Naukowcy UŁ w Radzie Doskonałości Naukowej na lata 2024-2027

The newly elected Scientific Excellence Council (for the term 2024-2027) includes three scientists from the University of Lodz.

The following scientists from the University of Lodzwere were appointed members of the Scientific Excellence Council (2024-2027):

Prof. Dr hab. Kaja Kaźmierska from the University of Lodz Faculty of Economics and Sociology (field of social sciences, discipline – sociological sciences) who is the Head of the Department of the Sociology of Culture at the University of Lodz and the Director of the Institute of Sociology. She specialises in biographical research, issues of identity and biographical and collective memory. She is an author of books and articles on this subject and a manager of several research projects of the National Science Centre and the German-Polish Science Foundation.

Prof. Dr hab. Michał Grabowski from the University of Lodz Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection (field of exact and natural sciences, discipline – biological sciences) who is the Head of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology and a member of the Committee of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences: 2007-2011, 2011-2014. He is also a member the Lodz Scientific Society and the Committee of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2016). Prof. Dr hab. Michał Grabowski has been a member of the Scientific Council of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Science (since 2019) and a Polish representative in the Scientific Committee of the International Barcode of Life.

Prof. Dr hab. Bogusław Śliwerski from the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Lodz (field of social sciences, discipline – pedagogy), who is the Head of the Department of Theory of Upbringing and the Head of the Sub-department of Comparative Pedagogy at the University of Lodz Faculty of Educational Sciences. He is the Vice-President of the Polish Educational Research Association and an ordinary member of the Lodz Scientific Society. He is a member of the scientific councils of several pedagogical journals and the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Studia z Teorii Wychowania" published by the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw.

Voting for candidates for the Council for Scientific Excellence Council took place from 1 to 30 September this year. The minutes of the elections held were adopted by the Election Committee on 6 October.

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz