Naukowcy z UniLodz contra zmiany klimatu

Climate change on Earth is a fact. We can feel it globally as well as locally. Large population centres in cities are particularly exposed to climate change. Researchers from the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz, in cooperation with scientists from other research institutions in Poland, participate in a project that motivates all city users to improve the quality of environment.


Dr Agnieszka Rzeńca from the Department of Regional Economics and Environment of the University of Lodz is involved in the pro-climate activities on behalf of the University of Lodz. The researcher is a co-author of the book in Polish: "Miasta i ich mieszkańcy w obliczu wyzwań adaptacji do zmian klimatu" [Cities and their inhabitants in the face of challenges of adaptation to climate change], which is supplemented by a series of podcasts. The publication is available to everyone, free of charge in open science resources.

- Today we need to focus on multi-faceted cooperation of various social groups for the sake of joint actions - says dr A. Rzeńca.

- We show, how local community can function in a practical way and how it can contribute to the improvement of environment quality in its immediate surroundings, and simultaneously, improve the quality of environment on a global scale - adds the researcher.

The series entitled "Rozmowy o klimacie w miastach" [Discussions about the climate in cities] consists of 11 inspiring conversations (in Polish) with scientists, experts, local government officials and urban activists. The podcasts are available on the University of Lodz's Soundcloud platform.

The series of discussions is opened by prof. Piotr Skubała from the University of Silesia in Katowice, co-author of the book and podcasts.

Let us give the floor to the authors of the project:

How to actively act in the cities to protect the climate?

The question is answered by the hosts and guests of the podcast series "Rozmowy o klimacie w miastach" [Discussions about the climate in cities] supplementing the publication on this issue. The monograph: "Miasta i ich mieszkańcy w obliczu wyzwań adaptacji do zmian klimatu" [Cities and their inhabitants in the face of challenges of adaptation to climate change]. The publication was published by the Polish Academy of Sciences in April 2021. Its authors are:

· dr Paulina Legutko (SGH Warsaw School of Economics),

· dr Agnieszka Rzeńca (University of Lodz),

· prof. Piotra Skubała (University of Silesia in Katowice),

· dr Agnieszka Sobol (Institute of Urban and Regional Development).

The book focuses on a particularly important topic of climate change in cities, and above all on the influence of city users on improving the quality of life and programming development in the conditions of an environmental crisis. The publication indicates that cities, on the one hand, are 'triggers' of an increasing climate problem, and on the other hand, due to numerous possibilities they provide a chance to take a real fight to prevent the negative effects.

The approach that binds the monograph and podcasts together is the personal perspective. It allows to define the role of city users and their activities (substantive scope and scale) that influence the environment condition in cities. A clear emphasis was placed on the issue of cooperation and collaboration as well as building platforms for the exchange of knowledge, dissemination of good practices and mutual inspiration.

The authors of the monograph, together with the invited guests - representatives of selected groups of city users - local authorities and public administration, residents and non-government organisations, educational institutions, architects and designers of urban space as well as local business - created 11 inspiring conversations about what activities are undertaken in the context of preparing Polish cities for climate change. The scientists' conversations with the invited guests present the perspective of specific representatives of the groups described in the book.

The podcasts along with the monograph constitute a coherent "publishing and radio play" project. Nevertheless, each of these elements can be used independently.

One of the guests invited to the discussion was prof. Mariusz Sokołowicz, head of the Department of Regional Economics and Environment at the University of Lodz.

In the episode entitled "Do we have a chance to save the planet?" prof. Sokołowicz replies: Will mankind be able to recover from the climate crisis, what should be changed? What should green cities look like? He also talks about practical involvement of the employees and students of the University of Lodz in the activities for climate protection, such as: "EkoEksc" at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, or the Advisory Team for climate and environmental policy at the University of Lodz.

The "trigger slogan" to take up the topic of climate change in cities was the well-known motto: Treat Earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was lent to you by your children."

This thought dictates common sense and responsibility in everyday activities. This applies to everyone without exception. The series authors hope that the knowledge contained in the podcasts and the book will become a source of reflection and inspiration for actions that are friendly to our planet, both for the inhabitants of contemporary cities and for the benefit of future generations.

The authors of the "project" would like to thank everyone who contributed to its creation, especially the guests of the podcast series and the team of "Śląska Opinia"


· dr Paulina Legutko (SGH Warsaw School of Economics),

· dr Agnieszka Rzeńca (University of Lodz),

· prof. Piotr Skubała (University of Silesia in Katowice),

· dr Agnieszka Sobol (Institute of Urban and Regional Development).

Introduction: Promotion Centre, UL