, researchers and students alike.

UNIC coordinator: 

Did you know?

  • The Ruhr area is now one of the largest conurbations in Europe! There are 1,000 industrial monuments, 200 museums, 123 theatres (including three musical ones) and 250 festivals hosted each year.
  • Former industrial sites in the Ruhr Valley have been redesigned into places for relaxation, sport and cultural experiences!
  • The Bochum Planetarium has one of the most advanced systems in the world! The projection equipment installed at the facility displays shows involving all kinds of celestial bodies on a dome with a diameter of 20 metres, and in high resolution.

Get to know Ruhr University Bochum!

Ruhr-Universität Bochum