University of Liège – Belgia

Guided by the motto 'Scientia optimum' (i.e. “excellence through science”), University of Liège is an institution with as many as fifteen key researchers associated with the world of knowledge. Their activities, carried out throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, have contributed to the development of science as we know it, gaining recognition in the form of numerous awards (including, for example, nominations for the Nobel Prize).

As many as ten universities, located in major European cities, belong to the European University of Post-Industrial Cities alliance. Each offers unique opportunities – both linguistic and academic – that can benefit all staff and students of the University of Lodz. What is good to know about them?

Get to know the University of Liège!

University of Liège continues the direction set by eminent academics, educating students so as to reach their maximum potential. However, it is done taking into account five key values of the ULiège, i.e. integrity, humanity, freedom, courage and responsibility.

Biology, engineering, mathematics and earth sciences – all of which are ranked highly in global rankings – are among the academically strongest study programmes that the university offers.

One of the organisers of the University of Lodz, i.e. Prof. Teodor Vieweger was a graduate of the University of Liège.

Teodor Vieweger's name on the student list of the University of Liège

Teodor Vieweger's name on the student list of the University of Liège

UNIC coordinator:

Did you kbow?

  • Liège is famous for its waffles! All in all, it is hardly surprising, given that this delicacy is one of the most popular dishes in Belgium (right next to chips)! It should be noted, however, that waffles in Liège are different from those everywhere else: they are crispy, with uneven edges and extremely sweet.
  • The province's most famous festival is Le Quinze Août! The event, although linked to religious celebrations, is famous for its flea market, dances, concerts and games.
  • The province of Liège hosts one of the most unique Christmas fairs in the world! The fair takes place in the Grottes de Wonck, a network of caves, and you can buy beautiful handicraft specimens there.

Get to know the University of Liège!

University of Liège