Academic campus of the University of Lodz is known in Lodz as Lumumbowo. The name stems from the address, as the first UL dormitories were located at ul. Lumumby, in a charming and green part of the city. Lumumbowo is located at the tram terminal (in the language of Lodz “krańcówka”) from which you can easily get to the main buildings of the University of Lodz in the city. Some Faculties are located in the direct neighbourhood of the dormitories.

Sounds interesting? See who can get a place in a student dormitory and check other important information that each future and current resident of the UL Dormitory at Lumumbowo should know.  

Remember, that all applications in a printed form should always be delivered to COSiD-SB – Service Centre for Students and PhD Candidates – Social Affairs Department: Lumumby 1, 91-404 Lodz.



Students of the first-cycle, second-cycle and doctoral studies can apply for a place in the UL dormitories. Once you have been admitted a place you can use it till obtaining a specific scientific degree, unless you decide to change the room or the dormitory earlier. 

Remember that the priority in applying for granting a place in a dormitory is given to people from full-time studies, for whom the distance from their place of residence makes it difficult to travel to the University every day.  
Detailed information about how to apply for a place in a dormitory of the University of Lodz can be found below.

Application forms can be found in the DOCUMENT DATABASE

Prices of beds/rooms in the UL dormitories are lower than the market prices for renting apartments. This is yet another argument that convinces students to choose Lumumbowo. A monthly cost of rental is from PLN 370 to PLN 820 and depends on a specific dormitory, and on how many people you share your room with. 


You can live in a dormitory of the University of Lodz from October 1 to the last day of the summer examination session. 



If you want to stay in the dormitory for a period of holidays (1.07-30.09), you need to submit a relevant application until 15 June. Remember that the priority in applying for granting a place in a dormitory for a period of holidays is given to people who lived in the dorm during the academic year.

Yes, you can; however first you need to contact the manager of a given UL dormitory and submit a declaration of willingness to live together. If you are to share your room with other residents, you must obtain their consent in writing.


Yes, you can. The Rector can agree for that after issuing an opinion on the application (previously submitted to COSiD-SB – Service Centre for Students and PhD Candidates). A student who brings up a child on his/her own or a married couple with a child can live in a dormitory. In both cases you will need a photocopy of the abbreviated birth certificate of the child. 



Yes, you can. The Rector may grant permission to live in a single room for students who have a valid certificate of disability, a valid certificate from a specialist doctor, which confirms a long-term treatment, a chronic disease and the need to live in certain conditions. The consent is also issued in other exceptional circumstances. The application for a single room has to be submitted to COSiD-SB – Service Centre for Students and PhD Candidates. 


Once you become a resident of the UL Dormitory you need to follow several basic rules, which can be found in the RULES OF ALLOCATION AND USE OF HOUSING IN THE UNIVERSITY OF LODZ DORMITORIES, available here [LINK]  

Please pay attention to the fact that due to Covid-19 pandemic the University of Lodz applies special precautions. Therefore, throughout the whole period of pandemic in the UL dormitories special sanitary regime applies, which you have to follow strictly, even though in Poland some restrictions have already removed. Our priority is to ensure safety for both students and dormitory employees.

Please remember that the following rules apply at the UL dorms: 

  1. The Dormitory Reception has the right to check every entry and going out of its residents. They can ask you why you are leaving the building, where you are going and when you will be back. They can also check if you are coming back at the declared time.  Each time it happens, you will have an obligation to write the time of your entering and leaving the dormitory.
  2. You can leave the UL dormitory for one or more nights after having it previously agreed on with the dormitory manager. In case of not arranging it with the manager you will lose your place. Your personal belongings will be packed and placed in a safe place.
  3. No people from the outside of the UL dormitory or residents of other dormitories are allowed on the premises of the dorm.
  4. The dormitory is closed at 11 p.m. (23:00).
  5. TV rooms and gyms are closed.
  6. Face masks should be worn every time you leave your room: in all areas of common use (e.g., corridors, laundry rooms, reception desk area).
  7. At a time, there can be only one person in the common kitchen.
  8. There is a ban on gathering of residents on the corridors.  

Violation of the above rules will result in the removal from the UL dormitory. Please remember that these restrictions are introduced for the safety of both: you – students, as well as dormitory administration. If you don’t agree with the rules, please consider another place of residence.   

In case of continuation of an epidemic threat, the University of Lodz reserves the right to keep the above listed rules in the new academic year.

Yes, you can. If you are planning to come to the University of Lodz under a student exchange programme, you can apply for a place in a dormitory of the UL during registration. The principle of admitting places in a dormitory is, as follows: those who properly finish the registration process first, are higher up on the list of those entitled to accommodation. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that every student will get a place.