Nauka inspiruje – dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka

She graduated from the Faculty of Educational Sciences but pursues her professional career at the Faculty of Geographical Sciences at the University of Lodz. She is passionate about pedagogy in the field of prevention and socio-cultural animation. She gained her first professional skills and qualifications while working as a coordinator of educational projects implemented thanks to the obtained European funds. She has discovered a wealth of experience, friendship and passion for working with people thanks to her activities in the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP). She has carefully examined whether Lodz creatively organises free time for its residents.

Dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka on the background of the Freedom Square in Lodz seen from a bird's eye view at night in winter weather with snow on the roofs of buildings

Dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka is a teacher by education and at heart. She has become a geographer by choice. Her research interests include creative approach to tourism and recreation. She is also a fan of teaching, a tutor and the supervisor of "Włóczykije" - the University of Lodz Student Science Club of Tourism Geographers.

What inspired you to become a scientist?   

The stay in Sweden as part of the Erasmus scholarship during my MA studies was particularly inspiring. Contact with people with broad horizons and ambitious plans made me think about my professional career in a different way. I wanted to be able to discover and share my knowledge and skills with others.

What impact does your work have on the surrounding reality? 

I am interested in the city and its creative potential. By researching creative initiatives in Lodz, I discover other, less known faces of it and the passionate people working there. It is important for me to look for original, but also valuable solutions in the field of organising urban tourism and recreation.

How do you understand the term: profession of a scientist? 

For me, a scientist is a person who infects others with the desire to seek the truth and do good job.

More information about Dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka’s work

Blog osobisty - Geo-pedagog

New meanings of computer-based entertainment and communication among students in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic

Implementation of a research project thanks to the National Science Centre funds
Rola organizacji miejskiej przestrzeni rekreacyjnej w rozwoju rekreacji twórczej. Przykład Łodzi [The role of the urban recreational space organisation in the development of creative recreation. The example of Lodz]

  • The project objective was to explain the role of the urban recreational space organisation in the development of creative recreation using the example of the city of Lodz.
  • The cognitive goal of the project was to identify outdoor creative recreation in urban recreational space, its arrangement and methods of organisation.
  • The scientific objectives include: testing and verification of the theory of creative recreation organisation in the urban recreational space using the example of Lodz and assessing its usefulness.
  • The methodological goal was primarily to create a model of urban recreational space conducive to the organisation of creative recreation through an analysis of participants of outdoor creative recreation, characteristics of the organisers of such events and identification of significant elements in the urban recreational space conducive to the outdoor creative recreation organisation.
  • The project also had an application goal, which was to elaborate recommendations for local authorities pertaining to the use of the potential of urban recreational space for the development of creative recreation.

Conclusions from the above research will be published in the form of an interview with Dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka on the website of the University of Lodz in the coming week.

Scientific achievements

Web of Science

Source: dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka (Institute of Urban Geography, Tourism Studies and Geoinformation, Faculty of Geographical Sciences)
Edit: Michał Gruda (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)

The mission of the University of Lodz is to conduct reliable research and actively disseminate facts and research results so as to wisely educate future generations, be useful to society and courageously respond to the challenges of the modern world. Scientific excellence is always our best compass. Our values include: courage, curiosity, commitment, cooperation and respect