Dr Anna Barańska-Szmitko is an expert in communication and media linguistics. She is a research and teaching employee at the Department of Journalism and Social Communication of the University of Lodz. In her work she combines the linguistics and social sciences methods. Her scientific interests focus on the study of image. She is fascinated by communication processes that influence the discourse and image construction, especially in new media. Currently, she focuses on the study of the authenticity of politicians communicated in social media, but also on the authenticity and authority of YouTubers advising on mental health. She is an author of two books and numerous scientific papers, and a winner of scientific and teaching awards.
What inspired you to become a scientist?
I have never dreamt of any specific profession. However, curiosity about the world, an attempt to understand what is incomprehensible, the conviction of the importance of openness of mind are important values that I took after my mother. In turn, thanks to my father, I value reliability and meticulousness. With such inspiration, the scientific route was a natural choice for me.
What impact does your work have on the surrounding reality?
I would like schools to teach about media as part of a subject devoted to them. In a world ruled by algorithms, in the era of joy and harm caused by likes, comments or shares, knowledge about the image and (social) media as well as awareness of their operation allow you to use them on your own terms.
How do you understand the term: profession of a scientist?
For me, practicing the profession of a scientist is more about an attitude than specific actions. A scientist wants to expand knowledge, asks questions and seeks answers, and shares their findings with others. A scientist is driven by passion and inquisitiveness.
More information about Dr Anna Barańska-Szmitko’s work
Metody badań komunikacji i mediów [Communication and media research methods] (in Polish)
Wpływ słowa i obrazu na wizerunek osoby publicznej [The influence of words and pictures on the image of a public figure] (in Polish)
Wizerunek felietonisty i sposoby jego werbalnego komunikowania [Image of a columnist and ways of communicating it verbally] (in Polish)
Scientific achievements
Source: Dr Anna Barańska-Szmitko (Department of Journalism and Social Communication, Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz)
Edit: Sara Paszko, Michał Gruda (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)
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